የዓለማችን ትልቁ የተፈጥሮ ሀብት የሆነውን የአማዞን ደንን የሚጠብቁት ሴቶች

ከ 4 ሰአት በፊት ‘ዩቱሪ ዋሪሚ’ የኢኳዶራውያን ስብስብ የሆነ የሴቶች ቡድን ነው። አማዞን ደንን ለመጠበቅ ነው የተሰባሰቡት። የኢንዱስትሪዎች መስፋፋት አካባቢያቸው ላይ የሚያሳድረውን ተጽዕኖ ለመቋቋም ቆርጠው ተነስተዋል። ሰሬና የተባለ ማኅበረሰብ አማዛን ደን ውስጥ ይገኛል። ጃቱንያኩ የሚባል ወንዝ ያዋስናቸዋል። ኤልሳ ሴድራ 43 ዓመቷ ነው። ጉያሱያ የተባለ ቅጠል ታበቅላለች። በዚህ ቅጠል የሚከወን ባህላዊ ሥነ ሥርዓት በአማዞን ደን ውስጥ […]

ኢራን ከትራምፕ ‘የተሰረቀ’ መረጃን ከባይደን ጋር ግንኙነት ላላቸው አስተላልፋለች ተባለ

ከ 4 ሰአት በፊት የኢራን መረጃ መንታፊዎች ከዶናልድ ትራምፕ የምርጫ ዘመቻ አስተባባሪዎች የወሰሰዱትን መረጃ ከባይደን የምርጫ ዘመቻ አስተባባሪዎች ጋር ግንኙነት ላላቸው ሰዎች መላካቸውን ኤፍቢአይ እና የአሜሪካ የደኅንነት ተቋማት ገልጸዋል። በዚህ ሂደት የትራምፕ የምርጫ ቅስቀሳ ቡድን ከእነሱ ፍቃድ ውጪ የኢሜል መልዕክቶችን ከባይደን ጋር ግንኙነት ወዳላቸው ሰዎች ልከዋል። ይህ የሆነው ባለፈው ሐምሌ ወር አካባቢ ሲሆን፣ ይህም ባይደን […]

Ethiopia: United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and the Ministry of Health signed a $13.5 million project financed by the World Bank to procure and install Oxygen Supply Systems

Source: United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)  This project will enhance healthcare delivery, improve emergency preparedness, and provide economic benefits, ensuring that medical facilities can offer consistent and high-quality care to patients COPENHAGEN, Denmark, September 18, 2024 UNOPS and the Ministry of Health have formalized a $13.5 million partnership financed by the World Bank for […]

Egypt accuses Ethiopia of ‘tampering’ with the Nile River  – Egypt Independent 

Egypt Main Slider  Egypt Independent September 18, 2024 Egyptian Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Hany Sewilam assured on Tuesday that Cairo is closely monitoring Ethiopia’s “tampering” of the Nile River, the Sky News Arabia website reported. In an interview with the media, the minister added that Ethiopia’s actions are often unjustified and unscientific, and […]

Ethiopia plagued by abductions ‘epidemic’  – RTL Today

Growing menace AFP|Update: 18.09.2024 07:25 Ethiopia / © AFP One day in August, Aynalem was on her way to university in the Amhara region of northern Ethiopia when armed men suddenly stopped the bus and climbed aboard. “They were all very young and threatened us with assault rifles. I was terrified,” recalled the 21-year-old biomedical engineering […]

Water Wars Dilemma For Lower Riparian Countries – OpEd Eurasia Review 19:22 

The Ganges (Ganga) River, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. Photo by Babasteve, Wikipedia Commons.  September 19, 2024  By Sehr Rushmeen Water scarcity has emerged as a key issue in global geopolitics, particularly for lower riparian countries—those situated downstream of river systems shared with upstream states. The dependence of these nations on the water flow from upstream countries […]

Ethiopian Airlines to take delivery of Airbus A350-1000 in October  – APAnews 15:39 

AFFAIRES | AFFAIRES APA -Addis Ababa(Ethiopia) 18 September 2024 | 19:29 Share The Airbus A350-1000 is a cutting-edge addition to the A350 family, designed to offer superior performance and efficiency, the airlines said on Wednesday in a statement. “With a passenger capacity ranging from 350 to 410, depending on the configuration, the A350-1000 is ideal for […]

ILO’s Nature-Based Solutions training empowers African stakeholders to tackle climate and employment challenges  – International Labour Organization 13:08 

ILO’s Nature-Based Solutions training empowers African stakeholders to tackle climate and employment challenges A capacity-building training on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in Bishoftu, Ethiopia, equipped 38 participants from government and international organizations to integrate NbS into projects, tackling climate challenges and promoting sustainable livelihoods. 18 September 2024 ILO News (Bishoftu, Ethiopia) – A capacity-building training on Nature-based […]

Will Egypt and Ethiopia Go to War?  – Globely News 12:43 

Conflict between Egypt and Ethiopia over the Nile water intensifies, spreading into Somalia and Somaliland, raising prospects of a proxy war. By Globely Staff September 18, 2024 The battle between Egypt and Ethiopia over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) has escalated under President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, spreading into Somalia and […]

Fayda digital ID critical to Ethiopia’s 2025-2030 digital govt strategy: official – Biometric Update 11:50 

Sep 18, 2024, 11:45 am EDT | Ayang Macdonald Categories Biometrics News  |  Government Services  |  ID for All  |  In Depth A data and governance system advisor at Ethiopia’s Ministry of Innovation and Technology has underscored the role of the Fayda digital ID in the implementation of the country’s new five-year digital government plan to go operational soon. Abiyot Bayou Tehone was speaking in a […]