San José, Calif., August 18, 2017 – For the thirteenth year in a row, the Ethiopian American Council of North America is pleased to announce that the traditional flag of Ethiopia, by support of Mayor Sam Liccardo and the San José City Council, will once again float in the skies over the New City Hall of San José. The flag will remain aloft for one week.

Flag-Raising Marks Ethiopian New Year and Commemorates Public Service
The flag-raising ceremony comes on the cusp of the traditional Ethiopian New Year and it will be used to commemorate the fine community service of the Ethiopian Nurses Association of California, as well as the good works of community activists, Ms. Ida Bezabeh and Mr. Ato Fikru Haile-Selassie.

Ethiopian Nurses Association of California

The Ethiopian Nurses Association of California is a non-profit organization that aims to provide health education and awareness to the Ethiopian Community in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area. The association will be honored for its many years of service by working with community-based organizations, corporations, and other entities to sponsor health fairs and health education and outreach for the Ethiopian-American community.

Ida Bezabeh – Public Health Worker

Ms. Bezabeh, a young woman of tremendous energy, will be honored for her efforts of health awareness service. Among her other endeavors, she has staged a number of forums to help raise the awareness of Ethiopian-Americans regarding personal health and its necessity for a healthy community and productive, happy citizens.

Ato Fikru Haile-Selassie – Volunteer Service to Youth and Church

Mr. Haile-Selassie will be honored for twenty years of enthusiastic service to the Ethiopian community in San José. Without regard for recompense or repayment, he has dedicated his time and energy as a soccer coach for youngsters in San José. And he has been of invaluable service to the staff and parishioners of Rama St. Gabriel Ethiopian Orthodox Church, also in San José.

Raising the Banner of Green, Yellow, and Red

This 13th annual flag-raising will be held Friday, September 8, at 5 p.m., New City Hall, located at 200 East Santa Clara Street in downtown San José. The Ethiopian American Council invites all citizens of San José, their families and friends, to join them at this commemorative event. Green, yellow, and red are the colors of the traditional Ethiopian flag. EAC encourages attendants to wear these colors to the ceremony.

Citizens in other jurisdictions with an Ethiopian population are encouraged to approach their government officials to conduct similar events marking the traditional Ethiopian New Year and to honor individuals and community organizations. For more information at 408-753-1314

1659-D W. San Carlos Street San Jose, California 95128 Tel: 408.753.1314

Email: Website: www.eacouncil.