Opinion: Ending famines and chronic hunger requires good governance

  By Paul Dorosh 28 June 2017 The United Nations’ urgent call in February for hunger relief for 20 million people in South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Nigeria has drawn the world’s attention to the connection between conflict and hunger. While there is no doubt that armed conflicts are a main driver of these hunger crises, more mundane problems […]

Reports: UAE Sends Yemeni Terror Suspects to Eritrean Prison

By Salem Solomon, VOA | June 29th, 2017 The United Arab Emirates has transferred terrorism suspects from Yemen to a secret prison in Assab, Eritrea, according to former detainees and Yemeni officials. The facility on the Red Sea coast is part of a regional network of prisons in which torture and abuse are rampant, independent […]

“የኦሮሚያን ልዩ ጥቅም ለማስከበር” እያሉ በነፃ አሳልፎ መስጠት አለ እንዴ? – ስዩም ተሾመ

June 28, 2017 23:51 የሚኒስትሮች ምክር ቤት ባወጣው መግለጫ ላይ አራት ግዜ አዲስ አበባ በኦሮሚያ ክልል “እምብርት ላይ የምትገኝ በመሆኗ” ይላል። የሕገ-መንግስቱ አንቀፅ 49 (5) ግን አዲስ አበባ በኦሮሚያ ክልል “መሃል” የሚገኝ መሆኑን የሚጠቅሰው “ሁለቱን በሚያስተሳስሩ አስተዳደራዊ ጉዳዮች” ሊኖሩ እንደሚችሉና በዚህም የክልሉ ልዩ ጥቅም ሊጠበቅለት ስለሚገባ ነው። የሕገ-መንግስቱ ድንጋጌ ታሳቢ ያደረገው አዲስ አበባ የክልሉ “እምብርት” […]

KEFI Minerals looks to Ethiopia-familiar sources to fund Tulu Kapi

15:44 29 Jun 2017 The company has elevated its focus onto alternative financiers familiar with Africa and especially Ethiopia KEFI Minerals plc (LON:KEFI) has reiterated that its Tulu Kapi gold mine in Ethiopia is viable at at a gold price well below current levels and that financing talks are making progress. Three proposals built around […]

ግልፅ ደብዳቤ ለልሳነ ግፉዓን ድርጅት አባላትና ደጋፊዎች

June 28, 2017 15:36   ጉዳዩ፡ “ልሳነ ግፉዓን ከዚህ ወዴት?” መቅድም በቅድሚያ እራሱን “የትግራይ ህዝብ ነፃ አውጭ ድርጅት” እያለ የሚጠራው ወራሪና ተስፋፊ ቡድን የተከዜን ወንዝ ተሻግሮ የጎንደርን ታሪካዊ መሬቶች በሃይል ለመያዝ ከሞከረበት ጊዜ ጀምሮ በሚቻላችሁ ሁሉ በመቃወም ውድ ህይወታችሁን ለሰዋችሁ፣ ወርቃማውን የወጣትነትና የጎልማሳነት ዘመናችሁን በእስር፣ በስቃይና፣ በስደት ለማሳለፍ የተገደዳችሁ፣ ትዳራችሁንና ህፃናት ልጆቻችሁን ያለ አባትና አሳዳጊ […]

Chinese-funded airport project in Ethiopia to be completed next January

Source:Xinhua Published: 2017/6/28 23:15:02 Expansion work on Ethiopia’s largest airport the Addis Ababa Bole International Airport is expected to be finished just in time for the 30th Ordinary Summit of the African Union in January 2018. The statement was sent to Xinhua on Wednesday by Hailu Lemu, Chief Engineer of Ethiopian Airports Enterprise (EAE), the […]

Ethiopia and World Bank agree five-year deal

  By:Vivienne Russell 28 Jun 17   Ethiopia and the World Bank have agreed a new five-year partnership to build on the considerable development gains achieved over the past decade and boost institutional accountability. The renewed partnership stresses sustainable and inclusive growth, placing a focus on education, increased access to markets and job creation for […]

ኢትዮጵያ የሁሉም ኢትዮጵያዉያን እኩል ሀገር መሆን እንዲችል:- አዲስ አበባን እንደ ማሳያ – ሸንቁጥ አየለ

June 28, 2017 05:49 አዲስ አበባ ላይ እራሱ የወሰነዉን ዉሳኔ እና ረቂቅ ህግ እያለ የሚያሰራጨዉን ነገር በማራገብ በኢትዮጵያዉያን መካከል የጥላቻ መርዝ እንዲሰራጭ ወያኔ ደፋ ቀና እያለ ነዉ:: አዲስ አበባም ላይ ሆነ እሌሎች ጉዳዮች ላይ ወያኔ እየወሰነ ያለዉ ሆን ብሎ ህዝብን በሚያፋጅ እና ጸረ ኢትዮጵያዊነት በሆነ መልኩ ነዉ::ኢትዮጵያን ወያኔ በቅኝ ግዛት ስለያዛት ቅኝ ገዥነቱን በሚያጠናክር መልክ: […]