By  Gabe Hamda (PhD) and colleagues
April 3, 2017

Your soft skills play a bigger role for your success than your technical skills. This means, if you are a software developer, your ability to get along with people determine your advancement than your coding ability.

Are you in career transition? Are you changing a job? Looking for work in a new town? From another country trying to settle in America? Entering the workforce for the first time? Have been laid off and trying to get back on your feet? Trying to get a job after you have retired? Looking for part-time work to supplement your income? You want to change your profession and industry of experience and go in a completely new direction? 

If your answer to any of the above questions is “Yes”, 21st Century Community has a solution for you.

What is 21st Century Community?

21st Century Community primarily relies on an app technology to match service seekers with available service providers.

Traditional community centers use a centralized brick and mortar modendbdbdl that is expensive and unsustainable. 21st Century Community seeks to re-imagine community service by tapping into existing service providers and using technology to integrate and access the services.

21st Century Community is an inclusive organization who welcomes all who need our services. Our core services focus on immigrants in transition. While we welcome public resources, our primary resources come from the community we serve.

We are hosting a monthly Career Success Summit and a weekly Career Success webinar. 

A Monthly Career Success Summit is held the first Friday of every month starting 6pm @ downtown Silver Spring Civic Center Veterans Arena Spring Room. Summit dates are April 7, May 5, June 2, July 7, Aug 4, Sept 1. 

A weekly career success webinar is held every Wednesday @ 9PM (EST). Pre-registration is required. 

Both the weekly and the monthly Career Success seminars are intended to improve career success at advanced, intermediate and entry levels by providing critical soft skills.

Research conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation and Stanford Research Center has concluded that 85% of job success comes from having well-developed soft and people skills, and only 15% of job success comes from technical skills and knowledge (hard skills) (Source: National Soft Skills Association Research Publication)

The soft skills presented include: power networking, teamwork, appreciative thinking, workplace professionalism, emotional intelligence, leadership, cultural competence, presenting yourself.

The career success seminars are presented by notable soft skills facilitators, who are generous strategic partners of 21st Century Community. 

21st Century Community online as well as in-person events have one thing in common. The participants are the center of our attention and are encouraged to share personal stories and experiences for the benefit of other attendees.  At one of the Career webinars, the following inputs were shared by participants on a chat board:

About a dream job, “My idea of a dream job is one where I am able to use my current skills, learn new skills and able to be heard” Joan S.

About a dream job, “My idea of a dream job is a job where I do not feel I am working, rather enjoy doing it.” Tekalign  A.

About strategic bragging, “At one of my jobs, they called me “the cleaner” because I organized the filing cabinets in three different offices” Debbie P.

About strategic bragging, “Talking about ourselves is what we have to work on as Abesha’s” Tsegaye D.

Source      –   Ethiomedia