Addis Abeba, Nov 2 (Prensa Latina) The Ethiopian army captured two militants from the opposition group Ginbot 7, considered terrorist by the government, who planned attacks in the Ahmara region, one of the most conflictive in the country, a regional publication reported on Tuesday.The population of that region supported the military that executed the arrest of the suspects, according to a declaration of the Joint anti-Terrorist Task Force, cited by africanews.

The detained fighters planned actions with hand grenades in public places of Bahir Dar, capital of Amhara state, according to their own statements, added the source.

The police seized the detainees four of those devices that they would use to boycott a traditional and musical event held in the area, and to attack a bar and a restaurant.

The Ethiopian authorities blamed the neighboring State of Eritrea for the presence in the country of the two combatants, as part of strategies to spread the instability in the regions of Amhara and Oromia, areas of conflict in the last two years.

Addis Ababa also blames those incidents on the Eritrean government, a country that was an Ethiopian territory until its independence in 1993 after a war and a referendum organized by the UN in which the Eritreans voted for their separation.

The Ginbot 7 group is a frequent protagonist of armed raids like the one in Ethiopian territory now, whose government frustrated several operations of that type in the course of the last year.

