Sun, 14/05/2017 – 14:01

Al-Masry Al-Youm

Former Ethiopian Foreign Minister Tedros Adhanom, who is running for the post of secretary general of the World Health Organization, paid a two-day visit to Cairo starting Saturday within his electoral campaign, ahead of the final elections tour slated for May 23 in Geneva.

Adhanom was received at Cairo International Airport by Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister for African Affairs Mohamed Idris, who delivered greetings from Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry as well as Egypt’s support for the Ethiopian candidate who represents Africa.

Idris also delivered instructions from Shoukry to the Egyptian delegation in Geneva in coordination with the African delegations to support the Ethiopian candidate as Egypt is keen that Africa gets a fair share of pivotal international posts which will support the African interests.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm