September 25, 2024

Ethiopia Digital Boost  _ Ethiopian News
 Some of the youth supported by the USAID Kefeta project (Photo courtesy of US Embassy in Addis Ababa)

U.S. Embassy Addis Ababa
Press Release

Addis Ababa,  At the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) 2024 Annual Meeting, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Vodafone Foundation, Safaricom Telecommunications Ethiopia PLC (SFET) and Amref Health Africa announced a new, two-year USD 2.7 million (€2.4 million) partnership to empower Ethiopian youth through technology and digitized youth services.

The funding will augment the USAID Kefeta Integrated Youth Project, enhancing its youth centers with advanced technology infrastructure, improving primary and secondary education for internally displaced people, digitizing youth services, establishing youth-friendly digital incubation hubs to promote innovation and self-employment, and increasing youth employability by improving digital literacy and innovation. This initiative will benefit youth in Mekele, Debre Berhan, Bahir Dar, Hawassa, Addis Ababa, and Adama, Ethiopia.

USAID Mission Director, Scott Hocklander, stated, “By opening up the information superhighway to Kefeta’s youth, expanding digital and entrepreneurial skills, and broadening Kefeta’s reach and efficacy, this partnership will enable Ethiopia’s youth to compete on par with their global peers for greater access to a world of opportunities.”

Joakim Reiter, Vodafone Chief External & Corporate Affairs Officer and Vodafone Foundation Trustee, added, “Building on the strong progress made by USAID in creating youth-empowering centers across Ethiopia, Vodafone Foundation and our partners are seeking to take Kefeta to the next level. We are bringing our know-how and experience in operating Instant Network Schools in Africa to Kefeta, boosting opportunities for young Ethiopians to elevate their potential through digital learning, skills, and entrepreneurship.”

The USAID Kefeta project empowers 2 million youth across 18 urban centers in Ethiopia, advancing their economic, social, and civic opportunities. The initiative has established a successful network of 48 corporate partners, created over 7,600 job opportunities, and set up youth-owned and managed Savings and Credit Co-operative Organizations (SACCOs) with 8,000 youth shareholders or members in 18 cities.
