The Cross Border Programme for Sustainable Peace and Socio-Economic Development was launched by the President of Kenya, H.E Uhuru Kenyatta and the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn on 7 December, 2015


NAIROBI, Kenya, Jun 22 – The Kenyan Government has entered into two key partnerships with Ethiopia that have the potential of promoting peace and development in the region.

The two programmes, which have have been signed today, aim to unlock the economic potential of regions along the Kenya-Ethiopia border.

Treasury Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich has said that a successful implementation of the programme will address many of the region’s challenges.

“The uniqueness of the program is that it addresses transformative change and resilience building in a coordinated way. The programme is bringing together national/regional governments, local governments, and partners around strategic priorities of the region,” said Rotich.

Marsabit Governor Ukur Yattani, said the Cross Border Programme for Sustainable Peace and Socio-Economic Development, “will be an example to the region and the world.”

“I am glad to report that as a county we have made significant progress. Our communities harmoniously co-exist and are focused on solving our myriad social economic problems,” said Governor Yattani.

Turkana County Governor Josephat Nanok said that the Fund will accelerate the pace of development in the county.

“We have identified our development priorities in the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP). This fund will, therefore, help us fill up the resource gaps that exist in our planning,” he said.

Ethiopian Minister of Federal and Pastoral Development Affairs, Kassa Teklebrhan asked partners to be at the forefront of making the program a success.

“I call upon the regional and local administrators of the two countries to exert your utmost effort to mobilise local resources to the implementation of prioritized projects since the external support only serves as catalysts for our indispensable roles,” he said.

National and regional governments from both sides promised to prioritize the programme in the allocation of resources which they said will be operated and coordinated in a predictable and accountable manner.

The European Union head of mission Stephano Dejak also present said that EU has already approved Sh7.3 billion for the programme which will be disbursed in four years across the intended regions.

“The signing will effectively give way to an intensive and extensive resource mobilization exercise,” he noted.

The road map outlines key components of the document as well as stages of development to be taken into account so that a new, effective framework aligned to Kenya’s Vision 2030 exists by the time the current one, United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2014-2018, expires in July, 2018.

The Cross Border Programme for Sustainable Peace and Socio-Economic Development, launched by the President of Kenya, H.E Uhuru Kenyatta and the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn on 7 December, 2015 is a partnership conceived and developed by the Government of Kenya, the Government of Ethiopia, the United Nations, the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the County Government of Marsabit, and Borana Zone.

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FM Group



MUTHONI WAWERU Muthoni Waweru is a News Anchor/ Reporter and has been practicing Journalism since 2008. Environment and Human interest stories are her passion through which she hopes to make a difference.
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