August 18, 2017 15:41


 AEUP and BLUE parties’ alliance and activities towards merger in the future.

 The 10 months of State of Emergency and its impact on the nation’s political landscape.

 The upcoming Addis Ababa City Administration Election and other future plans of the parties.

1. AEUP and BLUE Parties’ alliance and activities towards merger in the near future:

All Ethiopia Unity Party has 25 years of peaceful struggle experience and passed through the ups-and-downs of the Ethiopian politics. Even though it is only 5 years since Blue Party is established, it accomplished so many political activities to mobilize the people in all angles of the nation having the capital as a strong hold.

AEUP and Blue Party are working together starting from April 8, 2017. The two parties accomplished so many activities in the last 5 months and will continue working together aiming at merger in the near future.

The two parties are now working together on:

 members training & capacity development,
 organization affairs in region, zone and Woreda level,
 Public relations in programmed and current political issues.
 human rights and the issues of prisoners and
 The upcoming Addis Ababa City Administration election

These and other activities are going beside the 6 member merger facilitating committee, 3 from AEUP and 3 from Blue Party, works towards making the two parties one.

The Merger is just the beginning to form a big and competent national party, that is why we are inviting other parties and groups which has the same program as ours.

2. The 10 months of State of Emergency & its impact on the nation’s political landscape:

The regimes’ lack of good governance causes the mass uprising to irrupt immediately after it declared 100% winning of 2015 general elections. Actually the peoples uprising all over the country, especially in Oromiya and Amhara regions has its own deep rooted and immediate causes.

This in turn leads the regime to panic and take harsh and ruthless measures in its own people. Instead of giving prompt and genuine solution to the aged and immediate causes it declared the state of emergency all over the nation and put the country under the military rule, called Command Post which worsened the problems and become a dividing wall between the people and the regime. And it caused damages on the country trades and investment, tourism, and social interactions which established in centuries and hardly to recover soon.

As AEUP and Blue party scanned in 20 Zones of their organizational structure the citizens in those areas are in real danger of losing security and confidence of being intimidated by the military forces. And party supporters and members too. After the state of emergency 74 AEUP members and 121 Blue Party members are liable to prison and torched

For example: AEUP and Blue Party structures in

• South Wello – Dessie,
• East Gojjam – Debre-markos,
• West Gojjam – Bahir-dar,
• North Gonder – Gonder,
• West Guji – Gelana and
• Gedio Zones the parties’ supporters, members and leaders are being intimidated and imprisoned and forced to leave their leaving areas. The harassment in the last 10 months causes to weaken peaceful struggle in general and our structure in particular to cloth offices.

3. Upcoming Addis Ababa City Administration election and other future plans of the parties.

The main objectives of AEUP and Blue party are to have substantial vote in the next year Addis Ababa City Administration election and work for smooth transition. The two parties are committed to work hard to change the nation’s thousands of years of history of bullet to that of ballot.

True, that the political landscape is now closed, the genuine parties’ activities are hindered and limited to following up prisoners’ cases. They can’t deliver their alternatives to the people. The regime blocks the way to public meetings and peaceful gatherings in an unconstitutional way. Thus, our alternatives in:

 human rights,
 federal system,
 land tenure system,
 Foreign policy
 Free market etc not reached the mass.


We believe that change is natural and inevitable but as a civilized people and as we are a 21st century we have to make the change manageable, peaceful and make the country’s future better than its past.

The diplomatic community is well aware that a lifelong relationship should be established with the people of the nation, not with the regime. Hence, as a partner and strong alliance the diplomatic community shall be concerned and committed to work to the well being of Ethiopia and the Ethiopian people.
Even though, Ethiopia has good weather condition and the Ethiopian people are known in hospitality to welcome individuals and organizations from all parts of the world, it is very clear that a nation’s good face shall be seen only when its internal peace is guaranteed.

Long Live United Ethiopia!
August 18, 2017
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia