EnkuTaTash: Ethiopian New year cerebration in Buffalo

September 11, 2017- The city of Buffalo has proclaimed the “ Ethiopian New year celebration” beginning on September 11, 20017 which is Meskerem 1, 2010 in Ethiopia. Ethiopians and their friends gathered last Saturday in Como Park, Cheektowaga to celebrate the “ EnkuTaTash”.

Jessica Lazarin of Office of New Americans with ECAGB’s members (photo Rubens Mukunzi)

The celebration was organized by the Ethiopian Community Association in Greater Buffalo, a local organization stands on providing social, cultural and educational opportunities for Ethiopians and Ethiopian-American.

In her speech, Jessica Lazarin, the Director of office of New Americans in the city of Buffalo, recognizes Ethiopia as the only country in Africa to have never been colonized. “ Buffalo celebrates that its residents from Ethiopia are from a highly diverse country with over 100 million people comprising of 85 Ethnic groups with individual languages spoken” Lazarin said.


Ethiopians and their friends enjoyed food and dance in celebrating EnkTaTash

Ethiopia retains the Julian calendar, in which the year is divided into 12 months of 30 days each and a 13th month of 5 days and 6 days in leap year. The Ethiopian calendar is 8 years behind the Gregorian calendar from January to September and 7 years behind between September 11 and January 8. This difference originated from a divergence between the Roman and Ethiopian churches as to the date of the creation of the world. The years are classified by the names of the Evangelists: Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John.

EnkuTaTash means the “gift of jewels”. When the famous Queen of Sheba returned from her expensive jaunt to visit King Solomon in Jerusalem, her chiefs welcomed her bolts by replenishing her treasury with inku or jewels.
Karibu News and his team wishes all Ethiopians a happy “ EnkuTaTash”.