የኢትዮጵያ አዲሱ የወደብ ፖለቲካ

ዘመኑ ተናኘ’s blog   (ከግራ – መለስ አለም፣ ማርቆስ ተክሌ እና አበበ አይነቴ የኢትዮጵያ አዲሱ የወደብ ፖለቲካ 23 Aug, 2017 By ዘመኑ ተናኘ   ኢትዮጵያ የባህር በር ከሌላቸው አገሮች መካከል አንዷ ነች፡፡ አገሪቱ ያለ ባህር መኖር ከጀመረች ከሩብ ክፍለ ዘመን በላይ ተቆጥሯል፡፡ ኤርትራ ከኢትዮጵያ ተገንጥላ ስትሄድ የአሰብንና የምፅዋን ወደቦች ይዛ በመሄዷ ወደብ አልባ አገር ሆናለች፡፡ […]

Residents of Ethiopia’s Oromia Region Strike to Demand Release of Political Prisoners

25 August 2017 13:47 GMT Closed shops and deserted streets in Bale Robe, a town in Eastern Ethiopia. Photo sourced from Jawar Mohammed’s Facebook page and widely shared on social media. The Oromos, Ethiopia’s single largest ethnic group, collectively rallied against Ethiopia’s ruling regime on Wednesday, August 23, this time by staying at home, skipping work […]

Civilians allegedly killed in raid by Somali, US forces

3 children among dead in joint attack in Somalia Raid on farm by Somali and American soldiers in the country’s south leaves 10 dead, including young children.   African Union forces and soldiers recaptured Bariire from al-Shabab last week [Feisal Omar/Reuters] At least 10 civilians, including three children, have been killed in a joint raid […]

Exploring Ethiopia’s sacred Lake Tana during a weeklong tour

Life Travel Lake Tana is the country’s largest body of water and the source of the Blue Nile River, this city of about half a million features broad, palm-lined avenues and bona fide beach resorts and waterside restaurants serving fresh fish. Trinket sellers, coffee merchants and painters set up their shops along the winding road […]

“አሸንዳ” ባህል የማን ነው? ( በነጋ አባተ)

  August 25, 2017 13:42 አሸንዳ፤ አሸንዳዬ ማሬ ነሽ ወለላዬ። አሸንዳ አሸንዳ ሙሴ እርግፍ በይ እንደ ቀሚሴ እም እም ሰብራ አንገት፤ እምም ሰብራ አንገት እያሉ የጎንደር ወገራ አካባቢ ልጃገረዶች ሲሽከረከሩ ማየት “እምምምምም” ያሰኛል። ተሽከርከሩበት!!!። አሸንዳ የባህል ጨዋታ ስያሜውን የወሰደው አሸንድዬ ከሚባል ቅጠሉ ሰፋፊ ከሆነ የተክል ዓይነት ነው። የባህል ጨዋታው በከፊል ጎንደር ፤ በከፊል ወሎ እና […]

Why Saudi Arabia Must Halt the Deportation of Half a Million Ethiopians

August 25, 2017    Published in Newsweek Felix Horne   Senior Researcher, Horn of Africa Saudi Arabia has announced plans to expel migrants working or living illegally in the kingdom. Illegal migrants have been ordered to register their intention to leave with the Saudi authorities by August 24 or face detention, fines and eventual deportation. Of the estimated 10 million migrant […]

U.S. Department of State: Ethiopia Travel Warning

LAST UPDATED: AUGUST 25, 2017 The Department of State warns U.S. citizens of the risks of travel to Ethiopia due to the potential for civil unrest and arbitrary detention. There continue to be reports of unrest, particularly in the Gondar region and Bahir Dar in Amhara State, and parts of Oromia State. This replaces the Travel […]

Living near newly built roads in Ethiopia linked to higher rates of infant mortality

August 24, 2017 Researchers have shown that living near newly built roads in Ethiopia is associated with higher rates of infant mortality. Proximity to new roads has negative health effects because of toxic waste dumped illegally during the construction phase, according to early research by economists at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and Trinity […]

Ethiopia hosts fresh talks on Abyei demarcation

  Monday August 21 2017 Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir (left) with his South Sudanese counterpart Salva Kiir. PHOTO FILE | NMG In Summary The AU is concerned that the six-month ultimatum given to the two countries by the United Nations in January to resolve the matter has expired without any results. Six-month ultimatum given to […]