የዮፍታሔና የአድማሱ ነገር – ( ዲያቆን ዳንኤል ክብረት)

July 14, 2017  የዮፍታሔና የአድማሱ ነገር – ( ዲያቆን ዳንኤል ክብረት)     የቅድስት ሥላሴ ካቴድራል የመልአከ ብርሃናት አድማሱ ጀንበሬንና የቀኝ ጌታ ዮፍታሔ ንጉሤን ዐጽም በተመለከተ የሰጠውን ማብራሪያ ተመለከትኩት፡፡ ካቴድራሉ ሐሳቡን ለማስረዳት መትጋቱን አደንቃለሁ፡፡ የካቴድራሉ ሐሳብ ከቤተ ክርስቲያኒቱ ትውፊት የራቀ በመሆኑ ግን ተገርሜያለሁ፡፡   ቀኝ ጌታ ዮፍታሔ ንጉሤና መልአከ ብርሃናት አድማሱ ጀንበሬን በተመለከተ ካቴድራሉ ያየበት […]

Why the European Union, Canada and the USA Need a Unified and Prosperous Ethiopia

July 14, 2017 Dr. Aklog Birara Part I of II My argument in this commentary is that a Balkanized, tribal, sectarian, conflict ridden, oppressed, repressed, dependent and corrupt Ethiopia won’t be of any value to Western democracies. I am, however, totally convinced that an all-inclusive, just, empowering, prosperous and democratic Ethiopia will serve as a […]

Bill Gates: We Must Depopulate Africa To Save Europe

July 14, 2017               Billionaire backtracks on globalist open borders agenda By: Jay Greenberg (Neon Nettle) — Billionaire Bill Gates has spoken out about the immigration crisis in Europe saying that the continent will be “devastated by African refugees” unless severe and immediate action is taken. In an interview […]

Ethiopian Musicians Charged With Terrorism for ‘Inciting’ Song Lyrics

Posted 14 July 2017 19:47 GMT Written by –    Endalk Screenshot from one of Seena’s viral Afan Oromo ‘resistance songs’ from the group’s YouTube channel. Seven producers and performers of a popular YouTube music video were charged in Ethiopia in late June with terrorism for producing ‘inciting’ audio-visual materials and ‘uploading them on YouTube’ The group members were […]

የዮናታን ተስፋዬ መልዕክት ከዝዋይ እስር ቤት – በዳዊት ከበደ ወየሳ

Yonatan Tesfaye Regassa July 12, 2017 (ኢ.ኤም.ኤፍ) ዮናታን ተስፋዬ የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ የህዝብ ግንኙነት ኃላፊ ነበር። ረጋ ያለና ቁጥብ ወጣት ነው። በ2017 በተደረገው ምርጫ ጭምር ተወዳድሮ ነበር። ሆኖም ገና በ31 አመቱ፤ በአመለካከቱ ምክንያት የስድስት አመት እስር ተበይኖበት፤ ለአገሩ መልካም ነገር ማበርከት የሚችል ወጣት፤ በአሁኑ ወቅት በዝዋይ ማረሚያ ቤት ውስጥ ይገኛል። ባለፈው አመት በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ በኦሮሚያ እና […]

Trump’s Proposed Budget Reductions Will Hurt the U.S. and Africa

July  2017 The Trump Administration has made known its initial budget proposals for fiscal year 2018, beginning October 1, 2017. African governments should be interested in these proposals because some important U.S. Government activities on the continent could either be abolished or significantly reduced. President Trump’s budget request for 2018 proposes significant reductions in two […]

Breaking News: Federal court rules opposition leaders to defend prosecutors’ charges, reduces Bekele Gerba’s terrorism charge to crime

addisstandard / July 13, 2017 / 4.8k Mahlet Fasil Addis Abeba, July 13, 2017 – In what was seen as a key decision involving the high profile terrorism charges against 22 mostly opposition party leaders and members, the federal high court 4th criminal bench has today acquitted five of the 22 defendants, reduced the terrorism […]

Teddy Afro, Ethiopia’s biggest pop star: ‘Because of our government, our country is divided’

The musician’s latest album, with songs hailing Ethiopia’s glorious past, is the fastest-selling record in the country’s history. But his political views have made him enemies at home Teddy Afro … somewhat unintentionally, a flag-waver for the Ethiopian opposition. Photograph: Mulugeta Ayene/AP Tom Gardner Thursday 13 July 2017 16.00 BST Tewodros Kassahun’s manager meets me on […]

US delay on sanctions decision leaves Sudanese in limbo

Businessmen, shop owners, and Sudanese expats are desperate to finally ditch 20 years of US sanctions. The US temporarily lifted some of its sanctions on Sudan in January 2017 [Getty Images] By  Ahmed Saeed Khartoum – The Sudanese government, businessmen, and banks anxiously awaited a decision on Tuesday that they hoped would permanently lift decades-old US […]

Ethiopians Race to Leave Saudi Arabia as Mass Deportations Loom

Ethiopians Race to Leave Saudi Arabia as Mass Deportations Loom Middle East July 13, 2017 5:45 PM Salem Solomon  and Mestawet Shumye FILE – Ethiopian women wait in a line at custom area as they arrive at Bole International Airport in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, Dec. 18, 2013, after they were deported from Saudi Arabia. […]