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SMC-   The Sudan Media Center

23 May 2017

Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir said today that the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) confiscated Egyptian vehicles and tankers that were in the possession of gunmen during the recent fighting in Darfur.

Speaking at the Defense Ministry in Khartoum at a veterans ceremony, the president said, “Unfortunately, the armed forces have confiscated vehicles and tankers that are from Egypt.”

Highlighting the bravery and success of the Sudanese armed forces,he said, “Countries around us are collapsing and their armies are collapsing, but the Sudanese armed forces despite the plots and the conspiracies, have remained steadfast.

Commenting on the recent fighting in Darfur he said, “Sudanese army achieved an amazing victory, and in two days defeated a large plot of rebels who simultaneously entered -to the Darfur region- through two points; Libya and South Sudan.”

The SAF destroyed 59 of the 64 vehicles that had entered through South Sudan.

The Sudanese president also lamented the fact that despite Sudan’s support to neighboring Egypt since 1967, the Egyptians did not support Sudan.

Over the weekend, the Sudanese army announced that it was engaged in armed battles with ‘mercenary forces’ that had entered the territory through the borders of Libya and South Sudan at the same time.