Ethiopia’s tense ethnic federalism is being tested again

By Quartz September 15, 2017 The federal republic of Ethiopia is one of Africa’s most daring constitutional experiments. The radical idea—that by institutionalizing ethnic divisions the country might peacefully overcome them—was a gamble from the outset. The doubters have largely been proven wrong: Ethiopia’s distinct model of ethnically-based federalism has, since it was introduced in […]

Ethiopia’s ethnic crisis escalates: deaths, displacements reported

15-09-2017 (africanews) Ethnic clashes between Ethiopia’s Oromo and Somali regional states have escalated leading to reports of deaths and displacement in the respective regions. A top official of the Oromia regional government confirmed to the BBC that 18 people had died from the clashes – twelve Somalis and six Oromos were involved. He further clarified that the […]

እንዲጠፋ የተፈለገው ማን ነው? (ሃብታሙ አያሌው)

Posted by admin | September 15, 2017   የህወሓት አለቃ መለስ ዜናዊን መልዓከ ሞት ከቅዱሷ ምድር እስከ ወዲያኛው ቢያስወግደውም። የደገሰልን የ “ኢንተር ሃሞይ” እልቂት የዘር ማጥራት ዘመቻ በደኖ፤ አርባ ጉጉ፤ ጉራፈርዳ፤ በአማራን ጥረገው እቅድ “በሞፈር ዘመት” ስያሜ ስንቱን ውድ የኢትዮጵያ ልጅ ጭዳ ሲያደርገው የመለስ እቅድ በስልጣን ለመቆየት ህዝብ መከፋፈል መግዛትና በኋላም ዶሮ ለቅማ (በልታ) የተረፋትን […]

የኢትዮጵያ የድንበር ግጭት አፈታት ሕግ፡ ተርሚነስን ፍለጋ፤ (በውብሸት ሙላት)

  Posted by admin | September 15, 2017 የኢትዮጵያ የድንበር ግጭት አፈታት ሕግ፡ ተርሚነስን ፍለጋ፤ (በውብሸት ሙላት) ኢትዮጵያ እልባት ያላገኙ በርካታ የድንበር ጉዳዮች አሉባት፡፡ከአዋሳኝ አገራት ጋር ብቻ ሳይሆን በውስጥም በክልሎች እና ከዚያ በታች በሚገኙ አስተዳደራዊ እርከኖች ላይ የድንበር ጉዳይ አሁንም ቢሆን እየቆየ የሚነሳ ወይንም ደግሞ የሚያገረሽ ግጭትን እያስከተለ ይገኛል፡፡ ኢትዮጵያ እንደ አንድ ሉዓላዊ አገር ከሁሉም […]

What is behind clashes in Ethiopia’s Oromia and Somali regions?

  At least 30,000 people have fled their homes Thousands of people have fled Ethiopia’s Somali region following deadly clashes in recent days between ethnic Somalis and Oromos. The BBC’s Kalkidan Yibeltal looks at the cause of the conflict and whether it can be stopped. Dozens of people are reported to have died in clashes […]

Ethiopian restaurants foster community in Silver Spring

 MIA O’NEILL Capital News Service September 15, 2017 2:17 PM SILVER SPRING, Md. Beginning in the mid-1970s, war and political turbulence led a large number of Ethiopians to flee their home country. Many of these emigrants came to the United States, with a particularly high number settling in the Washington region. Thanks to a welcoming […]

Ethiopia sending troops to region of deadly ethnic clashes

 Sep 15, 2:34 PM EDT   By ELIAS MESERET,Associated Press ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — Ethiopia’s government said Friday it is sending troops to a region where deadly clashes have broken out between Oromo and Somali ethnic groups. Somali regional officials say more than 50 people were killed in an attack against ethnic Somalis in […]

ያለ መግደርደር ኢትዮጵያዊ ነኝ – የሳዲቅ አህመድ ንግግር (ኦክላንድ ካሊፎርኒያ)

September 12  ኢትዮጵያዊነትን ሌሎች ብቻ ሳይሆኑ የማይረዱትና የማያዉቁት በእኛም በኢትዮጵያዉያኑ ዘንድ እራስን በራስ የመረዳት ችግር አለ።ኢትዮጵያዊነት የሚለካዉ አገርን በገዙ፣አገርን በመሩ ባሉና በነበሩ ሐይላት ሳይሆን፤ ህዝቡ በሰነቀዉ ልዩ የፍቅር ስንቅ ነዉ። ህዝባችን እንደ ህዝብ በፍቅር ኖረ እንጂ ከጥላቻ ጋር አለተቆራኘም። ህዝባችን በባህሉ፣በሐይማኖቱ ተከባብሮና ተዋዶ የወል እሴቶችን ገንብቶ እስካለንበት ትዉልድ ድረስ ያለችዉን ኢትዮጵያን አቆይቷል።ስለዚህ የማንነት ቀዉስን ፈጥሮ […]

ከደብረ ሊባኖስ ገዳም የ“ውሻ ገደል” መንደር ከ2ሺ በላይ ነዋሪዎች ይነሣሉ

Monday, 11 September 2017 00:00 Written by  አለማየሁ አንበሴ ከ60 እስከ 70 ሚሊየን ብር ካሳ፣ በቤተ ክርስቲያኒቱ ይፈጸማል የገዳሙ ታሪካዊና መንፈሳዊ ህልውና አደጋ ላይ ወድቋል ተባለ መካነ ቅርሱን በዩኔስኮ ለማስመዝገብ እየታሰበ ነው – ክልሉ ከአንድ ሺሕ ዓመት በላይ ዕድሜ ባስቆጠረው ደብረ ሊባኖስ ገዳም አካባቢ የተቆረቆረው መንደር ወደ ከተማነት በመለወጡ፣ የገዳሙ ታሪካዊና መንፈሳዊ ህልውና አደጋ ላይ […]

Ethiopian Somali Democratic Council Press Release

September 14, 2017   Press Release We, the Ethiopian Somali Democratic Council, urges the international community to look into the atrocity that is going on in Somali Region of Ethiopia. The Oromo and Somalis in those regions live peacefully for century; however, the current distorted policy of Somali and Oromo Regional states backed by EPRDF […]