Test running on next Ethiopian line to start in August

30 Jun 2017 ETHIOPIA: Test running on the first phase of the Awash – Woldiya/Hara Gebeya Railway is on course to begin by the end of August, Ethiopian Railways Corp has announced. In June 2012 ERC signed a US$1·7bn turnkey contract for Turkish firm Yapı Merkezi to build the 389 route-km electrified standard gauge line […]

FACT FILE: Climate change, food security, and adaptation

  Maria Olsen/EC/ECHO    Anthony Morland Project Editor Author Note This is the third in a series of four fact files that is part of a special project exploring the impact of climate change on the food security and livelihoods of small-scale farmers in Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal and Zimbabwe PARIS, 14 June 2017 The humanitarian […]

EU needs to offer work visas to bring migration under control

A European “coalition of the willing” offering migrants legal channels could restore some sanity to floundering migration policy, says Mattia Toaldo from the European Council on Foreign Relations in this commentary for Refugees Deeply. Åsa Sjöström/IRIN     Mattia Toaldo Senior Policy Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations 28 June 2017 As migration is now viewed […]

UN agrees to cut down Darfur peacekeeping force

Major budget cut pressures UN to trim its costliest mission by at least 30 percent, prompting right groups’ criticism. The drawdown will be gradual, carried out in two phases of six months [Ashraf Shazly/AFP] UN Security Council has agreed to a major reduction of peacekeepers in Sudan’s Darfur region after US pressure led to a […]

Trump travel ban: US sets out visa criteria

29 June 2017 Getty Images Travel ban protests took place in New York as the ban took effect People from six mainly Muslim countries and all refugees now face tougher US entry due to President Donald Trump’s controversial travel ban. It means people without close family or business relationships in the US could be denied […]

Amnesty expires for ‘illegal’ Ethiopian residents in Saudi Arabia

TRT World (29 june 2017) The Ethiopian government urged its undocumented nationals residing in Saudi Arabia to take advantage of the three-month amnesty which ended on Tuesday. Photo by: Reuters Archive An undocumented Ethiopian worker arguing with a member of the Saudi security forces while waiting to be deported in Manfouha, Southern Riyadh. The amnesty given […]

የሀይል አሰላለፉ ጎራው ሲፈተሽ – “የኦሮሞ ብሔረተኝነት ፖለቲካ ከሌለ የትግራይ ህዝብ አደጋ ላይ ይወድቃል” ገብሩ አስራት

June 29, 2017 (ቬሮኒካ መላኩ) “የኦሮሞ ብሔረተኝነት ፖለቲካ ከሌለ የትግራይ ህዝብ አደጋ ላይ ይወድቃል” ገብሩ አስራት ይሄን ከዚህ በላይ የተፃፈውን የተናገረው የቀድሞው ታጋይ እና የህውሃት ማእከላዊ ኮሚቴ አባል የነበረው ገብሩ አስራት ነው። በሌላ በኩል የቀድሞው የኦነግ ሊቀመንበር አቶ ሌንጮ ለታ ከሁለት ወር በፊት ከOMN ጋር ባደረገው ቃለምልልስ ላይ የ OMN ጋዜጠኛ:- “ኦነግና አንተም በግልህ ረጅም […]

“ዘውጌኝነት” እና “ዘውግ-ዘለልነት”…?

  Wednesday, June 28, 2017 የዘውግ ብሔርተኝነትም ይሁን ኢትዮጵያዊ ኅብረብሔርተኝነት አተያዮች በዘውግ ላይ የተመሠረቱ ናቸው። ሁለቱም ዜጎችን የሚመለከቱት የዘውግ ምንዝር (ethnic subjects) አድርገው ነው። ስለዚህ ይለያያሉ ማለት አይቻልም። ለብዙዎቹ ችግሮቻችን ፍቱን መድኃኒት አድርጌ የምወስደው፣ ጉዳዩን በዘመን ቁመት እና በዓለም ሕዝቦች ታሪክ አግድም መመልከት ነው። ዓለም በበቂ ሁኔታ የምንማርባቸው ስኬቶች እና ውድቀቶች አሏት። ዘውጌኝነት፣ ብሔርተኝነት እና […]

The Numbers Say the Ethiopian Economy Is Doing Very Well. Reality Says Many Ethiopian Citizens Are Not

  Group of happy African children – Ethiopia, East Africa By D. Amari Jackson,  June 29, 2017 (Atlanta black star) For some, the emergence of Ethiopia as Africa’s third-largest economy is cause for celebration. The ancient nation skirting the continent’s horn recently surpassed its southern neighbor Kenya as the largest economy in East Africa with […]