September 12, 2017 16:37

For immediate release, September 11, 2017

“Unity is our destiny”

“አገሬ ተባብራ ካልረገጠች እርካብ ነገራችን ሁሉ የአምቧይ ካብ የእምቧይ ካብ”
ቀኝ ጌታ ዮፍታሄ ንጉሴ

Ethiopia is at a crossroads. Since November 2015, it has been experiencing a widespread civil uprising that is unprecedented in its recent history. A wave of demonstrations and protests are continuing across the country, particularly in Oromia, Amhara, Somalia, Gambela and Konso regions. Believing that a unified civic movement is as important, as the organized political opposition to ensure accountability and establishment of democratic governance; and trusting that a united front of pan-Ethiopian Civil Society Organizations at home and abroad can play the role of catalyst to formulate a national agenda for change and post-TPLF transition to a democratic and sustainable political order, the under- signed are calling for a convention of Civil Society Organizations, Faith Based Institutions and, Media Groups who have uncompromising stand and commitment to respect the unity of the Ethiopian people and the territorial integrity of the Ethiopian state, a commitment to uphold and promote all human, civil, and political rights of all Ethiopians, as adopted and declared by various international conventions and who are actively and consistently engaged in advocacy for Ethiopian causes.

The call for a convention is for the purpose of developing and formulating a general framework and a common national agenda fully endorsed by the convention participants to be used as a roadmap and guiding principle to unite disparate Civil Society Organizations and Political Parties.

The Convention will be held in Dallas, Texas from October 7 to 9, 2017.
Invitation to Civil Society Organizations, Faith Based Institutions, and Media Groups, is being sent concurrently.

Center for the Rights of Ethiopian Women (CREW) and Ethiopian Dialogue Forum (EDF),
Ethiopiawinnet,: Council for the Defense of Citizen Rights (E-CDCR), Global Alliance for the Rights of Ethiopians (GARE),

Gonder Hibret for Ethiopian Unity, Vision Ethiopia, and
Ya Tiwled