03-08-2017 08:06:31 | by: Bob Koigi

Ethiopia and UK have signed a compact that will support the acceleration of the off-grid solar market in Ethiopia by creating business opportunities, more jobs and helping improve access to electricity for poor people.

The compact, which is part of the UK’s Energy Africa campaign was signed by Minister of Water, Irrigation and Electricity of Ethiopia H.E. Dr. Engineer Sileshi Bekele and British Ambassador to Ethiopia Susanna Moorehead.

The UK’s Energy Africa campaign was launched in October 2015 and focuses on developing the household solar market as one of the cheapest and most effective ways of accelerating universal energy access in Africa.

With this agreement, the UK will help the Government of Ethiopia achieve its ambitious energy access targets by developing partnerships with the private sector. The UK will provide support to build delivery capacity within the Government, and support businesses that wish to work in and expand this market.

Speaking following the signing ceremony Ambassador Moorehead said: I’m delighted to have signed the UK-Ethiopia Energy Compact today. This compact will support the development of the off-grid energy sector in Ethiopia.

The partnership will bring together British companies, British technology and Ethiopian demand to support innovative ways of supplying clean energy to poor people in rural areas.


Source    –    Africa Business Communities