Al-Sisi urged for concluding studies of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam as soon as possible

sisi with Workneh Gebeyehu, the Ethiopian foreign affairs minister

President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi asserted Egypt’s interest in strengthening and developing its relations with Ethiopia in various fields during his meeting with Workneh Gebeyehu, the Ethiopian foreign affairs minister, on Wednesday.

During the meeting, both officials discussed bilateral relations and ways to advance them, as well as highlighting the strength of their relations.

The Ethiopian minister welcomed the progress of their bilateral relations over the past three years. He further delivered to Al-Sisi a letter from Ethiopian prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn, confirming the bilateral relations of both countries.

The meeting took place in the attendance of Egypt’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Sameh Shoukry.

The Ethiopian minister welcomed the progress made over the past three years on the course of bilateral relations between the two countries.

He also affirmed his country’s commitment to achieve the common interests of the two countries, pointing to the importance of regular communication and consultation between the two countries in order to enhance mutual cooperation and contribute to building trust on the official and popular levels.

Regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam issue, Al-Sisi stressed on the importance of positive interaction with the company responsible for implementing studies to conclude it as soon as possible.

Al-Sisi continued his statements in this regard, stressing on the necessity of continuing cooperation between the two countries in order to optimise the utilisation of all shared water resources in the Nile Basin, taking into account the development of all countries, without preventing any of their rights.

There has already been tension between Egypt and Ethiopia in recent years regarding the dam’s construction, due to the impact on Egypt’s share of water.

Al-Sisi praised the multiple meetings held with the Ethiopian prime minister, the latest having been on the sidelines of the recent AU summit in Addis Ababa.

The meeting also discussed a number of African issues of common concern, stressing the importance of enhancing coordination and consultation between the two countries in order to advance efforts to establish peace and security on the African continent, both within the framework of the African Union and within the framework of the current membership of the two countries in the United Nations Security Council.

Source         –        Daily News Egypt