UN Security Council extends African Union mission in Somalia

September 1, 2017 UNITED NATIONS New York (Xinhua) — The UN Security Council on Wednesday unanimously adopted a resolution to extend the mandate of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) until May 31, 2018 and authorized a downsizing of troops. The council decided to reduce the level of uniformed personnel to a maximum of […]

Ethiopian mother is left blind and unable to speak or eat because her mouth is MELTED shut after a horrific acid attack by her husband

 September 1, 2017 WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Atsede Nigussiem, 26, was at home in Tigrai, Ethiopia, when she was attacked Husband Haimanot Kahsai, 29, knocked on the door and poured acid over her Such is the severity of her injuries, she now has to eat and drink through a straw The victim is now awaiting a […]

Ethiopia says Somalia helped in rebel leader’s ‘surrender’

Sep 1, 1:43 PM EDT Abdikarin Sheikh Muse  By ELIAS MESERET Associated Press ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — Ethiopia on Friday said a senior figure with the rebel Ogaden National Liberation Front has willingly surrendered, days after the group accused neighboring Somalia’s security forces of kidnapping and forcibly extraditing him. Ethiopia foreign ministry spokesman Meles […]

Dr. Avi Yitzhaki becomes first IDF colonel of Ethiopian descent

‘I have no doubt teenagers in general and teenagers from the Ethiopian community in particular will see this as a realization of the phrase “If you will it, it is no dream,”‘ Yitzhaki says after receiving his new rank from IDF chief Eisenkot. Yoav Zitun|Published:  01.09.17 , 22:46 Dr. Avi Yitzhaki, the chief medical officer […]

Leaked document: South Sudan infiltrates Ethiopia’s Gambella political system

  September 1, 2017   Gambella’s Parliament. Photo: File Juba, September 1, 2017 (SSNA) — South Sudanese government agents have penetrated Ethiopia’s Gambella region political system by bribing politicians, civil servants, and police officers, a document leaked to the South Sudan News Agency (SSNA) has revealed. The text, which was provided to the SSNA by […]

Kenya presidential election cancelled by Supreme Court

Kenya general election 2017   A Kenyan opposition stronghold celebrates the decision Kenya’s Supreme Court has annulled the result of last month’s presidential election, citing irregularities, and ordered a new one within 60 days. The election commission had declared incumbent Uhuru Kenyatta the winner by a margin of 1.4 million votes. Raila Odinga, Mr Kenyatta’s […]

Denmark sets aside millions for vulnerable drought victims in Ethiopia

The development minister visited the beleaguered nation this week An untenable situation (photo: Mette Thygesen) September 1st, 2017 8:13 am| by Christian W Denmark has decided to earmark 25 million kroner in aid to help alleviate the ongoing drought in Ethiopia that has left 8.5 million people in dire need of humanitarian help. Nearly half […]

UN Food Agency Chiefs begin visit to drought-hit Ethiopia

More than 8.5 million people require food assistance The lack of water means Sarah Ahmed can no longer grow her own food. Saving her remaining animals is vital for her family’s well-being. 1 September 2017, Dolobat village, Ethiopia – Survival priorities are clear for livestock owner Mohamed: “I need to save my animals to sustain […]

ያልታደለ ሕዝብ “የቀብር ቀን” ሲጠብቅ “የፍቅር ቀን” ይመጣበታል – ስዩም ተሾመ

  August 31, 2017 ስዩም ተሾመ ነገ፥ ነሃሴ 26/2009 ዓ.ም “የፍቅር ቀን” ነው። ቀኑ “በፍቅር የተሳሰረ ሕዝብ እናት ኢትዮጲያ” በሚል መሪ ቃል በተለያዩ ዝግጅቶች እንደሚከበር ተገልጿል። በመርሃ ግብሩ ከተጠቀሱት ዝርዝር ተግባራት ውስጥ የሚከተለው ይገኝበታል፡- “ሁለት ታዋቂ ሞዴሎች በባህላዊ ልብስ ተውበው በሁሉም ክፍለ ከተሞች እየዞሩ የአበባ ስጦታ ያበረክታሉ። በሆስፒታል ለሚገኙ ሕሙማን፣ ለሕግ ታራሚዎች፣ ለሕፃናት፣ እናቶችና አዛውንቶች […]