Former guerrilla leader praised for bringing stability and growth after genocide but criticised as authoritarian wins third term


Paul Kagame

Paul Kagame greets supporters at the closing rally of his campaign in Kigali. Photograph: Marco Longari/AFP/Getty Images

Jason Burke Africa correspondent

Saturday 5 August 2017 13.28 BST

Paul Kagame, the controversial president of Rwanda, has won a landslide victory in the small African state’s election, securing a third term in office and extending his 17 years in power.

The result will surprise no one, inside or outside Rwanda.

Kagame, 59, has won international praise for the stability and economic development he has brought Rwanda since the 1994 genocide, when an estimated 800,000 people were killed, but he has also been accused of running an authoritarian, one-party state. Some have dismissed the polls as a sham.

Diane Shima Rwigara sits next to a portrait of her father at her home in Kigali

‘Rwanda is like a pretty girl with a lot of makeup, but the inside is dark and dirty’

Friday’s election came after a constitutional amendment, which ended a two-term limit for presidents and theoretically permits Kagame to remain in power until 2034. The amendment was approved by 98% of voters.

In the final tally for Friday’s election, he won almost 99% of votes cast, said Kalisa Mbanda, chairman of the National Electoral Commission.

The board expects turnout in the east African country of 12 million people to have topped 90% in an election that fielded only a single opposition candidate, Frank Habineza, and an independent.

Habineza, a former journalist who leads the Green Democratic party, said last week the authorities in Rwanda were “starting to understand the opposition can play a role in running the country”.

“We are still treated as if we are enemies … but so far in this election no one in our party has been killed or imprisoned or harassed and that means at least some progress,” he said before a rally in the small southern town of Rango.
The election board disqualified another would-be opponent, Diane Rwigara, despite her insistence that she met all the requirements to run.

Rwanda presidential election – in pictures
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After results were announced, Kagame said he would work to sustain economic growth. Infant mortality and poverty levels have dropped rapidly in Rwanda in recent decades, while literacy rates and other indicators of development have soared. New roads have been built and an ambitious programme of investment launched. Kigali is perhaps the cleanest and most orderly African capital city.

“This is another seven years to take care of issues that affect Rwandans and ensure that we become real Rwandans who are [economically] developing,” he said in a speech broadcast live on television.

Kagame led rebel forces into Rwanda to end the 1994 genocide and went on to wage further wars in the region. He won the last election in 2010 with 93% of the vote, and said during this campaign that he again expected an outright victory.

Despite some discontent over joblessness and other issues, the president appears authentically popular in Rwanda, which has had some of the fastest economic growth rates in Africa and has become known for its stability in a deeply troubled region.

At a succession of rallies attended by large numbers of supporters from the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front party, Kagame promised more schools, roads and clinics. Supporters at a rally in Burera in the north of the landlocked country said last week that they could not imagine another leader.

Reuters reported that voters celebrated the election result into the early hours of Saturday.

“Last night was fantastic. People kept coming in until my bar had more than 200 people. I usually get 100 on normal days. They were all celebrating and I left at 2am, but they were still dancing and more were coming,” said John Habimana, owner of the popular Roasty Bar in Kigali.

Other residents were less happy, the agency said. “To me I see this as a one-man race. I simply did not go to vote,” said one man in the capital who asked not to be named.

Source     – The Guardian


Rwanda election: President Paul Kagame wins by landslide

Rwanda elections 2017: A one-horse race?

President Paul Kagame of Rwanda has won a third term in office with a landslide, the country’s electoral commission has announced.

A final tally of votes gave him 98.63% of the votes, it said.

Mr Kagame’s supporters, who say that he has brought stability and economic development after the horrors of the 1994 genocide, began celebrating before the announcement.

Critics – most of whom are outside the country – say he rules through fear.
After his victory, Mr Kagame vowed to keep up the country’s economic growth.

“This is another seven years to take care of issues that affect Rwandans and ensure that we become real Rwandans who are [economically] developing,” Mr Kagame said in a speech broadcast on live television.

Mr Kagame, who has been in power for 17 years, was challenged by Frank Habineza, from the Democratic Green Party, and Philippe Mpayimana, an independent.

Another independent challenger, businesswoman and rights activist Diane Shima Rwigara, was disqualified by the electoral commission.

Paul Kagame – visionary or tyrant?

Rwanda: 100 days of slaughter

The remaining eight opposition parties did not put forward a candidate and instead backed President Kagame.

The president previously called the election “just a formality”.

Rwandan President Paul Kagame arrives to cast his vote at a polling station in Kigali, 4 August

Mr Kagame voted in the capital Kigali

Mr Kagame, 59, came to power in 1994, when his Tutsi rebel group took control of the capital, Kigali, ending the genocide in which some 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus were slaughtered.

Rwanda’s constitution was amended in 2015, following a referendum, enabling Mr Kagame to run for a third term.

Beyond this, he could run again, potentially staying in power until 2034.
His two challengers have complained that their supporters have been intimidated, which they say explains the low turnout at their rallies.

The candidates have also accused some local authorities of undermining their campaigns.

The ruling party denies any accusations of wrongdoing.

Paul Kagame at a glance:

Supporters of the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) carry a poster as they attend a campaign rally on August 4, 2010 in Kigali ahead of next week's presidential election.


Paul Kagame won the 2010 election with 93% of the vote

. Seen as military genius

. His rebel forces helped end 1994 genocide – he has been in power ever since

. Twice invaded much larger neighbour, DR Congo

. Accused of suppressing the opposition and ordering assassination of critics

. Sees Singapore and South Korea as models – economy growing at 7% a year

. Champions women’s rights; most MPs are women

Mysterious death of an exile
Rwanda country profile

SOURCE     –     BBC