Jordan Anderson – IHS Jane’s Country Risk Daily Report

08 September 2017


Four students were injured in Ethiopia’s Oromia regional state on 6 September when a grenade was thrown into a school in Mieso, West Hararghe Zone.
Opposition media reported that locals blamed the attack on the Liyu (special) police of the neighbouring Somali region. Up to 50 people – reportedly including members of the Liyu police – were killed in small-arms fighting near Mieso and Chinaksen, East Hararghe Zone, Oromia, between 28 August and 1 September. Further to the south, similar fighting took place in Oromia’s Bale zone, where four people were killed by Liyu police on 7 September, and Borena zone, with 10 deaths in Moyale district on 3 September.

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