ሊባኖስ የሚገኘው የእስራኤል ጠላት ሄዝቦላህ ማን ነው? እንዴትስ ተመሠረተ?

19 ጥቅምት 2023 ተሻሽሏል ከ 5 ሰአት በፊት ሐማስ ድንገተኛ ጥቃት መፈጸሙን ተከትሎ የእስራኤል አንድ ዓመት ሊሞላው የተቃረበውን ወታደራዊ ዘመቻ ጋዛ ላይ ስትከፍት የሊባኖሱ ሄዝቦላህ ሐማስን ደግሞ ከእስራኤል ጋር ጦርነት ውስጥ መግባቱን አስታውቋል። የእስራኤል ጥቃት እየበረታ በአስር ሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ ፍልስጤማውያን ሲገደሉ፣ ሄዝቦላ ከሊባኖስ በሚያስወንጭፋቸው ሮኬቶች እና ሚሳኤሎች ሰሜናዊ እስራኤልን በተደጋጋሚ ሲያጠቃ፣ እስራኤልም በጦር አውሮፕላን እና […]

ቻይና ከ40 ዓመታት በኋላ አህጉር አቋራጭ የሚሳዔል ሙከራ አደረገች

ከ 4 ሰአት በፊት ቻይና ከበርካታ አስርት ዓመታት በኋላ የመጀመሪያ ነው የተባለውን ያልተለመደ አህጉር አቋራጭ ሚሳዔኤልን በዓለም አቀፍ የውሃ አካል ላይ የማስወንጨፍ ሙከራ ማድረጓን አሳወቀች። አጎራባች አገራት ደግሞ ሙከራውን በመቃወም ቅሬታቸውን አሰምተዋል። ለ40 ዓመታት ከበለጠ ጊዜ በኋላ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ረቡዕ ዕለት የተደረገው ሙከራ “የተለመደ እና በየትኛውም አገርም ሆነ ዒላማ ላይ የተነጣጠረ” እንዳልሆነ እንዲሁም “ለሚመለከታቸው አገራት” […]

Will Somalia become a proxy battleground for Egypt and Ethiopia?  – The New Arab 15:30 

Will Somalia become a proxy battleground for Egypt and Ethiopia? Analysis: Egypt’s growing military alliance with Mogadishu is causing alarm in Ethiopia, with fears Somalia could become the theatre for a proxy conflict. Analysis Abdolgader Mohamed Ali 25 September, 2024 Following major recent shifts in military and security cooperation between Cairo and Mogadishu, speculation is […]

EU regulation would significantly reduce Ethiopia’s growth- Study  – APAnews 05:27 

AFFAIRES | AFFAIRES APA-Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) 25 September 2024 | 09:23 European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) would significantly reduce Ethiopia’s both exports and imports, along with a decrease in government revenue, a study by Overseas Development Institute (ODI) has revealed. ODI, a prominent global affairs think tank based in London, in its recent study forecasts that […]

Somalia-Ethiopia Tensions Mount  – Foreign Policy 04:05 

Africa Brief Disagreements over peacekeepers and an arms delivery to breakaway Puntland have increased. By Nosmot Gbadamosi, a multimedia journalist and the writer of Foreign Policy’s weekly Africa Brief. My FP: Follow topics and authors to get straight to what you like. Exclusively for FP subscribers. Subscribe Now | Log In September 25, 2024, 3:58 AM View Comments (0) Welcome to Foreign Policy’s Africa […]

Somalia and Ethiopia feud over arms influx  – Middle East Monitor 

September 24, 2024 at 5:20 pm Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Taye Atske Selassie Amde hold a joint press conference after their meeting in Ankara, Turkiye on August 13, 2024. [Arda Küçükkaya – Anadolu Agency] Somalia accused Ethiopia of smuggling weapons, on Tuesday, amid fears that arms going into the conflict-riven Horn of Africa […]

Egypt could spark regional conflict over Ethiopia’s dam  – The Standard 

By Duop Chak Wuol  Egypt’s stance against Ethiopia’s Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) has escalated, raising the possibility of military conflict between Cairo and Addis Ababa. Egypt has openly aligned itself with Somalia and covertly with Eritrea in opposition to Ethiopia. The GERD is crucial to Ethiopia, which contributes at least 85 per cent of […]

Egypt could spark regional conflict over Ethiopia’s dam By Duop Chak Wuol  Egypt’s stance against Ethiopia’s Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) has escalated, raising the possibility of military conflict between Cairo and Addis Ababa. Egypt has openly aligned itself with Somalia and covertly with Eritrea in opposition to Ethiopia. The GERD is crucial to Ethiopia, […]

USAID, vodafone foundation announce $2.7 Million digital boost for Ethiopian youth (US embassy Press Release )  – Borkena 

September 25, 2024 U.S. Embassy Addis AbabaPress Release Addis Ababa,  At the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) 2024 Annual Meeting, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Vodafone Foundation, Safaricom Telecommunications Ethiopia PLC (SFET) and Amref Health Africa announced a new, two-year USD 2.7 million (€2.4 million) partnership to empower Ethiopian youth through technology and digitized […]

Ethio Telecom looks to develop hyperscale data center in Ethiopia  – DatacenterDynamics 

Telco in talks with Vnet investor Shandong Hi-Speed September 25, 2024  By Dan Swinhoe  Ethio Telecom is looking to develop a hyperscale data center in Ethiopia. The telco this week said it was in strategic talks with Shandong Hi-Speed Group Co. Ltd. about building a hyperscale data center. – Ethio Telecom “Our CEO, Frehiwot Tamru, has […]