10 Ways the Integrated Family Health Program Is a Game Changer for the People of Ethiopia


From 2008 to 2016, the lives of millions of women, men, and young people throughout Ethiopia were touched by the Integrated Family Health Program (IFHP), led by Pathfinder International and JSI, and supported by USAID. The program used an integrated approach to radically change the way health services are delivered in Ethiopia, reaching some of the most at-risk populations with life-saving services like family planning, immunization, HIV and AIDS, and maternal health.

While it’s nearly impossible to fully describe the impact the program had nationwide, here are a few of the key aspects of the program that truly make it a “game changer” for the people of Ethiopia.

  1. REACH — While most projects operate at a small scale for a limited amount of time, IFHP created a lasting impact for millions.

37.8 million+ people reached in nearly 300 woredas

  1. THE POWER OF INTEGRATION — Instead of just working on one area of impact, the program holistically addressed family planning, child health, nutrition, malaria, maternal and newborn health, HIV and AIDS, gender, adolescents and youth, community mobilization and behavioral change, systems strengthening, and program learning.


  1. LONG-LASTING RESULTS — The program kept sustainability in mind at every stage, focusing on building the skills of local health workers and to ensure the program’s impact continues long after we’re gone.

  1. COMMUNITY-DRIVEN — IFHP responded to local wants and needs, and adapted its approach to meet them.

11,570+ health extension workers trained to provide the contraceptive implant Implanon

Health posts providing Implanon insertion services increased from 51% in 2011 to 88% in 2016


  1. SERVING THOSE WHO NEED IT MOST — From adolescents and fistula survivors to sick children and pregnant mothers—the program reached previously unserved and underserved populations.

8 million+ children under 12 months old received a measles vaccination. 5 million+ vists for youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services. 7 thousand+ women identified and referred for fistula repair services

  1. GOING BEYOND SERVICES — IFHP didn’t just improve health service delivery. It also addressed social issues that so often prevent certain groups from accessing health care, such as gender-based violence and gender inequality.

23,600+ early marriages deferred or canceled through the program

8,500+ religious and community leaders trained

  1. YOUNG AT HEART — IFHP was one of the few reproductive health projects to bring youth-friendly services to scale. Nearly 24,000 peer educators were trained to share sexual and reproductive health information at universities and communities nationwide.

Health posts providing Implanon insertion services increased from 51% in 2011 to 88% in 2016

  1. FURTHER, TOGETHER — IFHP worked closely with the Ethiopian government under the framework of the Health Sector Development Program, local governments, religious leaders, and community-based organizations. These partnerships made the program’s impact lasting and more significant—and helped us best meet local needs and create champions for family health nationwide.

19.5 million in Ethiopian public and private financial resources leveraged for reproductive health and family planning throughout the life of the program


  1. NOT A CHOICE, BUT CHOICES — We know people need a range of health care options. That’s why IFHP worked hard to give rural women and families across Ethiopia access to the comprehensive services they need at the community level. That includes long-acting contraceptive methods like implants and IUDs.

18 million+ people used family planning for the first time

  1. DATA FOR DECISION MAKING — IFHP’s approach relied heavily on global and local data to produce results. Data is a powerful tool. We were able to go farther and reach more people because we had a better idea of what works and what doesn’t.

15,600+ health workers and managers trained to use data for decision making

KEEP EXPLORING the lasting impact of the Integrated Family Health Program >

Source           –         Pathfinder International