በጎንደር ክፍለ ሀገር ከወልቃይት ጠገዴና ጠለምት የአማራ ብሄር የማንነት ጉዳይ አስተባባሪ ኮሚቴ የተሰጠ መግለጫ

September 12, 2017 17:51 መስከረም 1 ቀን 2010ዓ/ም ሸክሙን ሲፈሩ መደላድሉን!! የገዥው ቡድን በኃይል አዳፍኖ ለመያዝ የሞከረው ድንገት እንደ እሣተ ገሞራ የፈነዳውና ከአንድ ዓመት በላይ በመላው ኢትዮጵያ በተለይም «የአማራ ክልል» በሚባለው ለገዥው ቡድን « የእግር እሣት» የሆነበትና ሀገሪቱ ለአንድ ዓመት ያህል የአስቸኳይ ጊዜ አዋጅ እንዲታወጅ ያስገደደው አላስቀምጥ አላስተኛ ያለው እርስ በርሳቸው እንዳይተማመኑ በጥርጣሬ እንዲተያዩ ያደረገው፤ […]

ሁለት አጫጭር መረጃዎች ከጎንደር

September 12, 2017  የጎንደር ከተማ (ፎቶ ፋይል)   (ዞብል የጎህ ጋዜጠኛ) መሰከረም 02/2010 ጎንደርን የማፈራረስ ተልዕኮ አንግቦ ጎንደር ላይ የመሸገው የትግሬን ጭንብል ያጠለቀው የጥፋት ቡድን /የቅማንት ኮሚቴ/ በዛሬዎ ዕለት በሰማቸው መታወቂያ የተሰራለቸውን ወጣቶች ከአንቸው ሚካኤል ቀበሌ ተንሰተው ወደ ዳብርቃ እና ብላጅግ የምርጫ ካርድ ለማውጣት በቡድን ተደራጅተው ሲመጡ የአካባቢው ስው/አማራዎች/ ያለቀበሌየቸው የመጡትን ተላላኪዎችን የቶክስ እሩምታ ከፍተውባቸው […]

Ethiopia: Resilient Communities for Arable Eastern Africa

Addis Fortune (Addis Ababa)     opinion By Patrick Kormawa (Phd), FAO Representative to the African Union. In the past few decades, Eastern Africa has experienced significant economic changes which, in many ways, have contributed to improving the living conditions of millions of poor farmers and pastoralists. Agricultural production and productivity have increased. Some countries have […]

Ethiopia: Double Digit Inflation Flags Unhealthy Economy

Addis Fortune (Addis Ababa)      The inflation rate in Ethiopia reached a 22-month high following a persistent rise of food costs, especially on cereal products, lifting the headline inflation to 10.4pc, signalling unhealthy macro economy in the country. Announcing the result, the Central Statistical Agency (CSA) linked the rise in inflation to the hike in prices of […]

From AMCON: We can’t selling Arik to Ethiopian Airlines

Posted By: Editoron: September 12, 2017In: Business BUSINESS NEWS REPORT – It is reported that AMCON has said that the receiver manager appointed to rescue Arik Air, is in talks with Arik Air creditors but not negotiating a sale to Ethiopian Airlines. Arik Air shareholders have filed a court case against the federal government and […]

Is Kenya losing its air freight edge to Ethiopia?

Tuesday September 12 2017 In Summary . Transporters say that while the Kenya government has invested heavily in upgrading its airports, particularly Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), rising fuel prices, security threats and changing inventory policies are making the country lose its competitive edge to Ethiopia. Despite the government investing about $150 million in upgrading […]

The Rise Of “Made In Ethiopia” — With The Backing Of Beijing

  Women workers sowing children’s underwear at a modern textile factory in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia – Kay Nietfeld       2017-09-12 Emeline Wuilbercq LE MONDE English edition • WORLDCRUNCH      2017-09-12 HAWASSA — Peter Wan is smiling from ear to ear. The 50-year-old walks past huge warehouses, where dozens of Ethiopians are busy working on spinning […]

በቤንሻንጉል ጉሙዝ ክልል መተከል ዞን ከ30 በላይ የአማራ ብሄር አባወራዎች ከመኖሪያቸው ተፈናቀሉ

(Yenus Muhammed) ከሴት ተፈናቃዮች ውስጥ የአስገድዶ መድፈር ጥቃት የደረሰባት እንዳለችም ተገልጿል። የማንቡክ ከተማ ነዋሪዎችና አመራሮች ችግሩን ለመግታት እየተንቀሳቀሱ ይገኛሉ። አዲስ ዓመቱን በደስታ ለማክበር ጉምብስ ቀና በምንልበት በዚህ ወቅት አሳዛኝ ወሬ ከወደ ቤንሻንጉል ጉሙዝ ክልል መተከል ዞን ማንቡክ ከተማ ተሰምቷል። ***በጉብላክ፣ ድባፂና ባውላ በተሰኙ ቀበሌዎች ዙሪያ ይኖሩ የነበሩ 30 ያክል አማረኛ ተናጋሪ አባዎራውች ከቤት ንብረታቸው ተፈናቅለው […]

The oppression of the Eritreans people must be stopped

September 12, 2017 08:30 By Benjamin Abtan, President of the European Grassroots Antiracist Movement – EGAM, For the end of the oppression of the Eritreans, it is morally right and politically urgent to act. Totalitarian system, generalized oppression of the population, national service for life, total absence of freedom, lack of means of communication, no future […]