An Eritrean tank destroyed in a battle with Ethiopian troops last week sits near the strategic southwestern Eritrean town of Barentu 20 May 2000
Image copyright AFP
Image caption The 1998-2000 border war between Ethiopia and Eritrea led to the deaths of around 80,000 people

Eritrea has accused Ethiopia of launching an attack at the countries’ heavily-militarised border.

Ethiopia has not commented on the reported fighting in the Tsorona area, about half-way along the frontier.

Residents on the Ethiopian side of the border reported hearing gunfire and seeing a large movement of troops and artillery towards the border.

A peace deal in 2000 ended the countries’ two-year war but it has not been fully implemented.

Ever since, the countries have been in a state of “neither war nor peace”, says the BBC’s Ethiopia correspondent Emmanuel Igunza.

Eritrea says the tense relations with Ethiopia are why it has national conscription, which can last for decades.

Isaias Afwerki
Image captionEritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki was critical of Ethiopia at the recent independence celebrations

It’s not clear why the fighting has erupted now as neither country has issued any reasons.

But in recent months both sides have upped the rhetoric with the latest verbal salvo coming from Eritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki during celebrations to mark 25 years of the country’s independence.

He accused Ethiopia of being hostile to Eritrea’s sovereignty.

Earlier this year, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said his country was ready to take “proportionate military action against Eritrea” for what he described as “continuous acts of provocation and destabilisation of Ethiopia”.

The conflict, over the exact location of the border led to the deaths of an estimated 80,000 people.

Ethiopia “unleashed an attack against Eritrea on the Tsorona Central Front. The purpose and ramifications of this attack are not clear,” the Eritrean government said in a short statement issued on Sunday night.

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