By Concerned Pan-African Scholars
26 November 2022

  1. This memorandum outlines the background, process and outcomes of the
    negotiations between the delegations of the Federal Government of Ethiopia (FGE) and
    the leadership of Tigray region (representatives of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front,
    TPLF, and the people of Tigray), under the auspices of the African Union High-Level
    Panel, between 24 October and 12 November 2022. Defying pessimistic expectations,
    the parties reached an agreement in Pretoria, augmented in Nairobi. They have
    succeeded in ending active hostilities between the two. If the agreements hold, this can
    relieve the humanitarian catastrophe and begin political dialogue.
  2. The core deal made is that humanitarian aid will flow in exchange for Tigray
    accepting a subordinate political status with respect to the FGE including the
    dismantling of the TPLF-run Government of Tigray, to be replaced with an as-yet
    unspecified formula for an interim administration. Eritrea and Amhara region special
    forces, although unnamed in the document, will withdraw and Tigray will disarm. The
    rest is detail. The security arrangements provisions are entirely impractical and the
    actual security arrangements depend upon the cooperation between the commanders
    of the Ethiopian National Defence Force (ENDF) and the Tigray Defence Force (TDF)
    and the withdrawal of the Eritrean Defence Force (EDF), willingly or otherwise.
  3. The rationale for reaching agreement was that the war in Ethiopia was leading to
    the destruction of the people of Tigray and the state of Ethiopia. More than 1 million
    people had perished including 10 percent of the pre-war population of Tigray. The
    Tigrayan leadership blinked first and took a decisive initiative to make peace, accepting
    that this would entail major concessions and climbdowns. The FGE faced bankruptcy
    and the evisceration of its national army. The national crisis also pressed the FGE to
    make peace, long after it should have done so in the national interest, and still with less
    urgency than the Tigrayans. The survival of the Ethiopian state is more likely after the
    deal than beforehand.
  4. The Tigrayan delegation took the initiative to make peace. This put it in a weak
    negotiating position vis-à-vis the FGE. The FGE and the Chair of the Panel exploited that
    weakness to push for maximum concessions. This included using brinkmanship to
    ensure that in Pretoria the main text (favourable to the FGE) was signed and the
    implementation matrix (favourable to Tigray) was not. Some of these shortcomings
    were remedied in Nairobi. More detailed negotiation is still needed to forge a workable
  5. The Pretoria Agreement, even supplemented by the Nairobi Declaration, is
    unworkable on paper. It is rushed. It shows no evidence of a shared understanding of
    the Ethiopian predicament. It contains ambiguities, especially as regards security. This
    undermines the credibility of the agreement as it will not be implemented as contained
    in the text. Normally, a written peace agreement is built upon a foundational political
    pact between the parties. In this case, the political foundation must be constructed
    after the façade has been shown to the world. The political work of peace is beginning
  6. One core political question is whether the Pretoria Agreement nullifies the 2018
    Asmara pact between Pres. Isaias Afewerki and PM Abiy Ahmed, or whether that secret
    security deal remains in force. This is unresolved. Even if the EDF were to withdraw
    from Tigray, Asmara and Addis Ababa could keep that security pact in force, continuing
    to threaten Tigray,
  7. The immediate deliverable from the agreement must be humanitarian aid and
    the return of people displaced in the recent fighting along with protection of civilians. At
    the time of writing, the delivery of such aid has been small and slow.
  8. Notable weaknesses in the agreement include the provisions for protection of
    civilians, monitoring and verification, and accountability for gross violations. There is
    complete silence on security guarantees on each of the security measures that each of
    the parties are required to undertake.
  9. The agreement risks failure for many reasons, which may include inter alia:
    Eritrean spoiling (including using proxies); conflict with Amhara over Western Tigray;
    the multiple political pressures on PM Abiy which may result in prevarication and tactical
    shifting; Tigrayan discontent (especially if aid is not forthcoming and civilians are not
    protected); and the ongoing escalation of the war in Oromiya and accelerated state
    failure. A weak AU oversight mechanism and international inattention make such
    failings more likely.
  10. The agreement is a notable regression from the norms, principles and institutions
    of the African Union peace and security architecture from the Constitutive Act of 2000
    to the ‘silencing the guns’ initiative, turning the clock back to the barebones model of
    peace accords characteristic of the OAU era. Regional leaders, led by Kenya, have a
    responsibility to revive those norms, principles and institutions, including multilateral
    partnerships, to make the agreement work. A long and painstaking process of political
    accompaniment will be needed.
  11. The international community has been less than energetic in responding to the
    political and humanitarian crises in Tigray. The Pretoria Agreement provides little formal
    role for the UN and other international partners, although they will be asked to foot a
    bill which will be upwards of US$20 billion. No international actor should labour under
    the illusion that the Pretoria Agreement is in itself a roadmap towards political
    normalization and the return of Ethiopia to its former status as the anchor state for
    peace and security in the Horn of Africa.
  12. Despite these shortcomings, the rationale for making the peace work is strong.
    Both Tigray and the FGE are weak and cannot sustain a return to war. Both may
    collapse if the Pretoria Agreement is not built upon to ensure the breaking of the 2018
    Asmara Pact, workable security arrangements, and political dialogue.
    Background and Calculus
  13. The war in Tigray, Ethiopia, erupted in November 2020. It is both a political
    dispute between the Federal Government of Ethiopia (headed by PM Abiy Ahmed) and
    the Regional Government of Tigray (headed by the TPLF), and also a war between
    Tigray and the State of Eritrea (headed by President Isaias Afewerki). Pres. Isaias has
    long been determined to destroy the TPLF, crush the Tigrayan people and establish his
    dominance over Ethiopia as a whole.
  14. Over two years the war has destroyed the economy of Tigray and reduced the
    people to starvation. From a pre-war population of approximately 6 million, between
    385,000 and 600,000 Tigrayan civilians are estimated to have perished from hunger,
    preventable disease, and atrocities directed against civilians.1 An unknown number of
    1 Jan Nyssen, ‘New estimate of the Tigray death toll,’ 19 October 2022.
    women and girls have been raped. Scores of thousands have been killed in battle.
    Tigray will have a missing generation. There were two rounds of mass displacement,
    first during the early months of the war, especially from Western Tigray, and second,
    during recent fighting.
  15. Ethiopia has been plunged into massive economic and social crisis. Tens of
    thousands may have died in neighbouring Amhara and Afar regions. Millions are
    displaced. Fatalities in combat are estimated at over 300,000 for the period AugustNovember 2022 alone on all sides, and at least that same number for the previous 21
    months. These fatalities are disproportionately among the ENDF and Amhara militia.
    These figures give an overall death toll of more than one million for the two years of
    war, excluding additional fatalities from the wars in Oromiya and elsewhere in Ethiopia.
    National development has been set back many decades.
  16. Demographic and food security arithmetic were not in favour of Tigray’s
    resistance. With a population only 5-6 percent of Ethiopia’s, Tigray could not withstand
    demographic losses on the scale inflicted. Its population was also directly exposed to
    hunger and disease and, insofar as the TDF could no longer protect population centres,
    to forced displacement and widespread and systematic human rights violations
    perpetrated by occupying armies. The weapon of hunger worked its inexorable effect
    on the people of Tigray.
  17. The FGE faces bankruptcy and the collapse of its institutions, including its
    national army. Because of its size, Ethiopia is more resilient than Tigray. It has greater
    reserves of human resources to conscript into its army and much deeper financial
    pockets. It also has a leadership that appears to discount human suffering and to show
    little awareness of, or concern for, the fragility of the state. The FGE’s most vulnerable
    point was its army. In 2020-21 the ENDF was massively reduced in capacity four times:
    first, with the exclusion of Tigrayan soldiers and officers; second, with the losses in
    Tigray in the war during May-June 2021; third, with losses in the TDF’s offensive into
    Amhara and Afar in October-December 2021; and fourth during the fighting from
    August-November 2022. Each time the command structure and effectiveness of the
    army was dismantled, but it was able to compensate through a combination of sheer
    numbers (including both new ENDF recruits and militia) and drones. Nonetheless, the
    officer corps has been depleted and the rank-and-file reduced to a poorly-trained rabble
    in uniform. For the overall commanders, casualty levels became immaterial. In fact, the
    federal war strategy required high sacrifices as a means of depleting the resources of
    its enemy.
  18. The State of Eritrea is an enigma. The downfall of Pres. Isaias has been
    repeatedly predicted but never materialized. Internal opposition is unknown. The impact
    of battlefield fatalities that probably exceed 100,000 since the start of the war is
    unknown. It appears that Isaias tried to conserve EDF troops as much as possible,
    putting ENDF and Amhara militia forces in the front line for as long as possible, but was
    also prepared to sacrifice large numbers of Eritrean conscripts and officers in pursuit of
    his war aims.
  19. The logic of the war boiled down to the question, who will die first. The answer
    was that the joint EDF-ENDF-Amhara forces could absorb astronomical battlefield losses
    while their political leaders’ readiness to accept these losses remained undimmed. The
    Tigrayan leadership calculated that the Tigrayan population could not survive much
    longer. The Tigrayan leadership blinked first.
  20. The AU cooperated with the FGE strategy of insisting that the conflict was solely
    an internal affair of Ethiopia (a ‘law enforcement operation’) and not a matter for the
    AU Peace and Security Council (PSC) let alone the UN Security Council. The AU broke
    with its practice of invoking international law and its own mandated obligations. This
    close alignment between the FGE and AU was evident from the earliest days of the war
    when the AU Commission blocked IGAD from taking any action. In his opening remarks
    at the IGAD Extraordinary Summit on 20 December 2020, AU Commission Chairperson
    Moussa Faki said, ‘In Ethiopia, the federal government took bold steps to preserve the
    unity, stability and respect for the constitutional order of the country; which is
    legitimate for all states.’2 Chairperson Faki limited IGAD’s role to addressing
    humanitarian issues such as refugees. The AU Commission did not actively promote the
    work of the three high-level envoys appointed by then-AU chair, Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa.
  21. In August 2021, Chairperson Faki appointed former President Olusegun Obasanjo
    as his High Representative, over the objections of the Tigrayans who saw him as biased
    in favour of the FGE. The short article published by Obasanjo on 19 November validates
    the Tigrayan suspicion.3
    In a departure from best practice at the AU, High
    Representative Obasanjo reports to the AU Commissioner and not to the AU PSC,
    though he occasionally briefs the latter. In October 2022, AU Commission made a lastminute concession to the Tigrayan position, which was to expand the mediation to a
    Panel of three, including former Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta and former South
    African deputy president Dr. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka.
    2 IGAD, ‘Opening Remarks of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, at
    38th Extraordinary Summit,’ 20 December 2020.
    3 ‘Olusegun Obasanjo: How Ethiopia’s peace plan will work,’ Semafor, 19 November 2022.
  22. The AU’s exclusionary approach meant that U.S. initiatives to achieve a
    humanitarian truce and dialogue had to be held in secret, so as to avoid public
    antagonism between the U.S. and AU. In turn, this meant that the proceedings were
    deniable. American efforts began when its Special Envoy engaged in shuttle diplomacy
    and continued with U.S. facilitated face-to-face talks in the Seychelles and in Djibouti.
    The pattern of behaviour of the key actors during these negotiations gave solace to the
    FGE. This pattern consisted of the Tigrayans offering a concession, the FGE accepting
    it, Eritrea remaining silent but seeking to sabotage it, the FGE reneging on the deal, and
    the facilitators (the U.S.) failing to impose any penalties on the FGE, or even to
    publicize that negotiations had taken place and an understanding had been reached.
    Additionally, when High Representative Obasanjo negotiated a prisoner exchange, the
    Tigrayans released 4,500 prisoners of war, but the FGE did not reciprocate. This, the
    only agreement facilitated by Pres. Obasanjo prior to the Pretoria talks, also passed
    without any criticism of the one-sided implementation.
  23. This pattern recurred in U.S.-convened talks in Djibouti on 8-9 September. The
    Tigrayan delegation (headed by Getachew Reda and Tsadkan Gebretensae) had full
    authority to agree a ceasefire, the FGE delegation (headed by Redwan Hussein and
    Gedion Timotheos) did not, and could only report back to Deputy PM Demeke
    Mekonnen and through him to PM Abiy, who would decide. The Tigrayans made a call
    for a ceasefire on 11 September, which received international statements of support
    (including, for the first time, from the AU Commission Chairperson).
    4 The FGE did not
    reciprocate. Instead, PM Abiy declared that he would ‘go anywhere and do anything’ for
    peace, which were empty words. The fighting continued. PM Abiy faced no
    consequences for his decision. On the grounds that the AU had not been invited to
    Djibouti, the AU Commission was reluctant to invite the U.S. to Pretoria. The U.S.
    lobbied vigorously to be present and the AU Commission acceded when it became clear
    that only the U.S. could provide the aircraft to fly the Tigrayan delegation from Mekelle.
    The Tigrayans would not have entrusted their security to the AU.
  24. The AU Commission also spurned its long-standing partners, the UN and the
    European Union, treating them as rivals or even adversaries rather than as joint
    architects of the norms, principles and institutions of multilateralism in the Horn of
    Africa and the Red Sea Arena, the AUC appeared to redefine an ‘African solution’ as one
    4 ‘AU Commission Chairperson welcomes the Call by the Government of Tigray for peaceful resolution of the
    Ethiopian conflict,’ 11 September 2022.
    that excluded non-Africans. The EU Parliament’s statements on the conflict5
    more consistent statements of the multilateral norms to which the AU ostensibly
    aspires, than any recent AUC statements. Ironically, the AU enlisted the support of nonAfrican members of the UNSC, notably China and Russia, to protect its stand.
  25. The overall approach to negotiation by the FGE and AU Commission consisted of
    procrastinating until the joint FGE-Eritrean forces achieved a military fait accompli. This
    strategy required that the process be opaque and sealed off from international
    engagement, and especially from any formal reporting process, including to the AU PSC
    or UNSC. This approach was sustained until October, when the AUC Chairperson issued
    an invitation to the Tigrayan leadership to attend talks in South Africa. This timing was
    under international pressure but no preparation had been made for substantive talks.
    The agenda was vague (see Annex A). No counterpart letter to the FGE was made
    public. There had been no prior consultation with the two newly-nominated Panel
    members nor the South African government.
  26. The weaponization of hunger favoured the FGE’s war strategy. The principle of
    unfettered humanitarian access was never accepted beyond rhetoric. The prohibition on
    the war crime of starvation (defined as destroying, removing or rendering useless
    objects indispensable for the survival of the civilian population, and impeding
    humanitarian aid) was never accepted, even rhetorically, at the highest levels. The FGE
    used pretexts of logistical problems or negotiation hiccups for its unlawful siege and it
    was not called out by foreign governments or the UN. The UN was not permitted to
    collect the data that would have been able to demonstrate that famine conditions
    existed. The UN World Food Programme was quick to condemn Tigray for violations
    (including unsubstantiated ones) and slow to condemn the FGE or Eritrea (on many
    occasions failing entirely to do so). Both sides factored the behaviour of the
    international humanitarian community into their calculations. The FGE anticipated that it
    could sign a new agreement promising unfettered humanitarian access and then put
    political conditions on that access, without facing more than mild rebuke. The Tigrayans
    expected that any appeals to humanitarian principle would have no effect beyond
    ineffective rhetoric.
  27. The military-political decision point was reached in September or October, when
    it became clear that the joint forces (ENDF, EDF and Amhara) were prepared to sustain
    extraordinarily high human losses in order to press home their material advantage, and
    5 European Parliament, Joint Motion for a Resolution on the recent humanitarian and human rights situation
    in Tigray, Ethiopia, notably that of children, 5 October 2022, RC-B9-0429/2022.
    the international community would do nothing to stop this or to provide humanitarian
    assistance to the victims.
    The Process in Pretoria
  28. Expectations for the Pretoria meeting were extremely low. The official invitation
    gave no sign that the mediation was serious (Annex A.) The indication was that the
    AUC did not expect serious talks to take place at all, because they had been assured by
    the FGE that a military solution would have been accomplished by that point.
  29. The AU Commission kept tight control over the process. The European Union was
    not invited as a partner. The UN was invited but its team of experts from the Mediation
    Support Unit were excluded entirely. IGAD was permitted to play a role through its
    Special Envoy. The U.S. was present but its engagement was restricted. One
    regrettable outcome of this is that the technical quality of the documents produced are
    substandard. Another is that international support to the implementation of the
    agreement is neither integrated into the text nor contained in any supplementary
    declaration. The most immediate issue is humanitarian aid. Insofar as the Tigrayans’
    most urgent motive was to obtain aid, one would have expected them to insist on, at
    minimum, parallel engagement with aid donors. International monitoring is another
    neglected issue. In the longer term, international donors funds will be needed for the
    reconstruction efforts that the parties will be requesting.
  30. After a delay, the talks convened in Pretoria on 24 October. As the negotiating
    teams, mediators and observers assembled in Pretoria, all but the Tigrayans were
    convinced that the joint forces of ENDF and EDF would capture Mekelle within days.
    The AU Panel changed and focused the agenda, so that it essentially had one agenda
    item only, cessation of hostilities and humanitarian access.
  31. The delegation of the FGE, led by National Security Advisor Redwan Hussein, did
    not have the authority to negotiate on major substantive issues or to agree a final text.
    That authority rested with Deputy PM Demeke, who remained in Addis Ababa, and
    ultimately with PM Abiy. The delegation adapted its proposal—a demand for
    unconditional surrender—by renaming it ‘Permanent Cessation of Hostilities.’ (Annex B.)
    Note that in standard technical parlance, a cessation of hostilities is a limited and
    temporary disengagement that simply stops active combat, followed by a ceasefire
    phase, which involves redeployment, a full list of prohibited and permitted actions, and
    a monitoring and verification mechanism. ‘Permanent cessation of hostilities’ is an ad
    hoc invention.
  32. At various times the Panel needed to call PM Abiy to obtain his decision on key
    provisions. There was little direct communication between the Abiy and the Tigrayan
    leadership, and no evidence of an underlying political pact between the two sides. The
    gap between PM Abiy and the negotiations may also allow the PM to distance himself
    from the details, disavow commitments, and casually justify non-compliance on the
    excuse that peace agreements are rarely implemented in full.
  33. The Tigrayan delegation, led by Government of Tigray spokesperson and TPLF
    central committee member Getachew Reda, and military advisor and central command
    member Lt. Gen. Tsadkan Gebretensae, were fully empowered to negotiate and sign.
    They had prepared a proposal for a three-stage agreement, including a 90-day
    cessation of hostilities, a permanent comprehensive ceasefire, and political negotiations.
    This concept would later be transferred to a proposed implementation matrix (Annex
  34. The Tigrayan delegation, however, had made the strategic decision to seek
    peace. They did not want to leave South Africa without a signed agreement and face a
    repeat of what had occurred in previous negotiations. This decision was evident in their
    personal interactions with the FGE delegates. From the outset they were personally
    open and accommodating, rather than acrimonious, point-scoring or haggling over
    details. The same was the case in their interaction with the Panel. However, this put
    them in a disadvantageous negotiating position, because it was evident that they would
    not leave Pretoria without an agreement, and the FGE and the Panel Chair could press
    them for concessions.
  35. When it became evident to the FGE delegation that their military objective (the
    capture of Mekelle) would not be achieved quickly, they stalled. Faced with the prospect
    of being called out for obstructing the process, they responded to the Panel’s request to
    expand their document and negotiate. Meanwhile, the Panel made it clear to the
    Tigrayan delegation that their military record was a liability as well as an asset—they
    had gained a reputation for military adventurism and the TDF advance towards Addis
    Ababa last year had struck fear into many. Only a clear commitment to disarm could lay
    these fears to rest. The FGE was determined to score a high-profile win on
    disarmament, especially of heavy weapons. The Tigrayans conceded this, anticipating
    that negotiating the details of on-the-ground realities of providing security would
    change the equation in their favour.
  36. Thereafter, the negotiations focused on two documents, the Agreement for a
    Lasting Peace through a Permanent Cessation of Hostilities (‘main text’) and an
    implementation matrix. The main text was drawn from the FGE’s document and the
    implementation matrix from the Tigrayan document.
  37. The main text went through three major forms. Initially, the FGE delegation
    presented its three-page surrender document (Annex B). Under pressure from the
    Panel, and with Panel inputs (e.g. an insistence on a provision for accountability) this
    was revised to a nine-page document (Annex C). The Panel proposed, and the
    Tigrayans accepted, that this document form the working text for the main text. The
    final agreement (Annex E) is clearly similar in structure and main points. A comparison
    of the two drafts and the final agreement (Annex F) shows how the text changed.
  38. The principal changes are the additions of articles on protection of civilians and
    accountability (both of these at the initiative and insistence of Dr. Phumzile) and a
    strengthening of the monitoring, verification and compliance mechanism (principally
    championed by Pres. Kenyatta). Other important changes include:
    a. Article 3 (cessation of hostilities) adds a prohibition on ‘collusion with any
    external force hostile to either party.’
    b. Article 6 (disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, DDR) eliminates
    the 24-hour and 72-hour timeline for Tigrayan disarmament of heavy and
    light weapons, replacing them with a 30-day deadline, and (crucially) adds
    that the DDR plan ‘will consider Tigray region’s law and order needs.’ Subarticle (d) which specifies the follow-up meeting between the senior
    commanders was inserted at the insistence of the Tigrayans.
    c. The joint committee for monitoring is to be constituted by the AU Panel
    and IGAD rather than solely the AU High Representative.
    d. The agreed 14-day timeline for the restoration of services (Article 7(2)(b))
    was edited out by the AU Commission pen-holder without consultation,
    and replaced with ‘agreed timelines’.
    e. The following provision is removed as a TPLF obligation: ‘Issue a public
    statement apologizing and taking responsibility for the attack against the
    northern command and for the pain and suffering entailed by the conflict
    it has triggered.’
  39. In parallel, an implementation matrix was developed. The major work on this
    took place in the middle part of the negotiations, when Pres. Kenyatta took the chair
    during Pres. Obasanjo’s absence on a business trip to D.R. Congo. The most
    substantive negotiations took place during these days. The implementation matrix drew
    on Tigrayan expertise in this field and as such was in technical terms a higher-quality
    document. It had a three-phase approach: (1) short term cessation of hostilities
    including humanitarian access and restoration of essential services; (2) permanent and
    comprehensive ceasefire; and (3) political negotiations. Early versions of this can be
    seen in Tigrayan proposals developed as early as October 2021 and in statements made
    by Gen. Tsadkan prior to the talks.
  40. In open session, Pres. Kenyatta urged each party to draw upon external (U.S.)
    assistance in finalizing their documents. The U.S. Special Envoy double-checked with
    the FGE and was assured by Redwan that if the Tigrayans accepted the offer it would
    not be a problem. The Tigrayans accepted. Their delegation received modest assistance
    by a technical expert from the U.S. State Department’s Negotiations Support Unit. The
    FGE declined to take up this offer. This was a rare occasion in which the U.S. team had
    a direct involvement; in all other respects it was deferential to the AU mediation and
    kept its distance. The FGE has repeatedly alleged, incorrectly, that the U.S. is
    favourable towards the TPLF, and uses this as a ploy to play the ‘African solutions’ card
    and keep the U.S. at bay. The Tigrayans made a tactical error in accepting even this
    minor U.S. technical assistance as this opened the door for the FGE to make a spurious
    objection, that the outcome was not an authentic Tigrayan document and was instead
    an ‘American document’ which could not be admitted. Both Pres. Kenyatta and S.E.
    Hammer clarified to the FGE delegation that the offer had originated with the Panel,
    had been approved by Redwan, and was in any case marginal. On his return from his
    trip to DRC, Pres. Obasanjo overruled Pres. Kenyatta and eliminated this document. He
    reportedly said that this was to pre-empt the FGE objections which would have
    extended the process, but de facto it cancelled Tigrayan negotiating strategy. It is
    unclear whether this was a trap deliberately set for the Tigrayan delegation or an
    unfortunate series of events.
  41. Pres. Obasanjo’s ruling left the Pretoria Agreement consisting solely of the main
    text, which leaned heavily towards the FGE position, excluding those elements that
    balanced it, with only the amendments to Article 6 as a mechanism for rebalancing the
    security provisions. Pres. Obasanjo imposed this decision as the talks approached their
    deadline. The Tigrayan delegation had the option of accepting the unbalanced main
    text or walking away without an agreement. They chose to agree. The FGE delegation
    then tried to press home its advantage, demanding that the senior commanders’
    meeting (Paragraph 6(d)) be deleted, and also that Tigray cede authority over the
    contested areas of Western Tigray and Raya. The Tigrayan delegation drew the line at
    these demands, and the FGE conceded them.
  42. In his speech at the signing ceremony on 2 November, Pres. Obasanjo’s words
    reflected the FGE’s longstanding position that its military operation was intended to
    impose constitutional order and the rule of law on Tigray, and that peace would be
    achieved through silencing the guns and disarming the Tigrayans. He said:
    The two parties in the Ethiopian conflict have formally agreed to the cessation of
    hostilities as well as to systematic, orderly, smooth and coordinated
    disarmament, restoration of law and order, restoration of services, unhindered
    access to humanitarian supplies, protection of civilians especially women and
    children and other vulnerable groups among other areas of agreement.6
    Anyone listening to that speech, without knowing the deep background, would conclude
    either that the FGE had achieved all its war aims, or that the AU High Representative
    was fulfilling a promise made to PM Abiy to present such an outcome to the world. For
    Nigerians of an older generation, the substance might remind them of the four
    substantive sentences of the Biafra surrender declaration, witnessed by Col. Obasanjo
    in January 1970.
    The Process in Nairobi
  43. The outcome of the Pretoria negotiations was a public relations triumph for PM
    Abiy and the FGE and a disaster for the Tigrayans. The dynamics between the
    negotiators and the Panel and international observers were, however, somewhat
    different. The three Panel members and the observers had been impressed by the
    determination of the Tigrayan delegation to make peace, their motivation for doing so,
    and their readiness to make compromises and take the backlash from their
    constituencies at home and in the diaspora. The Panel and internationals were less
    impressed with the FGE delegates who had been less prepared and less professional,
    and who had deviated from the spirit of the agreement within days of its signature.
  44. In particular, the FGE did not honour its commitment to immediate, unfettered
    humanitarian access and instead permitted aid to flow only to the areas under its
    control, interpreting the agreement to imply that humanitarian supply was contingent
    on the FGE resuming its position of authority in Tigray. The FGE delegates had put the
    sovereign entitlement of a state to feed its citizens above the humanitarian realities and
    6 Pres. Olusegun Obasanjo speech at the signing ceremony for the Pretoria Agreement, 2 November.
    7 Biafra surrender declaration, 14 January 1970.
    international obligations, which did not go down well with Pres. Kenyatta and Dr.
  45. The general public interpretation of Tigrayan concessions in Pretoria was that the
    TPLF had submitted because it was about to lose the war. The Tigrayan delegation
    insisted that this was not the case, presenting the facts on the ground. The TDF had
    yielded ground but had not been defeated. The concessions had been made because
    the TDF could no longer protect large civilian populations and the humanitarian crisis,
    exacerbated by mass displacement over the previous weeks, was literally unbearable.
    The Panel and the observers understood this.
  46. The Nairobi meeting opened with a fraught atmosphere. Rather than mutual
    congratulations on the achievement of a peace deal, there was suspicion. The FGE
    arrived in a triumphal mood, wanting to press home what it saw as its political
    advantage, while the Tigrayans were determined to consolidate the promises of
    remedying the shortcomings on the security provisions of the Pretoria deal and secure
    humanitarian assistance. The Tigrayan calculation had been that, what it had conceded
    in the political headlines, it could claw back when the senior commanders met to review
    the situation on the ground.
  47. The FGE/ENDF delegation was led by Field Marshall Berhanu Jula, ENDF chief of
    staff, and the TDF delegation by Lt. Gen Tadesse Werede, overall commander of the
    TDF. Both are professional commanders who speak in a calm and factual manner and
    both expect an agreement to be clear and precise. Ambiguity can be fatal in a ceasefire
    agreement. Among other things, Gen. Tadesse was the first force commander for the
    UN Interim Security Force in Abyei, Sudan (UNISFA) and is therefore familiar with such
    agreements and standard UN operating procedures. He expressed his surprise at the
    impracticality of the Pretoria Agreement’s security provisions. He insisted that any
    disarmament of heavy weapons could only be linked to Eritrean withdrawal and said
    that disarmament of light weapons would be practicable only if there were to be
    general disarmament across neighbouring regions as well, and in any case would take
    years. (Along with other TDF commanders he had been involved in the design and
    implementation of the post-1991 disarmament programme, which had not in fact
    collected many light weapons, but had focused on regulating and controlling them.)
    Gen. Jula had also served as force commander for UNISFA and was familiar with these
    issues. Jula’s body language was of a man who has got out of jail free: he knew the
    ENDF’s precarious state, and openly admitted to the extraordinarily high level of
    casualties suffered, and who considered the Pretoria Agreement as akin to the military
    victory he had not (or not yet) obtained on the battlefield.
  48. The two commanders held bilateral talks for two days before returning to the
    plenary. It is not clear whether those talks resulted in a clear understanding between
    the soldiers about how to turn the signed agreement into something that could actually
    be implemented in a manner that was both practical and acceptable to both.
    Subsequent events suggest that the military-to-military talks evolved to meet at least
    some of the Tigrayan expectations.
  49. In the plenary, Pres. Obasanjo took the chair, on the grounds of seniority and his
    military rank, despite the fact that in Pretoria, Pres. Kenyatta had run the security talks
    in Pretoria in a businesslike manner. Redwan was a member of the FGE delegation and
    his disregard for both military practicality and humanitarian necessity, in favour of
    winning political points, did not go down well with the Panel.
  50. The Nairobi Declaration overcomes some of the shortcomings of the Pretoria
    Agreement. It does not go as far as the draft implementation matrix in terms of detail
    and sequencing. However, by placing the process in the hands of a joint committee,
    and linking the steps to the withdrawal of foreign forces and non-ENDF forces, along
    with ‘taking into account the security situation on the ground’ (Pretoria, Article 6(d)), it
    provides for a flexible implementation plan. All depends, of course, on the relations
    between the ENDF and TDF commanders.
    Analyzing the Documents
  51. The preamble to the Pretoria Agreement does not resemble the standard set of
    sentiments, hopes and concerns normally written on the opening page of a peace
    agreement. It resembles far more the text of a communiqué of the African Union. This
    gives a clue as to the authorship of the document.
  52. Identifying the parties. Prior to the talks, the Tigrayan authorities had insisted
    that they be identified as the ‘Government of Tigray’. Following the position of the FGE,
    the AUC and AU High Representative referred to them as TPLF,
    8 and during the talks,
    the AUC insisted that this was non-negotiable. The main text identifies the Tigrayan
    delegation as TPLF and the TDF as ‘Tigrayan combatants’. The seven-man Tigrayan
    included four non-TPLF members including Gen. Tsadkan. Their presence
    8 African Union, ‘AU launches peace talks to end the conflict in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia,’ 25 October
    2022, (The sole exception was on 11 September when Chairperson Faki used the terminology ‘Government of
    Tigray.’ After this, the FGE severely criticized Faki and he did not repeat this language.)
    9 Both delegations were 100 percent male.
    was referred to by Pres. Obasanjo in his opening speech at the signing ceremony when
    he referred to ‘representatives of the Tigrayan people’ as well as TPLF. The Tigrayans
    agreed to this change in nomenclature.
  53. The designation is more than semantics. The FGE intent was to deny recognition
    to the Government of Tigray. That government was formed after the September 2020
    election, won handsomely by the TPLF. The FGE denied the legitimacy of the election
    and cited it as a casus belli. The designation thereby endorses the FGE narrative about
    the origins of its ‘law enforcement operation.’ It opens the door to the FGE demand for
    an interim governing arrangement and new elections under the auspices of the National
    Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE), which issued a controversial ruling in June 2020
    denying the Tigrayan authorities’ right to hold the September 2020 election. (Under
    Article 102(1) of the FDRE constitution and Article 7(1) of the NEBE establishment
    proclamation, NEBE has the power to ‘execute’ elections. The interpretation of this term
    was the bone of contention in 2020.)
  54. The FGE is identified as such, but the obligations on it are specified as though it
    did not have full power. For example, in Article 7(2)(c), the FGE is required only to
    ‘facilitate’ the lifting of the TPLF’s terrorist designation by parliament, as though it were
    a legislative rather than an executive decision, and it is required only to ‘expedite and
    coordinate’ restoring essential services, rather than simply restore them.
  55. One national army. The Pretoria Agreement and the Nairobi Declaration
    emphasize that there is one national army. This raises three questions. First, will
    Tigrayan officers and rank-and-file be part of that national army? There are many who
    were dismissed, and who are in detention, or are refugees or asylum seekers, or
    members of the TDF. It is not clear whether they will be reintegrated and if so, on what
    terms. Second, there is the option of Tigray special forces. Other regions possess these,
    and many TDF members could be rehatted in this way. Speaking to the diplomatic
    community, Redwan alluded to the possibility that Tigrayan combatants could be
    integrated into a regional special force. He said:
    You cannot be armed while you’re a political party. So that’s why some friends
    can be confused when we say disarmament of TPLF, we are not denying the
    right of the region of Tigray to have arms. Regions have arms that are
    standardized, federal government can have arms which is stipulated in laws,
    Tigray region can also have those arms, adequate police force, adequate special
    force, adequate militia that is pertinent to the land area of Tigray to control and
    the population to police….10
    No other regional special forces possess tanks or heavy artillery, which served as an
    argument for the FGE to prioritize this element of disarmament. Third, the ENDF is itself
    in dire need of rehabilitation and reform. It is a national army in name. In practice it is
    a bloated assemblage of conscripts and officers, mostly poorly trained. It has excluded
    Tigrayans. All these issues are for discussion in another round of negotiations, which
    may take the form of ‘Nairobi II’.
  56. Restoring Federal Authority in Tigray. The core of the agreement is placing
    Tigray under Federal authority and repudiating any legitimacy for the 2020 election that
    brought the TPLF to power in Tigray. As the TPLF had insisted that its legitimacy
    stemmed from those elections, and on these grounds refused to share power with other
    Tigrayan parties after the June 2021 reoccupation of Mekele, this is not only a major
    concession to the FGE but also dismantles the TPLF’s standing vis-à-vis the many
    Tigrayans who were unhappy with its performance. The existing government is to be
    dissolved and an interim government established until elections can be held under the
    auspices of the NEBE.
  57. The agreement is short on detail about the interim administration. It does not
    indicate which parties should be included, only specifying that the TPLF will no longer
    be designated a terrorist organization, implying that it may be permitted to contest for
    office. It does not indicate whether the interim administration will be staffed by
    Tigrayans, whether Tigrayan political parties that have competed with the TPLF will be
    included, or whether it will be shared by individuals appointed by the FGE, whether
    Tigrayan or non-Tigrayan. The option of a power-sharing arrangement between the
    TPLF and the Prosperity Party is not raised. Nor does the agreement specify how long
    the interim administration should be in office before transitioning to a permanent one.
  58. Respecting the Constitutional Order. The restoration of Federal authority is
    a win for the FGE while upholding the Federal Constitution as the basis for resolving
    political differences is a win for Tigray.
  59. Among the successes of the FGE’s public diplomacy over the last two years has
    been to portray the Tigrayans as the party seeking to overthrow the constitutional
    10 Briefing to the Diplomatic corps in Addis Ababa by Redwan Hussain, national security advisor to the Prime
    minister on the signing of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, 6 November.
    order, rather than uphold it—all the while blaming the TPLF for the alleged
    shortcomings of that constitution. The Pretoria Agreement’s Article 7(1)(e) and (f)
    require the TPLF to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ethiopia, cease
    unconstitutional correspondence and relations with foreign powers,11 and cease all
    attempts to bring about an unconstitutional change in government. However, note that
    the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia vests sovereignty in the
    nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia (Article 8), and establishes the territory of
    Ethiopia as the aggregate of the territories of member of the federation (Article 2). Had
    the Tigrayan delegation been recognized as the Government of Tigray rather than TPLF,
    the FGE would have conceded important limits to its own sovereign legitimacy.
  60. The question of Tigray’s boundaries, especially the status of Western Tigray and
    Raya which are claimed by Amhara region, is to be determined by constitutional
    procedures (Pretoria, Article 10(4)). This appears to restore the status quo ante prior to
    the unconstitutional annexation of territory in November 2020. However, there have
    been hints that the FGE would seek alternative paths such as making Western Tigray a
    federal territory or specifying its people as a distinct nationality. This issue is already
    stoking the ire of Amhara political leaders.
  61. Security Arrangements including DDR. The process for securing Tigray is
    woefully under-specified. The DDR process is entirely one-sided and makes no
    reference to national security sector reform or nationwide DDR. It has no security
    guarantees for the disarmed and demobilized forces. The commitments to DDR and its
    timetable in the Pretoria Agreement are extraordinarily unrealistic. (By way of
    comparison, the DDR process in the 1990s, which had a comparable scale, took seven
    years, and there is no recent peace agreement in which DDR is put among the first
    steps to be implemented.) The FGE delegation will have known that these provisions
    were impossible to implement. Instead, they are a political statement intended to
    humiliate the Tigrayans. This appears to have been a priority for not only for the FGE
    but also for Pres. Obasanjo, whose speech at the signing ceremony elevated the
    ‘systematic, coordinated, orderly and smooth disarmament’ of TPLF combatants to the
    second point, after a cessation of hostilities.
  62. The Nairobi Declaration does not detail how the process would work, other than
    specifying that there would be four ‘disengagement zones’ for Tigrayan and ENDF
    combatants, and the two parties would form a joint committee to draw up and
    implement plans. The four zones correspond to the four fronts of recent active combat.
    11 This is a reference to the 7 September 2022 letter from Debretsion Gebremichael to the President of the UN
    Security Council, in which he laid out the Tigrayan peace terms. The FGE responded furiously.
    For each one, the commanders will identify three locations for Tigrayans and three for
    ENDF forces.
  63. The Nairobi Declaration states that the disarmament of Tigrayan heavy weapons
    will be done ‘concurrently’ with the withdrawal of foreign and non-ENDF armed
    elements from Tigray. Several questions, including the following, are to be resolved in
    the military-to-military talks. (1) When does this process begin and end? (2) What is the
    sequencing involved in ‘concurrent’ actions? (3) What are the security guarantees for
    Tigrayan combatants? (4) Does the disarmament of heavy weapons mean that they are
    handed to the ENDF? Or that they are decommissioned in the presence of third party
    monitors? Or that they are securely stored, with joint control over the future release?
  64. Foreign Forces. The texts make no mention of Eritrea. The negotiating tactic
    used by the FGE was to insist that if Eritrea were to be mentioned, Sudan and Egypt
    would also be mentioned. Material support from Sudan and Egypt to the Tigrayans has
    been extremely small and in no way comparable to the strategic alliance between the
    FGE and Eritrea. Mention of Sudan and Egypt would have complicated the task of the
    Panel, which ruled that they would reduce the wording to ‘foreign forces.’ (It should be
    noted that in his 19 November article, Pres. Obasanjo wrote ‘Some of the neighbors of
    Ethiopia such as Eritrea and Sudan had their part in the war directly and indirectly.’12
    This phrasing equalizes the direct and leading role played by Eritrea in combat and war
    crimes, with the marginal role of Sudan in support of the Tigrayans.)
  65. They key provisions are:
    a. Pretoria, Article 3(2) prohibits ‘collusion with any external force hostile to
    either party.’
    b. Pretoria, Article 8(2) obliges the ENDF to safeguard Tigray from foreign
    c. Nairobi, Article 2.1(d) specifies that disarmament of Tigrayan heavy
    weapons will be concurrent with the withdrawal of foreign and non-ENDF
    forces from the region.
    (Additional observations are included in the section on Eritrea, below.)
  66. Protection of Civilians. Pretoria, Article 4 was inserted at the insistence of Dr.
    Phumzile. The provisions are strong but generic. Nairobi, Article 3 provides more details
    12 ‘Olusegun Obasanjo: How Ethiopia’s peace plan will work,’ Semafor, 19 November 2022.
    and places responsibility on federal and regional security organs. There is no
    mechanism for monitoring, verification and enforcement. All sides have perpetrated
    abuses and the UN Committee of Human Rights Experts has concluded that the ENDF
    has committed widespread and systematic abuses. Substantial human rights monitoring
    presence will be essential if this provision is to be meaningful.
  67. There is no mention in the agreement of the rights and welfare of disabled war
    veterans, the release of prisoners of war and political detainees, and the reinstatement
    of Tigrayans purged from federal institutions. These are oversights which will need to
    be remedied in a future negotiation.
  68. Humanitarian Assistance. The understanding of the Panel and the
    international community was that humanitarian aid would flow immediately after the
    Pretoria Agreement was signed. The FGE did not comply and instead continued to
    sequence humanitarian aid with the return of Federal authority. At the press conference
    announcing the Nairobi Declaration, Pres. Obasanjo was asked by a journalist when aid
    would flow, and said, ‘In fact it should have been going yesterday… There will be, with
    immediate effect, unhindered humanitarian access.’
    13 A senior U.S. State Department
    official repeated this line three days later: ‘Humanitarian assistance is to flow
    unhindered, and that is the commitment.’
    14 However, the wording of the Nairobi
    Declaration obliges the parties to ‘facilitate’ unhindered access, which does not explicitly
    contradict Redwan’s position that Federal authorities need to be in place to do that
    facilitation. Nothing has happened in the subsequent two weeks that indicates that the
    FGE has changed its position, and humanitarian agencies report continuing difficulties in
    obtaining authorization to operate. The UN and major humanitarian donors, having
    been excluded from both sets of negotiations, were not able to explain their challenges
    nor guarantee that they could fulfil their part of the deal.
  69. Media and Communications. Pretoria, Article 13 commits the two parties only
    to making joint statements and Article 3(3) commits them to ending hostile
    propaganda. This is repeated in Nairobi, Article 6, on responsible use of the media. This
    might be interpreted to authorize government control over all media. There is no
    provision for international media access to Tigray.
  70. Accountability. Reference to this was inserted at the insistence of the Panel in
    Pretoria, Article 10(3). The accountability mechanism falls under the FGE in line with
    13 See the video of this segment of the press briefing.
    14 U.S. Department of State, Briefing with Senior State Department Official on the Situation in Ethiopia, 15
    November 2022.
    African Union Transitional Justice Framework. This cannot halt international processes
    but it is likely to serve as the basis for a consensus to minimize further investigations.
    There is no mention of providing access for international human rights investigators or
    any other mechanism for investigating atrocities.
  71. Articles 269-283 of the Ethiopian Criminal Code of 2004, ‘crimes in violation of
    international law’, are relevant here. These Articles cover both ‘fundamental crimes’ and
    ‘crimes against humanitarian organizations.’ Article 270, ‘war crimes against the civilian
    population’ includes sub-articles (b), (i) and (k) which specifically prohibit starvation
    crimes. A ‘law enforcement’ operation should enforce these articles, but it seems
    unlikely that the FGE will do so in a consistent, rigorous and fair manner.
  72. Monitoring, Verification and Compliance Mechanism. This mechanism is
    weak. It does not provide for transparent reporting. The Panel itself is responsible for
    establishing a monitoring and verification team and overseeing it. The Panel reports to
    the AU Commission Chairperson and not to the AU Peace and Security Council, let alone
    the UN Security Council. The mention of satellite monitoring opens the door to a role for
    those countries that possess the satellite capacity, i.e. the U.S.
  73. Formally, the Pretoria Agreement is the peace agreement while the Nairobi
    Declaration is solely concerned with implementation modalities. In reality, the Nairobi
    document, while it contains implementation modalities, is correctly seen as an
    improvement of the Pretoria Agreement. This sets a precedent for further improving the
    agreement so that the contradictions are removed, the ambiguities cleared, and gaps
    filled. It is for this reason that the mediators and the parties should plan on a ‘Nairobi
    II’ meeting in order to flesh out key security and political details. In such a scenario.
    Nairobi II would need to include the support of technical expertise drawing from the UN
    Mediation Support Unit and other international partners. A priority agenda for Nairobi II
    would be the working on the whole set of security guarantees both under each set of
    activity and as a complete set of measures for such an assurance.
    The Primacy of Politics?
  74. Africa’s agenda of ‘silencing the guns’ was initiated with the 50th Anniversary
    Solemn Declaration of the African Union (2013).15 In section E, the AU and its Member
    States undertook to ‘make peace a reality for all our people and to rid the continent of
    wars, civil conflicts, human rights violations, humanitarian disasters and violent
    15 African Union, 50th Anniversary Solemn Declaration, 2013.
    conflicts, and to prevent genocide.’ The declaration continued, committing the continent
    Address the root causes of conflicts including economic and social disparities; put
    an end to impunity by strengthening national and continental judicial institutions,
    and ensure accountability in line with our collective responsibility to the principle
    of non-indifference.
    The commitments on peace and security were embedded within commitments on
    African identity and the African Renaissance, democratic governance, and others. Most
    importantly, the commitment to ‘silencing the guns’ was intended to allow for civil
    voices to speak, in pursuit of political solutions consistent with inclusion, democracy and
    human rights. The imperative of foregrounding this kind of political solution to violent
    conflicts was emphasized in the report of the UN’s Independent High-level Panel on
    Peace Operations (HIPPO, 2015)
    16 and the ‘African Politics, African Peace’ report to the
    AU Commission (2016),
    17 both of which emphasized the ‘primacy of the political’.
  75. The Pretoria and Nairobi talks did not respect this principle, save in the
    backhanded manner that they recognized the power of coercion and secret pacts in
    achieving political outcomes. The Tigrayans sacrificed politics for humanitarian need.
    The FGE achieved key political goals, including the adoption of its preferred narrative
    about the war and an interpretation of its role as the upholder of the constitution.
  76. There were no substantive political negotiations in Pretoria or Nairobi, instead
    there was bargaining over how the most contentious issues in dispute would be
    contained in a text, without the differences having been fully debated, let alone
    resolved. In other peace processes, there is a political pact between the principals, or
    between them and a third party hegemon or guarantor, upon which a text is built. In
    this case, the agreement arose from different needs of the two parties, without a
    foundational political pact or even a shared understanding of their predicament.
  77. Hence the Pretoria Agreement is an edifice that still needs a political foundation.
    One implication of this is that until there is a direct pact between PM Abiy and the
    Tigrayan leadership, existing pacts remain in force. In particular, this means the 2018
    pact between Abiy and Isaias may still be in force.
    16 United Nations, ‘Uniting our Strengths for Peace: Politics, Partnerships and People,’ Report of the
    Independent High-Level Panel on Peace Operations, June 2015.
    17 World Peace Foundation, ‘African Politics, African Peace: Report Submitted to the African Union,’ 2016.
  78. The Pretoria Agreement was possible because the Tigrayans had a reading of the
    situation on the ground that demanded that they concede major political demands. The
    FGE accepted this and took advantage of it. However, the two sides do not appear to
    share their assessment of what these material facts were. The Tigrayans attribute their
    decision to the humanitarian crisis. The FGE attributes it to the battlefield. If the two
    cannot arrive at a shared understanding, it bodes ill for the sustainability of the
  79. For PM Abiy, the agreement is an important part of his political calculus but not
    the only one. There are many other vocal and active political forces in Ethiopia making
    claims on him. PM Abiy will be relieved that he does not need to contend with the
    challenge from Tigray, for now. However, given his transactional political style, the
    working assumption must be that his commitment to the Pretoria Agreement is tactical
    and subject to revision.
  80. The FGE is facing a financial crunch and will be seeking to leverage the
    agreement to unlock IMF and other multilateral funds and to return to the AGOA fold.
    The FGE will be seeking major funds for the reconstruction of Tigray and adjoining waraffected areas. An overall estimate of US$20 billion has been mentioned. Donors and
    IFIs will face various dilemmas as they consider releasing funds. First, there are the
    usual concerns over whether funds are going to be spent as promised or whether they
    will be fungible and end up subsidizing a bloated military budget. Second, they will be
    seeking assurances that the war is truly over, and that the FGE is not merely seeking a
    breathing space for a new war in Oromiya. Third is the question of whether donors will
    be ready to rebuild infrastructure that was deliberately destroyed or looted by the FGE
    or Eritrea. They may legitimately ask whether they should rebuild a hospital or water
    system when equipment that they purchased a few years ago has been vandalized by
    government forces or is now in Eritrea as part of that country’s spoils of war. On the
    other hand, donors are desperate to avert the escalation of the national crisis, and the
    IMF and World Bank are under institutional pressure to allocate and spend funds, so it
    is likely that they will release money first and ask questions later.
  81. In Pretoria, the FGE proposed that the Tigrayans join the established National
    Dialogue. They refused, saying that they had not been part of its inception. The fate of
    the National Dialogue and political dialogue between the FGE (Prosperity Party) and
    Tigray (TPLF) are now to be determined. Discussions in Pretoria and Nairobi focused on
    a two-stage process, first between the FGE/PP and Tigray/TPLF, and then bringing
    Tigray into a national process. These matters need to be decided in another round of
    dialogue (perhaps, Nairobi II). Should these discussions fail, it leaves Tigray vulnerable
    to decisions made without Tigrayan participation, while depriving other Ethiopians of
    Tigrayan inputs. The marginalization of Tigray may consign accountability for human
    rights violations to a footnote. However, the agreement does not limit Tigrayans’
    political engagement to dealing exclusively with the FGE/PP. Both the Tigrayans and
    diverse Ethiopian constituencies have an opportunity to rebuild relationships with one
    another, which they should not neglect.
  82. The Amhara constituencies are restive, worried that they have been sold out by
    territorial and constitutional concessions. Amhara civilians and combatants also suffered
    grievously in the war. Some Amhara leaders within the Prosperity Party are unhappy
    that they were not directly represented in the talks, and their interests were not taken
    into account. The provision for the removal of ‘non-ENDF’ forces from Tigray clearly
    refers to Amhara special forces and militia. Those forces may be worried that their links
    with Eritrea will be severed. Amhara groups are also engaged in other conflicts,
    including making territorial claims on Oromo and Beni Shangul, while Amhara
    communities outside Amhara region are facing discrimination and violence. PM Abiy will
    need to insist that these disputes are settled solely by constitutional and non-violent
    means. Amhara region is also imbricated in Ethiopia’s border dispute with Sudan over
    the al-Fashaga area. These will be tests for the Prime Minister’s leadership.
  83. The war has highlighted divisions among the Oromo political elite, and the peace
    agreement may further deepen those divides. Perhaps the most urgent worry is that
    ENDF forces no longer required for operations in Tigray will be relocated to mount
    military operations against the Oromo Liberation Army. There are already signs that
    ENDF divisions and drones are intensifying their counter-insurgency in Oromiya. The
    idea that PM Abiy made peace in Tigray to go to war in Oromiya would not be well
    received. On the other hand, the evident tension between PM Abiy and Amhara leaders,
    along with the Pretoria Agreement’s commitment to respecting the Federal Constitution,
    provides an opening for a new political alignment favourable to peace.
  84. For the Tigrayans, the agreement is at once existential and deeply divisive. The
    TPLF failed to do the kind of political work necessary to establish a consensus for their
    decision. This is rooted in their refusal to open up political space in Tigray after
    reoccupying Mekelle in June 2021. The TPLF will probably suffer irreversible political
    damage. The military leadership in Tigray will likely hold together but remain deeply
    sceptical about the prospects for peace. For the general public, the litmus test is
    humanitarian relief, protection against human rights abuses, and return to their homes.
    If this peace agreement were to collapse, it is very likely that the current Tigrayan
    leadership—which has shown itself prepared to make strategic compromises for
    peace—will be replaced by a more radical leadership less prepared to make political
    concessions of this nature.
    The Eritrea Issue
  85. Eritrea is not mentioned by name in either document and Eritrea’s goals and
    interests are not addressed. The AU has been a full partner in an astonishing conspiracy
    of silence to deny Eritrea’s role in planning and instigating the war in 2020, dispatching
    its forces into Tigray, perpetrating widespread and systematic crimes against the civilian
    population, embedding itself in the Ethiopian national security, political and economic
    structure at many levels, and acting as a persistent spoiler in efforts to achieve peace
    and humanitarian access. Tigrayans in particular and Ethiopians in general, are owed
    explanation for this deafening silence.
  86. Many observers and diplomats believe that the root cause of the war is the 2018
    Asmara Pact between Pres. Isaias and PM Abiy (the contents of which have never been
    made public). Even were this not to be the case (as contended by PM Abiy, Chairperson
    Faki and Pres. Obasanjo, who blame the TPLF for the war), this pact lies at the heart of
    the subsequent conduct of the war by the joint forces of EDF, ENDF and Amhara forces.
    The immediate issue is the withdrawal of EDF troops from Tigray. The fundamental
    issue is whether the Pretoria Agreement overrides or nullifies the 2018 Asmara Pact, or
    whether it is a product of that pact. While the Asmara Pact remains in force, Ethiopia
    will never be at peace.
  87. Eritrea has remained silent. However, a tweet by Eritrea’s Minister of
    Information, Yemane Gebremeskel on 7 November indicates that the Asmara Pact is still
    in force:
    [The unit of scraps/garbage]18 is in total disarrary [sic]. Time to close shop! Its
    most rabid elements are venting their frustration on Eritrea. HoA [Horn of Africa]
    cherishes permanent/ irreversible peace; & that is on the horizon. This is also
    embedded in historic 2018 Eritrea-Ethiopia Peace Agreement.19
    On the other hand, there are clear signs of Eritrean discontent with the Pretoria-Nairobi
    Agreement, and efforts to undermine it.
    18 Translation from Tigrinya: ኣሃዱ “እፍሊ ሓነጨመንጪ”
    19 Yemane Gebremeskel tweet, 7 November.
  88. The FGE delegation was at pains to keep Eritrea unmentioned. The AUC and
    Pres. Obasanjo have complied with the FGE in this regard, to the extent of publicly
    equalizing the role of Eritrea with that of Sudan and entirely overlooking Eritrea’s role in
    starting the war. Nonetheless, the Panel’s understanding is that Eritrea must withdraw.
    It is not clear whether this means withdraw from Tigray alone, or from other regions
    too, and whether intelligence officers and military advisors will also withdraw. It does
    not specify whether there will be an end to security cooperation between Ethiopia and
    Eritrea, only that there can be no collusion with a force hostile to the other party. The
    FGE might well argue that EDF withdrawal from Tigrayan territory is sufficient to comply
    with the agreement and signify an end to Eritrea’s status as a hostile party. On past
    record, the AUC and High Representative may accept such assurances at face value,
    and PM Abiy continues to insist that he deal with Pres. Isaias personally. The PSC
    Communiqué of 9 November ‘Strongly urges all external actors to fully respect the
    sovereignty, political independence, national unity and territorial integrity’ of Ethiopia.20
    Insofar as Eritrean forces are in Ethiopia at the invitation of the FGE, they are not in
    violation of this provision.
  89. In the meantime, insofar as the ENDF is still permitting the logistics of the EDF
    inside Tigray, while the EDF continues to commit abuses against the civilian population,
    it is colluding with a hostile force and is in violation of the agreement. The coming few
    weeks will determine whether the ENDF is fulfilling its promise to ensure the withdrawal
    of the EDF.
  90. Isaias has several options and will make his choice without any publicity in
    accordance with his assessment of his interests. He will be considering putting EDF
    troops in ENDF, Afar or Amhara uniforms, continuing or even expanding his ties to
    Amhara and Afar militia, and using his leverage through his officers’ presence in Addis
    Ababa. He has Tigrayan dissidents whom he will likely arm and position in Tigray. There
    are ENDF troops and equipment in Eritrea that he can use as leverage. It is unlikely that
    he will let ENDF divisions depart without exacting a price. He has kept Somali National
    Army forces in Eritrea against the wishes of the Somali president.
  91. The Pretoria Agreement states that the ENDF will be responsibility for border
    monitoring. The Tigrayans will be justifiably concerned that after their disarmament, the
    EDF will remain intact and stationed on the border.
    20 African Union Peace and Security Community, Communiqué, 1120th meeting, 9 November 2022,
    PSC/PR/COMM.1120.2 (2022).
  92. Up to now, PM Abiy has maintained his relationship with Pres. Isaias despite
    international efforts to wean him away. The tools have been quiet diplomacy and
    encouragement. The Panel is not in a position to offer anything else. Others with direct
    leverage will need to act if the Pretoria Agreement is definitively to supercede the 2018
    Asmara Pact. The Tigrayan military may be one such source of leverage. The U.S. may
    calculate that what is required is to make it more painful for PM Abiy to remain in that
    alliance, than to break it. The U.S. has numerous tools including sanctions to put that
    pressure on Abiy.
  93. The OAU was the mediator of the 2000 Algiers Agreement that brought the
    1998-2000 war to an end, and the AU remains the custodian of that agreement. Among
    other things, this agreement covers the delineation and demarcation of the boundary
    and the rationale for a buffer zone along the border to protect each side. The AU is
    obliged to explain the fate of the Algiers Agreement and to examine appropriate
    measures, deriving from that agreement, to protect the border.
  94. In recent months, ENDF military commanders have followed orders to cooperate
    with Eritrea and place themselves under Eritrean command. Many will have had
    misgivings about this. Their calculations may shift as the joint committee begins to
    operate and they are required to cooperate with TDF commanders who, despite their
    subordinate position under the agreement, possess the forces and the local intelligence
    to determine the outcome of security cooperation.
    An ‘African Solution’?
  95. In all aspects, the Pretoria Agreement conforms neither with international
    standards nor with the norms, principles and institutions of the AU, as established
    during its first decade (see above). The slogan of ‘silencing the guns’ has been taken to
    include silencing democratic politics and human rights as well. Multilateral cooperation
    has been obscured by invocation of the slogan ‘African solutions to African problems.’21
    These are deliberate actions of the AU Commission which will have far-reaching
    consequences for peace and security throughout the continent. Key African norms and
    practices, such as non-indifference to grave circumstances and the duty of a conflictaffected state to speedily accept good-faith mediation efforts, have been set aside in
    favour of a return to an invocation of the sovereign privileges of states that would be
    familiar to belligerents in the 1970s. Institutions such as the PSC have been sidelined in
    favour of an individual appointment of a ‘High Representative’ by the AU Commission
    21 See George Ayittey, ‘African Solutions for African Problems: The real meaning,’ Pan African Visions, 2014.
    Chairperson, who has not been obliged to report to the PSC in a regular, comprehensive
    or transparent manner. One of only two concessions to shift from a personalized
    approach to a more institutionalized one was the last-minute nomination of two
    additional mediators to ‘support’ the High Representative, forming a Panel. The second
    was the PSC communiqué of 9 November—the first PSC communiqué since the war
    began—which requested the AUC to ‘provide regular briefings on the status of the
    implementation of the agreement.’22 Note

that a ‘briefing’ is merely an update while a
‘report’ would be a mandated obligation.

  1. The agreement is technically sub-standard. The UN and U.S. experts who were
    present in Pretoria but who were either totally excluded from the process, or who had
    very minor input that was then ruled out of order, will not be impressed. The AU’s own
    security experts may be embarrassed. Diplomats and military experts assigned to the
    file will have difficulty in persuading their governments to take the agreement seriously,
  2. For the AU, describing this as an ‘African solution’ is a gamble. The AU has
    twenty years of experience of leading conflict resolution initiatives, always in
    partnership with the UN and international actors, and sharing both the credit for
    successes and the blame for shortcomings. This process has fallen short of their
    standards and practices. Should it fail, they alone will be held responsible.
  3. The governments of the region have cause for concern. In the early days of the
    conflict, the Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok tried to raise the conflict at an
    IGAD Summit. His efforts were blocked by the AU Commission Chairperson who took
    the irregular step of taking the floor to define the conflict as a legitimate law
    enforcement operation.
  4. The Pretoria process was salvaged by the initiative of Pres. Kenyatta, who
    thereby assumed the mantle of being the focal point for regional peace and security in
    the IGAD region, and the responsible actor in terms of ensuring the best-possible
    implementation of the agreement. Kenyan leadership will be essential to the tasks of
    advising the further elaboration of the security elements of the deal (including
    convening a ‘Nairobi II’ negotiation), monitoring and verifying the staged
    implementation of the steps agreed, reporting to the AU PSC and (if possible) the UN
    Security Council, and enlisting technical and political support for the implementation.
    22 African Union Peace and Security Community, Communiqué, 1120th meeting, 9 November 2022,
    PSC/PR/COMM.1120.2 (2022), para. 12.
  5. The neighbouring states will also be concerned at the unfinished conflict
    resolution agenda elsewhere in Ethiopia. The most urgent conflict demanding
    peacemakers’ attention is the escalating conflict between the FGE and the Oromo
    Liberation Army and the associated inter-communal conflict between Amhara and
    Oromo. There are numerous other conflicts in Ethiopia that demand attention. It would
    be preferable for these to be addressed in a single national process rather than on a
    one-by-one basis. This is a huge challenge that cannot be postponed.
    Not a Multilateral Agreement
  6. The AU is a multilateral organization but the process it sponsored is anything but
    multilateral. The African peace and security architecture is a product of a complex,
    multi-layered multilateralism constructed through decades of collaborative work. The
    AU’s programme of ‘silencing the guns’ involved multiple African stakeholders23 in
    partnership with the United Nations24 and other multilateral institutions, notably the
    European Union.
  7. All the investment in these multilateral partnerships appeared to count for
    nothing in Pretoria. The AU’s partners were treated as irritants and rivals rather than
    principled and strategic partners. The U.S. and EU were in a weak position to push
    back. Having established strategic partnership with both the AU and Ethiopia over the
    decades, Washington DC and European capitals had themselves succumbed to lazy
    thinking about the Horn of Africa, taking the hard-won achievements of regional peace
    and security for granted.25
  8. As a result of their marginalization, the international partners, whose political and
    financial support will be essential to the success of the agreement, may be less swift
    and enthusiastic in assisting with implementation and will be able to distance
    themselves if things do not go well. Senior FGE officials and Pres. Obasanjo have
    indicated that the bill for reconstruction, including repairing the damage done by
    deliberate looting and destruction of infrastructure, will be upwards of US$20 billion. We
    may safely assume that the FGE will be asking western donors to foot this bill. It is
    unlikely that PM Abiy’s favourite private and Gulf State patrons will contribute to the
    reconstruction budgets of the Tigray government or even the FGE.
    23 African Union Master Roadmap of Practical Steps to Silence the Guns in Africa by Year 2020
    (Lusaka Master Roadmap 2016), AU Assembly/AU/6/(XXVIII), Annex.
    24 United Nations Security Council Resolution 2457 (2019).
    25 Harry Verhoeven & Michael Woldemariam, ‘Who lost Ethiopia? The unmaking of an African anchor state
    and U.S. foreign policy, Contemporary Security Policy, June 2022.
  9. The Pretoria process and agreement sends a clear message to other belligerents
    around the world, namely that starvation is a weapon of war that can be used with
    impunity. For this crime to succeed, it needs patience, resolve and control over the
    media, communications and humanitarian information systems. International
    humanitarian agencies have, for the most part, shown themselves willing to remain in
    collusive silence while starvation is perpetrated in a widespread, systematic and
    sustained manner. Regrettably, the case of Tigray shows that political and institutional
    expediency at the UN and by the major international donors will overrule humanitarian
  10. The Tigray conflict has highlighted the role of middle powers from adjacent
    regions, namely the Gulf States and Turkey. Their political, financial and military
    support shaped the war, dragging the Horn of Africa into the security perimeter of the
    Middle East. The politics of the Red Sea Arena will continue to shape outcomes in the
    Horn of Africa. An international mechanism for addressing the interests and practices of
    these non-African powers, while reviving the norms, principles and institutions of the
    AU’s peace and security architecture, remains a priority.
    Prospects for Peace
  11. Despite all the shortcomings and missed opportunities, the Pretoria-Nairobi
    process marks an opening for peace. The Agreement represents a shift away from the
    principled and multi-layered multilateralism embodied in the formative years of the
    African renaissance, back to transactional politicking. The Tigrayans fought the war in
    the hope that African and international norms and institutions would prevail; they
    signed a peace that accepts that they must play politics like any others. The question
    facing Tigrayans, Ethiopians and Africans, is how this peace can be made to work.
  12. The Tigrayan people have suffered widespread and systematic violations of
    fundamental rights. Those responsible for perpetrating the crimes are still in a position
    to threaten them. The process of military disengagement followed by disarmament is
    highly sensitive. There is a real danger that this agreement could be no more than a
    temporary truce, as was the case with the March humanitarian ceasefire. Further
    negotiations are needed focused on security guarantees. Such a ‘Nairobi II’ negotiation
    would require a detailed specification of the steps to be taken by each party and the
    international guarantees to ensure that these actions are undertaken correctly. The AU
    can only undertake this with the technical and political engagement of international
    partners, especially the UN.
  13. The Pretoria Agreement and Nairobi Declaration rest on a political gamble by the
    Tigrayan leadership, the wisdom and restraint of PM Abiy and other senior FGE figures,
    and their collective readiness and capacity to end the 2018 pact between Asmara and
    Addis Ababa. It also depends on the alacrity with which international donors provide
    essential humanitarian aid. There are many ways in which the agreement could fail. But
    it is likely that if it were to fail, the path back to peace would be extremely long and
    hard, in part because the Tigrayan leadership prepared to make compromises for peace
    would be removed, or no longer able to make such concessions.
  14. This Agreement downgrades accountability for international crimes. Under the
    principled approach to peacemaking, the transitional justice toolkit is central. Any
    attempt to diminish accountability is a recipe for festering grievances and entrenching a
    culture of impunity, not only in Ethiopia and throughout the continent. The total
    impunity extended to Eritrea is particularly concerning. In the absence of a credible
    exercise in transitional justice, Tigrayans will need to swallow the humiliation of seeing
    their story of suffering and resistance told by others, who are already writing the
  15. The Agreement could fail because the credibility and commitment of the
    Tigrayan leadership collapses, because the promise of protection of civilians and
    humanitarian aid is not fulfilled, or because the non-Tigrayan forces occupying parts of
    Tigray enjoy a sense of impunity and violate the spirit or letter of the deal. It could fail
    because the FGE is divided or tactical in its approach, seeking to win every small
    advantage, at the expense of the bigger picture. It could fail because the FGE commits
    itself to an intensified war in Oromiya. It will certainly fail if the 2018 Asmara Pact
    between Pres. Isaias and PM Abiy remains in force. No-one should have any illusion
    about Pres. Isaias, who is solely interested in power. If the FGE backtracks slightly and
    there is no decisive end to Eritrean influence, Eritrea has many tools with which it could
    sabotage the prospects for peace.
  16. If any or all of these scenarios were to unfold, even in part, it would also be
    because the international community failed to invest sufficient energy, analysis and
    political commitment to making the peace agreement work. When peace agreements
    are signed, there is a common tendency for international partners to breathe a sigh of
    relief and turn their attention elsewhere. This is especially the case when the conflict
    has been an unwelcome distraction, has not generated media coverage or public
    outrage, and when the international community has not been vested in finding a
    solution as a full partner. To regard the Pretoria Agreement and the Nairobi Declaration
    as a problem solved, rather than a step towards resolving the problem, would be a
  17. The people of Tigray have withstood the assault of two massive national armies,
    both of them armed with the most sophisticated modern armaments, both of them with
    the war aim of inflicting irreparable harm on the civilian population, using among
    hunger among other weapons. The Tigrayans resisted these overwhelming odds almost
    entirely alone. After two years, without an end in sight, and without tangible
    humanitarian assistance to save the lives of civilians, their leaders sued for peace. Now
    the people of Tigray face an uncertain future alongside those who have targeted them,
    with only the weakest guarantees of protection or accountability. If long-standing global
    commitments to peace and human rights are to be meaningful, having been let down
    during their hour of deepest need, Tigrayans are entitled to international support in
    their efforts to secure peace.
  18. Ethiopians from all corners of the country have suffered grievously in this war
    and because of the failure to manage the challenges of governing diversity. Peace in
    Ethiopia is indivisible. If the Pretoria Agreement is to be meaningful, it must be followed
    by peace in Oromiya and everywhere else in Ethiopia, including but not limited to
    Amhara, Afar, and Beni Shangul.
  19. On the face of it, the Pretoria Agreement is a triumph for the transactional
    politics of brute force and money over the progressive political tradition in Ethiopia and
    across Africa. But an end to war and famine along with a reshuffle of the political deck
    should be an opening for civic politics. Having looked into the abyss of collective
    catastrophe and decided to pull back, Tigrayan leaders and their counterparts in the
    FGE have an opportunity to create the conditions in which all Ethiopians can come
    together to create a new peaceful political order.
  20. Bringing this war to an end is also an opening for the peoples of the Horn of
    Africa, and Africa more widely, to examine their continental institution and to
    rejuvenate the hard-won norms, principles and institutions of Africa’s architecture for
    peace, security, democracy and justice. The AU, IGAD and UN need to reflect candidly
    on how this war has damaged them, and hold themselves accountable.
    A. African Union Commission, invitation to the peace talks, 1 October.
    B. Federal Government of Ethiopia, initial proposal for Cessation of Hostilities, 25
    C. Federal Government of Ethiopia, revised proposal for Cessation of Hostilities, 29
    D. Tigray delegation, draft Implementation Matrix, 29 October.
    E. Pretoria Agreement, 2 November.
    F. Comparison of Cessation of Hostilities documents.
    G. Nairobi Dec