Strong mag. 5.8 Earthquake – 56 km SSE of Abomsa, Ethiopia, on Saturday, Jan 4, 2025, at 03:52 am (Addis Ababa t

Updated: Jan 4, 2025 14:46 GMT 

I felt this quake

A strong magnitude 5.8 earthquake hit 57 km (35 mi) away from ĀwashĀfar Ethiopia, in the early morning of Saturday, Jan 4, 2025 at 3.52 am local time (Africa/Addis Ababa GMT +3). The quake had a very shallow depth of 10 km (6 mi) and was felt over a large region. The shallow depth of the quake caused it to be felt more strongly near the epicenter than a deeper quake of similar magnitude would.
No significant damage or impact is expected from this quake and no particular alert was issued.

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Strong mag. 5.8 Earthquake - 56 km SSE of Abomsa, Ethiopia, on Saturday, Jan 4, 2025, at 03:52 am (Addis Ababa time)

Hint: Click on the image to see different maps of this quake!

Strong magnitude 5.8 earthquake at 10 km depth

4 Jan 00:54 UTCFirst to report: VolcanoDiscovery after 2 minutes.
4 Jan 01:00: Now using data updates from GFZ
… [show all] …
4 Jan 01:11: Now using data updates from USGS

Update Sat, 4 Jan 2025, 01:41

Felt earthquake: 5.8 quake 57 km north of Āwash, Āfar, Ethiopia, 49 minutes ago – 432 shake reports so far

Numerous people reported to have felt the quake. Attached is an updated map showing the shaking felt (and reported) by this earthquake.

Update Sat, 4 Jan 2025, 01:16

Felt earthquake: 5.8 quake 57 km north of Āwash, Āfar, Ethiopia, 24 minutes ago – 298 shake reports so far

Numerous people reported to have felt the quake. Attached is an updated map showing the shaking felt (and reported) by this earthquake.

Read all

If you were or still are in this area during the quake help others with your feedback and report it here.

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I didn’t feel it

I felt this quake

Earthquake details

Date & timeJan 4, 2025 00:52:22 UTC – 14 hours ago
Local time at epicenterSaturday, Jan 4, 2025, at 03:52 am (Africa/Addis Ababa GMT +3)
StatusConfirmed (manually revised)
Depth10 km
Epicenter latitude / longitude9.5045°N / 40.169°E ĀfarEthiopia
Seismic antipode9.5045°S / 139.831°W French Polynesia
Shaking intensityVI Strong shaking near epicenter
Felt566 reports
Primary data sourceUSGS (United States Geological Survey)
Nearest volcanoDofen (18 km / 11 mi)
Weather at epicenter at time of quakeFew Clouds  19.9°C (68 F), humidity: 65%, wind: 3 m/s (7 kts) from NNE
Estimated seismic energy released3.2 x 1013 joules (8.78 gigawatt hours, equivalent to 7558 tons of TNT or 0.5 atomic bombs!) | about sei

500 km

500 mi


 Leaflet | © Esri— Sources: GEBCO, NOAA, CHS, OSU, UNH, CSUMB, National Geographic, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, and Esri

[smaller] [bigger]

Quake possibly felt by 35.6 million people

According to preliminary estimates from the US Geological Survey (USGS), the quake might have been felt by over 35.6 million people across 2 countries: Ethiopia (35.6 million) and Djibouti (2,090). Approx. 5,680 people were in areas with Very strong shaking (intensity VII), while approx. 7 people might have been affected by the highest-expected shaking intensity of VIII, or Severe on the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale.

MMI Level
 (35,596,000 in total)Possible damage
I Not feltNone
II Very weak461,800(1.3%)None
III Weak32,420,000(91.08%)Probably none
IV Light2,656,500(7.46%)None or minor only
V Moderate34,500(0.1%)Minor
VI Strong17,500(0.05%)Minor to Moderate
VII Very strong5,689(0.02%)Moderate
VIII Severe7Significant
IX ViolentHeavy
X ExtremeCatastrophic

Estimated number of people exposed to shaking from the earthquake by intensity (data coverage corresponding to attached map)

Map of expected ground shaking intensity according to the MMI scale (shakemap, source: USGS)

Map with population density (from white to black) in the area around the quake’s epicenter (source: USGS)

Impact of this earthquake: Level GREEN

Based on seismic and statistical models, USGS estimates that the risk of fatalities and damage from this earthquake is low. The main factors that contribute to this evaluation are:


Overall, the population in this region resides in structures that are vulnerable to earthquake shaking, though resistant structures exist. The predominant vulnerable building types are adobe block and informal (metal, timber, GI etc.) construction.
A magnitude 6.5 earthquake 274 km northeast of this event struck this region on August 20, 1989 (UTC), with estimated population exposures of 4,000 at intensity VII and 2,000 at intensity VIII, resulting in a reported 2 fatalities.
Recent earthquakes in this area have caused secondary hazards such as landslides that might have contributed to losses.
Source: USGS

Green alert for shaking-related fatalities and economic losses. There is a low likelihood of casualties and damage.

Expected fatalities

The risk of fatalities from this quake is considered low and classified as Level GREEN, the lowest on a color scale from Green (low) to Red (very high). USGS estimates that there is a 65.3% chance that there are no direct fatalities as effect of shaking and a 30.2% chance that between 1 and 10 fatalities occurred. The likelihood that there are more than 100 fatalities is less than 1%.

Expected economic damage

The economic impact of this earthquake is expected to be minimal or small (Level GREEN). Only light damage if any should have occurred. USGS calculates an 100% chance of total economic loss in the range of 0-1 million US Dollars and a 0% risk of losses between 1 and 10 million US Dollars. Total economic loss from this quake is not likely to surpass 1 million US Dollars (less than 1% chance).

Ground shaking from this quake

shake map

Map of estimated ground shaking (source:USGS)

Most recent quakes Top 20 past 24 hrs Quakes in Ethiopia

Nearby places

The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Debre Birhan, a town with 58,000 inhabitants in Ethiopia, in 72 km (45 mi) distance west of the epicenter. People likely experienced light shaking there. Several smaller towns and villages are located closer to the epicenter and might have experienced stronger shaking. In the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 165 km (103 mi) away from the epicenter, the earthquake was probably felt as light shaking.
The following table shows some of the places that might have been affected (or not) by the shaking.

DistancePlaceMax. shaking intensity(*)RegionCountry
57 km (35 mi)S of epicenterĀwash(pop: 36,500)V: ModerateĀfar Ethiopia
57 km (35 mi)N of epicenterAbomsa(pop: 15,300)V: ModerateAmhara Ethiopia
59 km (37 mi)NW of epicenterDebre Sīna(pop: 9,410)V: ModerateAmhara Ethiopia
72 km (45 mi)W of epicenterDebre Birhan(pop: 57,800)IV: LightAmhara Ethiopia
73 km (45 mi)S of epicenterMetehara(pop: 23,400)IV: LightOromiya Ethiopia
86 km (53 mi)SE of epicenterGelemso(pop: 16,100)IV: LightOromiya Ethiopia
90 km (56 mi)SE of epicenterĀsbe Teferī(pop: 30,800)IV: LightOromiya Ethiopia
90 km (56 mi)NE of epicenterGewanē(pop: 11,300)IV: LightĀfar Ethiopia
95 km (59 mi)SE of epicenterBedēsa(pop: 17,500)IV: LightOromiya Ethiopia
107 km (67 mi)E of epicenterHīrna(pop: 12,300)IV: LightOromiya Ethiopia
139 km (86 mi)N of epicenterKemisē(pop: 23,900)IV: LightAmhara Ethiopia
145 km (90 mi)SW of epicenterNazrēt(pop: 214,000)IV: LightOromiya Ethiopia
152 km (95 mi)SW of epicenterWenjī(pop: 17,100)IV: LightOromiya Ethiopia
154 km (96 mi)SW of epicenterMojo(pop: 34,500)IV: LightOromiya Ethiopia
155 km (96 mi)SW of epicenterBishoftu(pop: 197,600)IV: LightOromiya Ethiopia
161 km (100 mi)W of epicenterFichē(pop: 25,800)IV: LightOromiya Ethiopia
165 km (103 mi)W of epicenterAddis Ababa(pop: 2,757,700)IV: LightAddis Ababa Ethiopia
181 km (113 mi)N of epicenterCambolcia(pop: 125,700)IV: LightAmhara Ethiopia
183 km (113 mi)W of epicenterSebeta(pop: 19,500)IV: LightOromiya Ethiopia
186 km (116 mi)E of epicenterDire Dawa(pop: 252,300)IV: LightDire Dawa Ethiopia
188 km (117 mi)N of epicenterBatī(pop: 19,300)IV: LightAmhara Ethiopia
190 km (118 mi)W of epicenterHoleta(pop: 23,800)IV: LightOromiya Ethiopia
190 km (118 mi)N of epicenterDessie(pop: 136,100)IV: LightAmhara Ethiopia
197 km (122 mi)W of epicenterGebre Guracha(pop: 16,600)III: WeakOromiya Ethiopia
215 km (134 mi)E of epicenterKharar(pop: 90,200)III: WeakHarari Ethiopia
237 km (147 mi)SW of epicenterZiway(pop: 49,400)III: WeakOromiya Ethiopia
240 km (149 mi)NW of epicenterBichena(pop: 16,400)III: WeakAmhara Ethiopia
251 km (156 mi)SW of epicenterButajīra(pop: 30,500)III: WeakSNNPR Ethiopia
261 km (162 mi)W of epicenterHāgere Hiywet(pop: 43,900)III: WeakOromiya Ethiopia
265 km (165 mi)SW of epicenterWalliso(pop: 38,400)III: WeakOromiya Ethiopia
267 km (166 mi)N of epicenterDubti(pop: 26,400)III: WeakĀfar Ethiopia
268 km (167 mi)NE of epicenterAssayita(pop: 20,300)III: WeakĀfar Ethiopia
270 km (168 mi)S of epicenterGhinnir(pop: 16,800)III: WeakOromiya Ethiopia
271 km (168 mi)N of epicenterSemera(pop: 833)III: WeakĀfar Ethiopia
277 km (172 mi)S of epicenterGoba(pop: 34,400)III: WeakOromiya Ethiopia
283 km (176 mi)W of epicenterDebre Mark’os(pop: 59,900)III: WeakAmhara Ethiopia
285 km (177 mi)N of epicenterRobīt(pop: 20,700)III: WeakAmhara Ethiopia
288 km (179 mi)S of epicenterĀsasa(pop: 23,800)III: WeakOromiya Ethiopia
289 km (180 mi)E of epicenterJijiga(pop: 56,800)III: WeakSomali Ethiopia
309 km (192 mi)SW of epicenterShashamane(pop: 85,900)III: WeakOromiya Ethiopia

(*) Shaking intensity according to the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (MMI) and estimated using seismic models.×280&–nktl-Pn_DIqAfRjoK57D3cGzBFGHz3jq&pvsid=117586233378520&tmod=1437294769&uas=3&nvt=1&!7&btvi=2&fsb=1&dtd=49

User-reports for this quake (576)

Strong mag. 5.8 Earthquake - 56 km SSE of Abomsa, Ethiopia, on Saturday, Jan 4, 2025, at 03:52 am (Addis Ababa time)

The first report about ground shaking reached us after only 2 minutes, before other agencies reported it. So far, we have received 576 reports for this quake from Ethiopia. Out of these, 566 people indicated they felt it. The quake was reported to have been felt in up to approx. 170–650 km (106–404 mi) distance.

The majority of reports came from Addis Ababa (502 reports), the capital of Ethiopia with 2,800,000 inhabitants in 165 km (103 mi) distance west of the epicenter, Nazrēt (9 reports), a city with more than 210,000 inhabitants in Oromiya in 145 km (90 mi) distance southwest of the epicenter, and Sebeta (7 reports) (183 km or 113 mi to the west). See the list of places where most people reported this quake further below.
This section is being updated as new data comes in.

User reports estimate the perceived ground shaking intensity according to the MMI (Modified Mercalli Intensity) scale.

Leave a comment if you find a particular report interesting or want to add to it.
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Summit Addis Ababa (154.6 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Light shaking (MMI IV) / 5-10 s : This was a very strong shake that lasted longer. Doors were creaking, and loose objects swinging. | 21 users found this interesting. (reported through our app)   

Addis Ababa Around black lion hospital (164.9 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Light shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, vibrating / 1-2 minutes : It is my first time to feel such kind of shake, I am living in the fourth floor condominium house. I am shocked and pray to Lord Jesus Christ to save me and my family. By the way I and my family were in deep sleep, my wife and my first daughter wake in a shock, only my 9year old daughter is still in sleep. Oh my God please pray for us. May Lord God save our country and people. Amen. | 8 users found this interesting.   

Adama Ethiopia (146.2 km SW of epicenter) [Map] / Light shaking (MMI IV) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 2-5 s : I WaS In Hotel.The Second Floor Shakes Horizontally.It Was Intense And My First Time To Notice.Feared | 8 users found this interesting.   

Bisrat Gebriel addis ababa (168.5 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / single lateral shake / 2-5 s : it woke me up | 7 users found this interesting. (reported through our app)   

Addis Ababa , CMC / Yetebaberut area (165.2 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Strong shaking (MMI VI) / rattling, vibrating / 2-5 s : Stronger than the past quakes and it had a disturbing noise coming from the walls and ceiling of the building. It literally shaken the whole building for like 5 or 6 seconds | 5 users found this interesting.   

Addis Ababa (164.8 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Strong shaking (MMI VI) / both vertical and horizontal swinging / 5-10 s : There have been a lot of these happening lately but this is the strongest one I felt so far the building was shaking left to right horizontally with a little bit of vertical movement the light was swinging | 5 users found this interesting.   

Addis (163.3 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Light shaking (MMI IV) / both vertical and horizontal swinging / 5-10 s : First there was a light tremor. It lasted for 1-2 seconds. It might have been transversal. Just 5 seconds later there was moderate shaking with high frequency for 5-10 seconds. There was a rattling sound.Curtains were swinging for CA 30s. 9th stock | 5 users found this interesting.   

Legetafo (149.1 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Very weak shaking (MMI II) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 5-10 s : It was very weak for the first 4 sec and then a strong wave hit the apartment for about 6 seconds. It was terrified. I was in bed 1st floor. I felt motion the motion on upstairs . Neighbors vehicles were sounding alarms dogs were barking terrified. | 4 users found this interesting.   

Addis Ababa (167.6 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Light shaking (MMI IV) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 10-15 s : My Clothing in my room and my chandelier in the living room was moving. I personally felt dizzy and nauseous as I live high up on apartment. | 4 users found this interesting.   

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (168.7 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 2-5 s : I was in bed sleeping, second floor felt it when z bed shakes and touchs z wall | 5 users found this interesting.   

Akaki Beseka,Addis Ababa (166.8 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) : shaking of walls | 5 users found this interesting. (reported through our app)   

Addis ababa Magnolia hotel & conference 6th floor (162.4 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 5-10 s : J’ai bien ressenti cette fois-ci comparé aux autres fois où j’avais un doute. Cette fois-ci cela a duré et c’était intense. Impossible d’avoir un doute sur la situation. L’immeuble se balançait et on entendait les grincements …. pour me rassurer j’ai ouvert la porte de ma chambre pour aller dans le hall. L’immeuble tanguait sur les côtes! Très impressionnant ! | 3 users found this interesting.   

Addis Ababa (165.2 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / rattling, vibrating / 5-10 s : It was too strong and feel woried. | 4 users found this interesting.   

near Addis Ababa (151.8 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Light shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, vibrating / 10-15 s : I was on bed reading in 1 floor @3:54am LCT->>> bed shaking, light clicking, roof chaffing sounds, my wife waked up due to this shaking. | 4 users found this interesting. (reported through our app)   

ADDIS ABABA (163.4 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 2-5 s : Highly swinging | 4 users found this interesting.   

Āsbe Teferī, Oromiya (91.5 km ESE of epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / rattling, vibrating / 1-2 s : It was like a heavy truck is passedby the G+1 building instantly when there is no any around and I am very far from a highway. Sound of crackling was was heared from the firmly standing huge house. Something had pushed me back as if I was on a moving vehicle caused due to inertia of holding a car’s break. | 2 users found this interesting.   

Addis Abeba figa noah realestate (165.2 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Strong shaking (MMI VI) / vibration and rolling / 20-30 s : I was sleeping i thought i was dreaming when i wakes up its real earthquake. This is my first time when i see earthquake in my life it hapen at 3:53 or 9:53 in local time . God have a mercy ???? ???? | 2 users found this interesting.   

ADDIS ABBABA (165.2 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 2-5 s : I was deep sleep but wake up during the quake and I feltseverl times but this one is highin magnitude mag 5 and above | 2 users found this interesting.   

Addis Ababa / Weak shaking (MMI III) / 5-10 s : The walls and windows were shaking and you can feel some kinda movement It lasted for about 10 seconds and it was just scary | 2 users found this interesting.   

Ayat arabesa, addis abeba (165.2 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Light shaking (MMI IV) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 5-10 s : Because of the earthquake, I woke up from my sleep and it was more and more scary than the other time. strong magnitude | 2 users found this interesting.   

near Addis Ababa (154.8 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / rattling, vibrating / 5-10 s : This one was very strong so far. We all woke up from sleep because of it. We all felt it while we were sleeping. | 2 users found this interesting.   

Addis ababa / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / rattling, vibrating / 2-5 s : Doors beds shook for about 3 seconds. It wake me up around 4 AM | 3 users found this interesting.   

Addis Ababa (165.2 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Strong shaking (MMI VI) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 2-5 s : Strong shaking | 3 users found this interesting.   

Addis Ababa (170.6 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / 30-60 s : This one is very high as compared to previous days | 3 users found this interesting.   

CCD homes legatafo (148 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / single lateral shake / 2-5 s : I was asleep and suddenly bed started shaking with dogs barking in the vicinity | 3 users found this interesting.   

Addis Ababa at Bole Arabsa (165.2 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 2-5 s : I was awakening. I said what happened to my bed? Immediately I understood since I had z experience of repeated shaking recently. I called my savior name JESUS CHRIST! He always shielding me. I praise his name! | 3 users found this interesting. (reported through our app)   

Ayat Subcity, Addis Ababa (165.2 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Light shaking (MMI IV) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 10-15 s : Much stronger than the 5.5 earlier | 3 users found this interesting.   

Addis Ababa,jemo / Light shaking (MMI IV) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 5-10 s : So far I didn’t hear the movement if I am sleeping but today it wakes me up from my sleep | 3 users found this interesting.   

Tuludimtu (165.2 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 5-10 s : Horrible | 3 users found this interesting.   

Addis ababa, Jemo (173.7 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / rattling, vibrating / 30-60 s : The shaking is so strong relative to the past one’s. Things swing | 3 users found this interesting.   

Addis ababa (156.1 km WSW of epicenter) [Map] / Moderate shaking (MMI V) / horizontal (sideways) swinging / 5-10 s : Swaying and vibrating which stayed more than 5 minutes | 3 users found this interesting.   

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List of cities/places with most reports

PlaceDistance from epicenterAverage reported Shaking IntensityNr. of reports
Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa,  Ethiopia(Pop.: 2,757,729)165 km (103 mi)W of epicenterIV: Light shaking502
Nazrēt, Oromiya,  Ethiopia(Pop.: 213,995)145 km (90 mi)SW of epicenterV: Moderate shaking9
Sebeta, Oromiya,  Ethiopia(Pop.: 19,533)183 km (113 mi)W of epicenterIV: Light shaking7
Debre Birhan, Amhara,  Ethiopia(Pop.: 57,787)72 km (45 mi)W of epicenterV: Moderate shaking7
Āsbe Teferī, Oromiya,  Ethiopia(Pop.: 30,772)90 km (56 mi)SE of epicenterIV: Light shaking6
Sendafa, Oromiya,  Ethiopia(Pop.: 7,326)132 km (82 mi)W of epicenterIV: Light shaking6
Āwash, Āfar,  Ethiopia(Pop.: 36,500)57 km (35 mi)S of epicenterV: Moderate shaking6
Metehara, Oromiya,  Ethiopia(Pop.: 23,403)73 km (45 mi)S of epicenterIV: Light shaking4
Debre Sīna, Amhara,  Ethiopia(Pop.: 9,409)59 km (37 mi)NW of epicenterV: Moderate shaking3
Bishoftu, Oromiya,  Ethiopia(Pop.: 197,557)155 km (96 mi)SW of epicenterIV: Light shaking2

Note: Only reports with latitude/longitude coordinate positions given (576 in total) could be used for statistics.

What is Intensity and the Mercalli Intensity Scale?

The amount of shaking that occurs on the surface due to an earthquake is called the intensity. It is commonly measured on the so-called Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (MMI) ranging from 1 (not felt) to 10 (extreme shaking), and given in Roman numerals as I,II,…IX, X, and often displayed with color codes ranging from light blue to dark red.
Earthquake intensity depends mainly on the magnitude and depth of the quake as well as the distance from the epicenter: The further away, the less shaking intensity occurs.
Read more about the MMI scale!

Number of reports by intensity

Shaking intensityNumber of reportsMin-Max distance from epicenter (*)Average distance (*)
I: Not felt100–304 km (0–189 mi)163 km (101 mi)
II: Very weak shaking23149–206 km (93–128 mi)166 km (103 mi)
III: Weak shaking11561–639 km (38–397 mi)163 km (101 mi)
IV: Light shaking2460–197 km (0–122 mi)158 km (98 mi)
V: Moderate shaking1249.3–192 km (5.8–119 mi)159 km (99 mi)
VI: Strong shaking391.1–173 km (0.7–108 mi)153 km (95 mi)

(*) Reports are filtered to exclude those that are likely highly inaccurate or esaggerated.
Only reports with latitude/longitude coordinate positions given (576 in total) could be used for geographic statistics.

I didn’t feel it

I felt this quake

If you were near the epicenter and felt it, please share your experience and submit a short “I felt it” report! Other users would love to hear about it!
If you did NOT feel the quake although you were in the area, please report it as well! Your contribution is valuable to earthquake science and seismic hazard analysis.×169&–nktl-Pn_DIqAfRjoK57D3cGzBFGHz3jq%2CAOrYGsnQiE48s83dnpw-mHBJFHdVuWA5F52UdGDJPq0aXIjVuHAN0o6twPAUhXyY_iShOQUTP5BM9tTgQLDsCBXAOnkSsgID&pvsid=117586233378520&tmod=1437294769&uas=3&nvt=1&!8&btvi=3&fsb=1&dtd=33

Compare Quake Data

Data for the same earthquake as reported by different agencies

The more agencies report about the same quake and post similar data, the more confidence you can have in the data. It takes normally up to a few hours until earthquake parameters are calculated with near-optimum precision.

MagDepthTime GMT2025-01-4EpicenterAgency
5.810 km6.2 mi(*)00:52:2256 km SSE of Abomsa, EthiopiaUSGS (United States Geological Survey)
5.610 km6.2 mi(*)00:52:21Ethiopia11 km (6.8 mi) epicenter difference with USGSRaspberryShake (RaspberryShake)
5.810 km6.2 mi(*)00:52:21Ethiopia1.4 km (0.9 mi) epicenter difference with USGSEMSC (European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre)
5.710 km6.2 mi(*)00:52:21Ethiopia8.7 km (5.4 mi) epicenter difference with USGSGFZ (German Research Centre for Geosciences)
5.110 km6.2 mi(*)00:52:23near Addis Ababa33 km (21 mi) epicenter difference with USGSRENASS (Réseau National de Surveillance Sismique (RéNaSS))
5.810 km6.2 mi(*)00:52:22Ethiopia0 km (0 mi) epicenter difference with USGSIRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology)
5.710 km6.2 mi(*)00:52:22Ethiopia13 km (7.9 mi) epicenter difference with USGSGeoAu (Geoscience Australia )

(*) A depth given as 10 km often means that the the depth of the quake could be not determined with sufficient accuracy.


Seismic station: Mt. Furi, Ethiopia (FURI/IU network) | Distance from quake: 177 km / 110 mi | Show on map | Station Info

Seismic station Mt. Furi, Ethiopia: vertical movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)

Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.1-10.0 Hz. Source: IRIS Buffer of Uniform Data (BUD) webtool

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Aftershocks for this quake

No aftershocks have been recorded so far. When aftershocks are detected, we will update this section.

What are aftershocks?

Larger earthquakes (above magnitude 5 or so) such as this one are usually followed by smaller ones known as aftershocks that occur in the same area during the days, weeks, months or even years after the main shock.

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What about this quake?

Based on its magnitude, the fault that was active during the quake likely ruptured beneath a surface of approx. 63 km2 (=24 sqare miles) as a first-order estimate. The length of the rupture zone thus was probably around 14 km (9 mi).

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Recorded aftershocks, latest first (0 quake)

Date and Time GMTMag
Jan 4, 2025 03:52 am (Addis Ababa)
14 hours ago – felt
10 km
0 km – This quake57 km N of Āwash, Āfar, EthiopiaMain Shock (this quake)More

Map of aftershocks

Earthquake statistics

Average number of earthquakes

Based on data from the past 15 years and our earthquake archive back to 1900, there are about 11.8 quakes on average per year in the area near the epicenter of this quake (within 100 km/61 mi):

The area where this quake occurred has a high level of seismic activity. It has had at least 4 quakes above magnitude 6 since 1900, which suggests that larger earthquakes of this size occur infrequently, probably on average approximately every 30 to 35 years.

Number of quakes per year

Earthquakes M2+
Earthquakes M3+
Earthquakes M4+

Previous quakes in the same area of this earthquake

Strongest in 64 years

The earthquake was the strongest to hit this part of  Ethiopia in over 64 years. Earlier, the last quake of equal or greater strength near the present epicenter had been a magnitude 5.9 earthquake on Friday, Jun 2, 1961, at 08:44 am local time (Africa/Addis Ababa GMT +3) in 90 km (56 mi) distance to the north:

Mag. 5.9 earthquake 33 km northwest of Abomsa – AmharaEthiopia – Jun 2, 1961 – 64 years agoThe strongest-ever (since 1900) recorded quake in this area measured magnitude 6.0. It had occurred 64 years ago earlier, on Friday, Jun 2, 1961, at 07:51 am local time (Africa/Addis Ababa GMT +3) in AmharaEthiopia:

Mag. 6.0 earthquake 31 km northwest of Abomsa – AmharaEthiopia – Jun 2, 1961 – 64 years agoBelow is a list and map of (larger or recent) quakes that had occurred near the area of the epicenter before this earthquake (within up to 100 km/61 mi distance, up to 300 km/183 mi for very large quakes above mag. 7). Filter the list to limit the number to show, by magnitude or time before.     Max results10     2050100 All     Magnitude     All2+     3+4+5+     6+7+8+          Time before     48 hours     1 week     30 days     1 year     5 years     30 years     Any age     

Date and TimeMag
Jan 3, 08:01 pm (Addis Ababa)22 hours ago8 hours earlier5.5
10 km
36 km (22 mi) to the SE 44 km NE of Āwash, Ethiopia  I FELT IT – 59 reportsInfo
Jan 3, 05:27 pm (Addis Ababa)1 day 1 hours ago10 hours earlier5.2
10 km
42 km (26 mi) to the SW 37 km SSE of Abomsa, Ethiopia  I FELT IT – 51 reportsInfo
Jan 3, 12:40 pm (Addis Ababa)1 day 6 hours ago15 hours earlier4.7
10 km
15 km (9.5 mi) to the SW 43 km north of ĀwashĀfarEthiopia  I FELT ITInfo
Jan 3, 05:52 am (Addis Ababa)1 day 12 hours ago22 hours earlier4.5
10 km
29 km (18 mi) to the SW 52 km SSE of Debre Sīna, Ethiopia  I FELT IT – 16 reportsInfo
Jan 3, 05:10 am (Addis Ababa)1 day 13 hours ago23 hours earlier4.5
10 km
39 km (25 mi) to the SE 30 km NE of Āwash, Ethiopia  I FELT IT – 4 reportsInfo
Jan 3, 04:34 am (Addis Ababa)1 day 14 hours ago23 hours earlier4.7
10 km
71 km (44 mi) to the S 13 km SSW of Āwash, Ethiopia  I FELT IT – 16 reportsInfo
Jan 3, 12:18 am (Addis Ababa)1 day 18 hours ago1 day 4 hours earlier5.0
10 km
20 km (12 mi) to the E 63 km NNE of Āwash, Ethiopia  I FELT IT – 21 reportsInfo
Jan 2, 08:28 pm (Addis Ababa)1 day 22 hours ago1 day 7 hours earlier4.9
10 km
52 km (32 mi) to the S 6 km NNW of Āwash, Ethiopia  I FELT IT – 75 reportsInfo
Jan 2, 10:41 am (Addis Ababa)2 days ago1 day 17 hours earlier5.1
10 km
21 km (13 mi) to the S 36 km N of Āwash, Ethiopia  I FELT IT – 64 reportsInfo
Jan 1, 06:26 pm (Addis Ababa)3 days ago2 days earlier4.9
10 km
35 km (22 mi) to the S 22 km N of Āwash, Ethiopia  I FELT IT – 24 reportsInfo
Jan 1, 11:09 am (Addis Ababa)3 days ago3 days earlier4.8
10 km
45 km (28 mi) to the S 13 km NNW of Āwash, Ethiopia  I FELT IT – 9 reportsInfo
Dec 23, 2024 10:41 pm (Addis Ababa)12 days ago11 days earlier4.9
10 km
60 km (37 mi) to the S 13 km NNE of Metahāra, Ethiopia 34 reportsInfo
Dec 23, 2024 04:13 am (Addis Ababa)13 days ago12 days earlier4.6
10.2 km
60 km (37 mi) to the S 5 km WSW of Āwash, Ethiopia 10 reportsInfo
Nov 3, 2024 12:04 am (Addis Ababa)9 weeks ago4.7
10 km
30 km (19 mi) to the S 29 km NNW of Āwash, Ethiopia 15 reportsInfo
Nov 2, 2024 12:13 am (Addis Ababa)9 weeks ago4.6
10 km
64 km (40 mi) to the S Harari, 34 km east of MeteharaOromiyaEthiopia 22 reportsInfo
Nov 1, 2024 09:55 pm (Addis Ababa)9 weeks ago4.6
10 km
61 km (38 mi) to the S Āfar, 20 km east of MeteharaOromiyaEthiopia 21 reportsInfo
Oct 26, 2024 03:22 pm (Addis Ababa)10 weeks ago4.8
10 km
54 km (33 mi) to the SW 20 km N of Metahāra, Ethiopia 1 reportInfo
Oct 26, 2024 03:21 pm (Addis Ababa)10 weeks ago4.7
10 km
53 km (33 mi) to the SW Āfar, 22 km north of MeteharaOromiyaEthiopia 19 reportsInfo
Oct 17, 2024 09:10 am (GMT +0)11 weeks ago4.7
10 km
40 km (25 mi) to the S Āfar, 37 km northeast of MeteharaOromiyaEthiopia 19 reportsInfo
Oct 6, 2024 08:10 pm (Addis Ababa)13 weeks ago4.9
10 km
45 km (28 mi) to the S 23 km NE of Āwash, Ethiopia 665 reportsInfo
Sep 27, 2024 07:36 am (Addis Ababa)14 weeks ago4.9
10 km
63 km (39 mi) to the S 10 km WSW of Āwash, Ethiopia 3 reportsInfo
Oct 8, 2023 07:37 am (Addis Ababa)1 year 13 weeks ago4.8
10 km
58 km (36 mi) to the SW EthiopiaInfo
May 11, 1989 11:53 pm (Addis Ababa)36 years ago4.9
10 km
65 km (41 mi) to the S EthiopiaInfo
Oct 28, 1985 03:08 pm (Addis Ababa)39 years ago4.7
10 km
57 km (36 mi) to the W 27 km southeast of Debre BirhanAmharaEthiopiaInfo
Feb 25, 1974 07:05 pm (Addis Ababa)51 years ago4.5
33 km
41 km (25 mi) to the N EthiopiaInfo
Jun 3, 1961 06:23 pm (Addis Ababa)64 years ago5.4
20 km
89 km (55 mi) to the N EthiopiaInfo
Jun 2, 1961 10:02 am (Addis Ababa)64 years ago5.6
15 km
70 km (44 mi) to the NW 13 km north of Debre SīnaAmharaEthiopiaInfo
Jun 2, 1961 08:44 am (Addis Ababa)64 years ago5.9
20 km
90 km (56 mi) to the N 33 km northwest of AbomsaAmharaEthiopiaInfo
Jun 2, 1961 07:51 am (Addis Ababa)64 years ago6.0
20 km
86 km (53 mi) to the NW 31 km northwest of AbomsaAmharaEthiopiaInfo
Oct 23, 1938 05:28 am (Addis Ababa)86 years ago6.0
15 km
56 km (35 mi) to the NE 35 km SW of Gewan?, EthiopiaInfo
Oct 20, 1938 04:15 pm (Addis Ababa)86 years ago6.0
15 km
31 km (19 mi) to the NW Āfar, 30 km south of AbomsaAmharaEthiopiaInfo
Sep 18, 1938 03:38 am (Addis Ababa)86 years ago6.0
15 km
35 km (22 mi) to the SE Āfar, 55 km northwest of Āsbe TeferīOromiyaEthiopiaInfo

Map of earlier quakes in the area of this quake

     Max results10     2050100 All     Magnitude     All2+     3+4+5+     6+7+8+          Time before     48 hours     1 week     30 days     1 year     5 years     30 years     Any age     


100 km

50 mi


 Leaflet | © Esri— Sources: GEBCO, NOAA, CHS, OSU, UNH, CSUMB, National Geographic, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, and Esri

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