ግልጽ ደብዳቤ ለዶ/ር ፀጋዬ ረጋሣ አራርሣ – ከአዲስ ጀምበር

November 2, 2017 22:56 ፀጋዬ አራርሳ አስቀድሜ የተለመደውን ኢትዮጵያዊ ሠላምታ ላቅርብ ፤ የጽሑፉ ትኩረት የሆንከው ዶ/ር ፀጋዬ  ረጋሣ  አራርሣ   ከኦሮሞ አባት እና ከአማራ እናት መወለድክን፣ ከትግራይ ሴት ጋር መጋባትህን መረጃዎች  ያመለክታሉ  ።  የውልደት  ውጤት  የሆንከው  ዶ/ር  ፀጋዬ ምርጫ የለህም እና ይህንን ማንነት ይዘህ ትቀጥላለህ ። ከዚህ  ውጪ  ከሕይወህ  ጋር የተያያዙ ጉዳዮችን ለምሳሌ ጋብቻ ፣ ዕምነት […]


November 2, 2017 22:47 For the last twenty-six years, sadly some of us have stood by when the Woyane regime hailing from a minority ethnic group has been terrorizing the Ethiopian people and committing numerous atrocities. These atrocities have not abated because some of us have chosen to allow Woyane’s ethnic ideology to take hold […]

Looking Behind the Façade: Ethiopia’s ‘Economic Miracle’

By Teshome Bedada Nov 3, 2017  Indications are that Ethiopia is at a cusp of a revolution, at crossroads. Some who are old enough to remember the weeks and months leading up to the fall of the Derg regime are experiencing a Déjà vu. Sure enough, the continuing crisis facing the TPLF-dominated government both in […]

Proportional Representation Electoral System:  The Pathway to Democratizing the Ethiopian Constitution and Mitigating Ethnic Conflict  

By Asayehgn Desta Nov 3, 2017  Given the widespread and outrageous repression prevalent in Ethiopia during the Derg’s era, Ethiopians had no other choice but to welcome the guerilla fighters that have been fighting to overthrow the dictatorial military government for more than fifteen years. After the military government was dismantled, with little or no […]

ያስፈራል ግን ኢትዮጵያ አትፈርስም – ፕ/ሮ መስፍን ወልደማርያም

ፍትሕ ጋዜጣ 2004 ዓ.ም ይቺ ኢትዮጵያ የምትባል አገር ስንት የመከራ ወንዞችን ተሻግራለች! ገና ስንት ትሻገራለች! ስንት የግፍ ተራራዎችን አቋርጣለች! ገና ስንት ታቋርጣለች! ስንት የበደል ሰይፎችንና ጦሮችን አምክናለች! ገና ስንት ታመክናለች! ስንት የውጭ ኃይሎችን አሳፍራለች! ገና ስንቱን ታሳፍራለች! ስንት አምባገ– ነኖችን እያለቀሰች ቀብራለች! ገና ስንቱን ትቀብራለች! ጭቆና ከኢትዮጵያውያን ደም ሙልጭ ብሎ ወጥቶ በነፃነት፣ በእኩልነት፣ በዳኝነት በጠራ […]

China Poly Sees Ethiopia Gas Exports by 2019, Minister Says

By Nizar Manek ‎November‎ ‎2‎, ‎2017‎ ‎8‎:‎00‎ ‎PM‎ ‎EDT Gas exports planned along pipelinee to port in Djibouti Ethiopian gas deposits estimated at 4.5 trillion cubic feet   Motuma Mekassa Photographer: Minasse Wondimu Hailu/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images China Poly Group plans to start exporting natural gas from Ethiopia’s eastern Ogaden basin by mid-2019 as […]

Court reverses decision, keeps Bekele Gerba in prison

By Africanews Nov. 1, 2017  Even if released on bail, Bekele Gerba faces some serious criminal charges that are taken for granted of being “politically motivated.”    Ethiopia’s Supreme Court has backtracked on an earlier decision to grant bail to Bekele Gerba, a leading opposition chief. This follows an appeal by state prosecutors even before he […]

አወዛጋቢዎቹ የአማራና የቅማንት አራት የጋራ ቀበሌዎች ላይ ውሳኔ ተላለፈ

  ዘመኑ ተናኘ – ለሪፖርተር ጋዜጣ/ዌብሳይት ውዝግብ የተፈጠረባቸው የአማራና የቅማንት ማኅበረሰቦች ተቀላቅለው ይኖሩባቸው የነበሩ አራት ቀበሌዎች ላይ ውሳኔ ተላለፈ፡፡ በአማራ ክልል የማዕከላዊ ጎንደር ዞን ዋና አስተዳዳሪ አቶ አየልኝ ሙሉዓለም ዓርብ ጥቅምት 17 ቀን 2010 ዓ.ም. ለሪፖርተር እንደተናገሩት፣ በአማራና በቅማንት ማኅበረሰቦች መካከል ውዝግብ በመፈጠሩ ምክንያት መስከረም 7 ቀን 2010 ዓ.ም. በተካሄደው ሕዝበ ውሳኔ ያልተካተቱት የአራቱ ቀበሌዎች […]

Thousands of Ethiopia troops enter Somalia to hunt al-Shabaab

<a href=”http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/jump?iu=/8900/24.com/Web/News24/World/Articles&sz=278×35&c=963543939&t=artid%3def26c2ff-6db6-47ce-8abf-72959118e006%26People%3ddonald+trump%26Places%3dus%26accreditation%3dafp%26posno%3d1″ target=”_blank”><img src=”http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ad?iu=/8900/24.com/Web/News24/World/Articles&sz=278×35&c=963543939&t=artid%3def26c2ff-6db6-47ce-8abf-72959118e006%26People%3ddonald+trump%26Places%3dus%26accreditation%3dafp%26posno%3d1″ border=”0″ alt=”” /></a> <a href=”http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/jump?iu=/8900/24.com/Web/News24/Africa/Articles&sz=980×90&c=2063300207&t=artid%3deaa2314a-2629-4d29-a0c8-7afbd9b4def4%26Companies%3dal+shabaab%26Places%3dsomalia%26Topics%3deast+africa%26accreditation%3dap%26posno%3d1″ target=”_blank”><img src=”http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ad?iu=/8900/24.com/Web/News24/Africa/Articles&sz=980×90&c=2063300207&t=artid%3deaa2314a-2629-4d29-a0c8-7afbd9b4def4%26Companies%3dal+shabaab%26Places%3dsomalia%26Topics%3deast+africa%26accreditation%3dap%26posno%3d1″ border=”0″ alt=”” /></a> 2017-11-02 21:26   Mogadishu – Thousands of Ethiopian troops have crossed into Somalia to join a large-scale offensive against al-Shabaab extremists just weeks after Somalia’s worst attack left more than 350 people dead, border residents said Thursday.Somalia’s president, vowing a “state […]

Former member of Ethiopia Marxist regime apologizes in court

Presiding Judge Renckens, center, opens the court session in The Hague, Netherlands, Monday, Oct. 30, 2017, in the case against a Dutch national of Ethiopian descent for alleged war crimes committed during the 1970’s regime in Ethiopia. Peter Dejong AP Photo More Politics News Former member of Ethiopia Marxist regime apologizes in court Associated Press […]