Dallas Texas USA

ቁጥር 1 ልንለው በምንችለው ትቸው! ረስቸው !ላይ ለዶክተር በየነ ጴጥሮስ ብዛት ያላቸው emails መላኬን ገለጬ ነበር። ከዚህ ውስጥ አንዱን October 10,2003 የጻፍኩትን አባሪ አድርጌ የላኩትን ይኸው አሁን አቅርቢያለሁ።

ሚስጥር (Confidential)ይላል። ስራዬ ብዬ ነው ሚስጥር ያልኩት። በኔ ግምት እዚህ email ውስጥ የሚታዩትን (የተገለጹትን) ውስብስብና የተቆላለፉ የሚመስሉትን የፈጠረው ራሱ በየነ ይመስለኛል። ይህንን የአካባቢ ማስረጃዎች ያረጋግጡልኛል። በጋሞ ዲሞክራቲክ ሕብረት አባላት መካከልና በኦሞቲክ ድርጀት አባላትመካከል የፈጠረው ከፋፍለህ ግዛው ወይ አጋጨው ማስረጃ ስለሚሆን ነው። በዚህ ምክንያት የላኩትንም email ማውጣቴ አይቀርም።

የዚህ email ሌላ ውስጠ ታዋቂ መልእክት እባክህ አሰራርህ ተደርሶበታልና ቀይረው ለማለት ጭምር ነው። ሌላው ትእዛዝ ወይም መመሪያ በማይመስል መልኩ በፖለቲካ ስራ መቻቻል ማቻቻል ሰውን እነደአመጣጡና ባህርዩ መስተናገድ ይገባል የሚል ትምህርት ያገኝበታል በማለት ነበር

ሳጥን ውስጥ (Box) ያስገባኋት ይህንን ሚስጥር የሚለውን ባለብዙ ገጽ ግምገማና ምክር አባሪ አድርጌ የለኩበት email ነው። እንዳልጨቀጨኩና (pestering) እንዳላጣብብህ (overwhelming) የሚል ተማጽኖ አለው። ምክንያት ፈልጎ ጠብ እንዳያነሳ መለማመጤ ነዉ ተብሎ ሊታይ ይቻላል። ወይም ዲፕሎማሲ!

የበየነ አንድ መሠረታዊ ባህይርይ መልስ አይሰጥም።ለማንም ለምንም ተጠያቂነት የለበኝም የሚል አመለካከት ሳይሆን አይቀረም።ጨለማን ተገን አድርጎ መስራት (ወይም አለማስራትም ልንለው እንችላለን )የሚወድ ይመስለኛል።

እዚህ ጽሁፍ ውስጥ የብዙ ሰዎች ስም ተጠቅሷል።ልደልዘው፤ልሰርዘው ወይም ልሸፋፍነው አልፈለኩም።አለአገባብ ስሜ ተነስቷል ለሚሉ ሁሉ አስቅድሜ ይቅርታ እጠይቃለሁ። ዋናው የበየንን ገጽ ለማሳየት ሙከራ እንጅ ሌሎችን ለመነካት ወይም ለመነካካትም አይደለም።ዘመኑ ይህ ከተጻፈበት ከ2003 ጀሞሮ 13 አመታት አልለፈዋል። የተቀበረው ተቀብሮ አሁንም እዚያ ያለው በየነ ጴጥሮስ ነው።

ጣሊያንም መጣ፤ሔደ ተመለሰ፤

ሚናስ ብቻ ቀረ ቤት እያፈረሰን ያስታውሰኛል።

ለወጣቱም አንዳንድ መሠረታዊ የዲሞክራሲ ትምህርትም አያጣታም የሚል ተሰፋም አለኝ።ለሁሉም እናተው ፍረዱት!!

Points of View
A.CHABO gantagaro@yahoo.com   1017/03 11.51.AM.


Dear Beyené


I hope I am not pestering or overwhelming you

With Regards


From: Achabo


Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Dear Dr.Beyene


This is again about the SEPDC here in the USA I am not sure whether I am rushing you into something that you intentionally want to go slow.  Given the number of people who actually participated in one capacity or another at the Head Office of SEPDC in Addis and who now moved to the USA, I feel that it is possible to set up a better Core Office here in Washington, D.C.  II feel that there is enough material here to sift through the Good, the Bad and the Ugly and keep the Ugly out or on the sideline.

In the past few years, I intentionally kept away from SEPDC so as to avoid any vicariously liability on you and the SEPDC because of whatever I say and/or write.

As I have tried to explain to you in San Diego, California, the last time we met, I feel that the situation in Ethiopia in general and The SEPDC in particular has reached a crossroads.  I reached a decision to get engaged. And explained to you the highlights of the route my participation will follow. In that spirit I have been engaged in that endeavor since you left.

I anticipated some sort of at least token participation and nominal support from our SEPDC group here in Washington. I also anticipated some sort of resistance for one reason or another. In either case what I got is beyond what I bargained for. So far support real or nominal is not coming. On the contrary I sow a concerted effort in thwarting and/or outright hindrance.

I am not sure whether we will be able to say that there is a branch of SEPDC here except nominally and under questionable circumstances. Now there seems to be some sort of rush and scramble to set up an appearance of office of a sort. The effort does not appear genuine rather diversionary and to cover-up some mess and continue what they have been doing up to now.  The approach seems devoid of theory, practice and/or pragmatism. Rather there is an appearance of a desire to grab power or to thwart those who they think in power, especially you. From the minor glimpse that I took, I can safely say that it is not only Demissie Tsara that is out there to subvert your/our effort. There are many others here and I am not sure whether they have some root and following in Ethiopia.

I am not trying to complain or criticize anyone. I am just trying to pass over my empirical observation. Since you or no one, for that matter, gave me any insider view and background material on all our supporters or detractors here, I have to find out the hard way, that is, from conversations serious or casual that I had with the different ‘supporters’ and ‘functionaries ‘here. To my surprise, some of those whose names you gave me as supporters or activists are rather detractors. I would like to be informed if there are some more individuals on whom you have put some question mark. That will help and make my task easier.

As I had explained to you, I have started setting up a data bank of basic supporters.  It is supposed to be a starting point for creating a permanent Support Group. So far I have contacted about 40 people and the response has been positive. I expect geometric progression. The people I contact, as I have tried to explain to you, are not necessarily from the South. It includes people with “Goodwill” and “patriotism” from other areas of Ethiopian as well.

My approach thus far has been simple, direct, non-controversial, less political and more patriotic. I state that “…. the SEPDC has so far achieved more than its due. It intends to go to the next stage in its development. To that and other day-to-day activities it needs your support. If you have followed what has been achieved so far and have confidence in its future please support. The amount is a monthly contribution $10.00…” A lean body to be set up to oversee the raising of funds and disbursement.  A 3-person body will probably suffice. That is a coordinator, an accountant and an auditor. Transparency creates confidence. It is going to be carried out in cyberspace, e-mail extra. That is all and I wanted to keep it that way so as to avoid bickering and any string being attached with the $10.00 subscription.

Once the wheel starts moving, I intend to transform that Support Group into a non-profit organization. I am taking the American PAC as a model.  I hope you are familiar with it. The PAC (Political Action Committee) is a general support group that does not directly involve in political day-to-day activity. It maintains a facade of ‘neutrality’ and those who don’t have an appetite for politics are bound to support.

Eventually it will raise funds not only from Ethiopian Sources but also from far and wide. To do so it must be palatable to the taste of the Americans and other would/could be international support organizations. That is the Long Term Ideal!

The $ 10 subscription is simply to get started. The $10 is an arbitrary amount chosen by me in the hope that it will attract the larger number and money will not be an excuse not to join. They will always be encouraged to contribute more. Eventually it will go to asking support in kind for not only the office but for the victims of injustice and families as well.

I wanted this to be under the umbrella of SEPDC but politically as far removed as possible. This is to shield from any spillover of political bickering, infighting and the mood swings that usual accompany political ups and downs. That will probably will tend to have contaminating, hindering, frustrating or aborting effect on the Support Group. It will probably affect its longevity. Another reason for shield from political bickering, if any, is that there will probably be apolitical supporters to the Support Group and any political bickering will necessarily dampen their eager to support as a patriot.

That is how I at least view it.

I have shared this and other opinion a with some of the members of group and ‘leadership’ of SEPDC in the Washington D.C area I am sorry to say the reception by and large lukewarm, hostile, plagiarism and outright theft of my innovative idea and its perversion. Here are some to explain what I meant.

  • I had a domain paid for and registered in my name about six months ago as Awsa-Langano. My intention was to make it an Internet forum for brainstorming sometime in the future when the need and time arises. The idea came from the song of Melkamu Tebeje. I felt that the time is ripe now and shared this idea with Feleqe Eshete. He agreed reluctantly saying that he already had such an idea. I left that there because it was on the brainstorming stage. A week later he comes up with ta web site name Awassa and inviting me to join and participate in it. It was so brazen and shameful I got embarrassed. I will forward the registration to you to see.
  • The same thing happened to the Support Group Idea. I shared the idea with some and all in the D.C area. The idea got truncated and turned upside down. They started collecting the sum of money and electing chairman and the rest from the same old group. The only thing remaining now of my idea is the $10 only. Fortunately I did not pass any of the names that I have approached. I asked if they had a list of supporters. What have been given, as supports are the names of who is who in the Washington area names like Fascia Belete. They have been a joke so far and want to make turn any innovative approach to farce. Felke Eshet spearheads this. I discussed why he is doing what he is doing. He was clear about it. He wants to have a control over you through that fund. “Since we are contributing, we must have a say as how Beyene runs the show. That is democracy” That is almost an exact quotation from Felq. You should have hinted to me that he is engaged in some sort of completion with you.
  • You will be having the cassette of the radio and will be the Judge of what transpired on the radio. I repeatedly asked Kedir to go on the air and refute all or part of the allegation and defamation of you and SEPDC. He categorically said No. The last time I brought about the subject about 3 weeks ago he hang up the phone on me.
  • Frustrated I arranged to go on the offensive so as to challenge, and at the same time to neutralize some of the audience for this diatribe. I told the intention to all of them and sent an email. Feleqe Eshete insisted that I should not and Must Not at all take up the subject. He does not have any response to the why question but insisted that I should not get involved in it. Then they run like mad men and went on the air with the most embarrassing statement from the South. It was, I am afraid, Neamin who prepared it and told me that Assefa just left his office.

Why do they do these childish imbecile things? I am not sure and don’t want to venture into psychoanalysis. Here are some of my informed guesses from the bits and pieces that I get from here and there.

  • Kedir and Assefa don’t work for SEPDC. I don’t care about their loyalty to EPRP and they can keep their sentimental or ignorance based loyalty. What worries me most is the total betrayal of the SEPDC. That they work for EPRP is a public knowledge here. I have known about that for a long time now.
  • There is an undercurrent resentment simmering just below the surface against you. I don’t know all the reasons. The resentment may be rooted simply in envy or instigated by others. It will appear that they want to keep you where you are for the moment but tarnish and politically damaged as much as possible. I have to the conclusion that is why they don’t want to refute the defamation against you even when I created an optimum condition.
  • Because of internal bickering the nature of which I am not sure, nothing has been accomplished so far. Even an attempt has not been made. When I just start mobilizing the whole world as Supporter they took it to be something exposing their incompetence and impotence real or induced. Hence the attempt to thwart and frustrate.


What can you do under the circumstances? I do not know. I say I don’t know because I am not privy of the relation you maintained with them. That is to say I don’t know the extent of influence you have to produce change. And in the absence of any knowledge on my part, I will take a guess and hope that you carry some weight here.  I will appreciate if you can convince them of the following; –

  • That I am not here to compete with them or anyone but simply to help and make available whatever asset I have. That I have no intention to compete here or anywhere else for whatever post there is.
  • Try to tell them that I am a friend not a threat and probably a very good tool to use rather than Shan
  • If you can, tell them that I have a right endowed by birth to do what I wanted to without requiring their, agreement consent or permission on the issue of the South
  • Try to set up a political core here. From bits and pieces of discussion I have, Getachew seems to be ok. He seems to have the ability to build consensus. He does not seem to have a big ego and appears to have outlived his EPRP past.
  • As I have mentioned Birhanu seems to possess common sense and exposure
  • Abebe Debotch will be a good addition to the core. At least I have talked with him on the phone 3 or 4 times , and seem positively charged. His problem probably will be political maturity.
  • Asfa Yilma will be a new good addition. He has sober and penetrating intellect and low profile and does not create threat personality. He is not ambitious and doesn’t and will not compete for any position.
  • Bekele. I am not sure. One has to temper his politics and noise. I am not any surer of his alliance to the South any more. He wants to eat his cake and still have it. Was he an EPRDF? Do you know whether he renounced that relation? That is some of the impression he created on me when I talked with him.
  • I also talked with Wondimagegn. I am not so sure of his tendencies. I hope he will not strength the Kedir group. If you know more about him communicate with Getachew.
  • I talked with Adnew in Atlanta Georgia and seems to have composed and aware. Apart from the physical distance, he could have made a good material for a Core.
  • .Hadiya Alemu does not want to participate in the Core Group. He gave me a reason but not satisfying.
  • Kedir and Assefa of course must be in it but with minimal influence. One has to create a position give them a high sounding name and PR with the Opposition Coalition
  • I will need some more time to suggest other names because I am still new and sifting through would always add one or 2 persons at a time.
  • Once the core is formed you and I must take from there and give at least an Interim Road Map that can officially be articulated on behalf of the South and whoever is to follow.
  • If at all they setup a Support Group outside the one intended by me, tell them to make it a separate entity from the political body.

As you can see the above is of people around the D.C area. There are some people that I need for the Support Group and eventually for executive office of a non-profit Organization should we reach that goal. The people that immediately come to mind are Haile Micheal from Minneapolis, Dr. Moges Mochana from Florida and Dr. Tektel Mulugeta from San Jose. Gideon Ersa is another name that comes up often. I intend to talk to him soon. I will appreciate if you call or e-mail Haile Michael and Gideon and tell to closely cooperate with me. I can take care of Tektele and Moges. I urge you to talk to Haile Michael on the phone and give this general idea.