13-06-2017 11:17:00 | by: Andrea Ayemoba | hits: 2062 | Tags:

Ethiopia and the world’s newest nation South Sudan are to develop joint infrastructure development projects that would help create regional economic interconnection.
The statement was made on Monday to Xinhua by James Morgan, South Sudan Ambassador to Ethiopia who said the infrastructure development project for now will concentrate on road projects.
“Two main road projects, one from Ethiopia’s western Gambella regional state to South Sudan’s capital Juba, and another from Gambella to oil fields in South Sudan,” he says.
In line with agreement between the two nations, the Ethiopian military will build the roads that are expected to pass through restive regions in South Sudan.
Morgan says the cost of the project will be covered by the Ethiopian government for now, with South Sudan paying its share in the future once its current troubles are over.
South Sudan despite gaining independence in July 2011 from Sudan via a referendum has been embroiled in internecine conflict since December 2013.
