MTI-Hungary Today  2023.04.19.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó (L) and his Ethiopian counterpart Demeke Mekonnen

Migration must not be managed, but stopped, and the best way to do this is to improve conditions in the countries of origin, and cooperation between Hungary and Ethiopia is part of this, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade emphasized in Addis Ababa on Tuesday. Péter Szijjártó was on a visit in Ethiopia where he held talks with Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen, Trade Minister Gebremeskel Chala and Education Minister Berhanu Nega, among others.

The Minister stated that the causes of migration have become increasingly serious globally over the past year, which has led to an increase in immigration pressure in Europe, and that the continent’s response measures have “failed”.

“Instead of being able to protect itself from migratory pressures, Europe’s policies in Brussels are inspiring new waves of migration, and cooperation with African countries that are able and willing to keep young people who are key to the future of their countries at home is therefore particularly important,” he underlined.

Szijjártó Péter

23 hours ago

A migrációt nem kezelni, hanem megállítani kell, aminek a legjobb módját a származási országokban fennálló körülmények javítása jelenti. Ennek része Magyarország és Etiópia együttműködése, és ebben igazi partner Demeke Mekonnen miniszterelnök-helyettes, külügyminiszter is.

Mindketten látjuk a számokon, hogy Etiópia az elmúlt időszakban sokat tett lakosságának megtartása érdekében, és mi is azért működünk együtt, hogy minél többek számára lehessen megteremteni a helyben maradást lehetővé tevő körülményeket itt, Kelet-Afrikában.

Tovább folytatjuk a munkát, hogy az emberek ne induljanak meg Európa felé, ne kockáztassák az életüket a veszélyes út során, helyette méltó körülmények között élhessenek hazájukban. Ennek kapcsán ma még komoly hírekkel jelentkezünk!

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May be an image of 8 people and the Oval Office
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He pointed out that Ethiopia has done a lot to achieve this goal in the recent past, and the Hungarian government is also working with the East African country to create the conditions for as many people as possible to stay in the country, so that they do not have to leave for Europe and risk their lives on the dangerous journey. The Minister warned that

Africa’s population is growing at an extraordinary rate. If we do not help African countries to retain their own populations, Europe will face migration pressures in the coming years that will be virtually unmanageable.”

Péter Szijjártó praised bilateral cooperation in higher education, and said that Hungary has so far provided university scholarships to fifty Ethiopian students a year, but in view of the huge over-application of about thirty times this number will be doubled from next year.

He stressed that

Hungarian companies are also playing an important role in the development of Ethiopian agriculture, so that the sector can provide people with sufficient quantities and quality of food.

Hungarian companies are also involved in the country’s digitalization, which also contributes to the modernization of the economy and thus to ensuring the conditions for local employment. “To this end, we are concluding an economic cooperation and double taxation agreement with the Ethiopian government”, he added.

The minister also inaugurated the Youth Counselling Center for disadvantaged youth, for the establishment of which Hungary has provided the Ethiopian Catholic Church with a grant of around 160 million forints (EUR 430,000).

Szijjártó Péter

17 hours ago

Alapelvünk, hogy a segítséget kell oda vinni, ahol a baj van, nem a problémát oda hozni, ahol egyelőre nincsen baj. A Katolikus Ifjúsági Tanácsadó Központ pedig maga a segítség azoknak a fiataloknak, akik nehéz helyzetben vannak és segítő kéz nélkül kénytelenek lennének elhagyni Etiópiát.

Magyarország 160 millió forinttal támogatta a központ létrejöttét, hogy az egyház még hatékonyabban tudja támogatni az etióp fiatalok helyben maradását. Erről szól a mi politikánk 🇭🇺🇪🇹

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Péter Szijjártó stressed in his speech at the opening ceremony that the center provides programs for young people who want to leave their home country, thus helping them to stay there and giving those who have already left the country the opportunity to return home.