July 4, 2017 07:26

Held at the Pan African University, Cameroon on June 11-14, 2017

Facilitated by Professor Mammo Muchie: DST/NRF Research Chair on Innovation and Development (TUT) (www.sarchi-steid.org.za) & www.africantalenthub.org

Background and Objectives

Follow online this INTENSIVE INTERACTIVE SEMINAR, On African Unity and Renaissance for an Integrated Development Held at the Pan African University, Cameroon on June 11-14, 2017 , Facilitated by Professor Mammo Muchie the AUSC Presidency’s Special Advisor For African Union Focal Point.; www.africanunionsc.org

Do Africans know who they are? Do they know where they come from? Are they learning about Africa without bias and prejudice? Do they also know where they have been and are, and do they know where they are going? Do they know their spiritual, knowledge and struggle heritages; and are they willing to know what they should have known about already, as Africans have been forced not to know about all the knowledge bequeathed from time immemorial. We will engage with all of you doctoral emerging scholars coming from different parts of Africa. What will be appropriate is to make your intellectual and learned engagements very interactive, where you all undertake research to find out why the Africa the palaeontologists have appreciated as the origin of humanity went through the process where the humanity of Africans was denied through slavery, colonialism and imperialism. More resources still flows out of Africa than what comes in from outside. Africa is a donator and it is not donated. Africa too develops those who claim to donate to Africa by huge amount of its wealth flowing out without interruption. Colonialism has not fully left Africa yet. The key issue is not to look back to this negative history and stay there. The main goal is for all Africans to engage with quality social capital with one another without fail in order to find new, creative and innovative ways to move forward and transcend the negative narrative by recognising, learning and comprehending the difficult journey that Africa has been through in history in order to make a new Africa that woks with full self-worth, dignity, independence and agency. How to build trust or social capital amongst Africans in order to make sure the African people are the main owners of Africa is critical to put as the priority in the Pan-African unity and renaissance agenda. Let you all become the Pan-African organic intellectuals to discover the workable routes to make Africa the wellbeing green zone of the world. Learning that diversity is an asset and not a liability by appreciating any differences whilst celebrating being African and human above all else should guide all to accelerate and fully realise African unity
for renaissance now and not tomorrow.

There will be eight lectures allocated as follows in each part below by focusing on Pan-Africanism, the spiritual, knowledge and struggles heritage and the need for African sustainable integrated development.

Part I. The First Day will be an interactive seminar on the link of Ethiopianism with Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance

a) Ethiopianism

b) Pan-Africanism

c) The African Renaissance

Part II; The second day will focus on moving away from Cognitive and Epistemological vice and invasion Africa faces to the African epistemological wealth, virtue & Justice

  1. The African spiritual Contribution and knowledge and Science contributions

    e) African contribution to science from the Science Wars Debate

    f) The Struggle Heritage focusing on Haiti, South Africa, Ghana, the African Battle of Adwa that made Africa a victor not a victim and other struggles throughout the Africana world

Part III: The third half day will focus on ways of building the belated African Integrated Sustainable Development

g) Youth Employment and agriculture transformation

h) Making Unified pan-African Innovation system

Part IV: Assessment

All the doctoral students are expected to produce creative research papers that will be peer reviewed and the papers that pass the peer review will be published. As you all are doing your doctorate, the opportunity for you to engage in the inventive and creative spark by producing quality research that involves mainly the literature review related to the research work you plan to work on is critical. You are all expected to produce the research paper by the last week of July, 2017. Join to radiate intellectual spirit and energy now and Interact and network to create, invent, innovate and incubate to make Africa the talent hub and green zone and not the Sahara desert destination of the world. Good luck.

Recommended Reading

Mammo Muchie, Sanya Osha & Matlotleng P. Matlou (eds.) The Africana World: From Fragmentation to Unity and Renaissance, Aisa/Hsrc Publishers, 2012

Mammo Muchie, Vusi Gumede et al (eds.) Unite or Perish: Africa Fifty Years after the Founding of the OAU, AISA/HSRC Publishers, 2014

Mammo Muchie, Phindile Lukhele- Olorunju et al (eds.), The African Union Ten Years After: Solving African Problems with Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance, AISA/HSRC publishers, 2013

Mammo Muchie, Vusi Gumede, Samuel Oluruntoba & Nicasius Achu Check (eds.) Regenerating Africa: Bringing African Solutions to African Problems Mammo Muchie, The Making of the Africa-Nation: Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance, Adonis Abbey Publishers, 2003

Mammo Muchie, Peter Gammeltoft & Bengt-Aake Lundvall (eds.) Putting Africa First: The Making of African Innovation Systems, Aalborg University Press, 2003
Thomas Pakenham, The Scramble for Africa (1876-1912), Clays Ltd, Britain, 1991
Kwesi Prah, The Africa Nation: The State of the Nation, The Centre of Advanced Studies of African Society, 2006

Martin Meredith, The State of Africa: A History of the continent since Independence, Free Press, Britain, 2005

Dambisa Moyo, Dead Aid: Why Aid is not Working and How There is Another Way for Africa, Allen Lane an imprint of Penguin, 2009

Richard Dowden, Africa: Altered States, Ordinary Miracles, Portobello Books Ltd., 2008, 2009
Julia Stewart, Stewart’s Quotable Africa, Penguin Books, 2004

Elegna M’buyinga, Pan-Africanism or Neo-Colonialism, Zed Press, 1982

Eddy Maloka (ed.) Africa’s Development Thinking since Independence: A Reader, AISA, 2002

Dani W. Nabudere, afrikology, Philosophy and Wholeness- an Epistemology, Aisa, 2011

Mammo Muchie, Towards Unified Theory of Pan-African innovation Systems and Integrated Development in Innovation Africa: Emerging Hubs of Excellence Edited by Olugbenga Adesida Geci Karuri-Sebina et al, Emerald Group Publishers, 2016

Mammo Muchie & A. Baskaran(ed), Education, Human Capital and Research Capacity for African Integrated Development, Africa World Press, 2017

Mammo Muchie & A. Baskaran (ed), African Economic Transformation in the Digital Age, Africa World Press, 2017

Mammo Muchie & A. Baskaran (ed), Solutions to Access Safe Drinking Water in Africa, World Press, 2017

Mammo Muchie & A. Baskaran (ed), Sectoral Innovation Systems in Africa, World Press, 2017
Re-thinking Africa’s development through the National Innovation System: M Muchie, Putting Africa first. The making of African Innovation Systems, Ibid.
The making of the Africa-nation: Pan-Africanism and the African renaissance: M Muchie, Adonis & Abbey Publishers

African integration and civil society: the case of the African Union: M Muchie, A Habib, V Padayachee, Transformation: critical perspectives on Southern Africa 61 (1), 3-24

Towards a unified conception of innovation systems.: A Baskaran, M Muchie, Institute for Economic Research on Innovation

Searching for opportunities for Sub-Saharan Africa’s renewal in the era of globalisation: M Muchie, Futures 32 (2), 131-147

An institutional perspective to challenges undermining innovation activities in Africa: S Mudombi, M Muchie, Innovation and Development 4 (2), 313-326

Challenges of African transformation: exploring through innovation approach: M Muchie, A Baskaran, African Books Collective

Innovation for sustainability: African and European perspectives”: M Muchie, A Baskaran African Books Collective

The Africana world: from fragmentation to unity and renaissance: M Muchie, S Osha, African Books Collective

Pan-Africanism: an idea whose time has come: M Muchie, Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies 27 (2), 297-306

Towards a Theory for Reframing Pan-Africanism: An Idea Whose Time Has Come: M Muchie, Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University

The African Union ten years after: Solving African problems with pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance: M Muchie, P Lukhele-Olorunju, OB Akpor, Africa Institute of South Africa

Neighbourhood System of Innovation: South Africa as a regional pole for economic development in Africa: E Kraemer-Mbula, M Muchie, Georgia Institute of Technology

Innovation Systems for ICT: The Case of Southern African Countries: E Kraemer-Mbula, M Muchie, Bridging the Digital Divide: Innovation Systems for ICT in Brazil, China

MOGES Abu Girma & MUCHIE Mammo : The Political Economy of Pan Africanism: Imagination and Renaissance , Paper

Some Useful Links

on the African talent Hub