Internet, social media back in Ethiopia after block

08 June 2017 – 19H40 © AFP/File | Ethiopia shut down internet access even to diplomatic installations last week in a move the government said was necessary to keep students from being distracted during annual exams ADDIS ABABA (AFP) –  Ethiopia re-activated cellphone data services and unexpectedly allowed access to social media sites that had been […]

Tackling Ethiopia’s drought the Canadian way

Ethiopia has a plan in place to build long-term drought resilience and rural food, which is almost exactly what Canadians did to build drought resilience on the Prairies during the Dirty Thirties. What the country needs now is money. In this photo taken in January, 2016, a farmer shows his failed crops and farmland in […]

ሻለቃ ዳዊት ወ/ጊዮርጊስ ተቃዋሚ ሃይሉ “ፉከራ” እና “ጉራ ብቻ” ነው – ዝግጅት የለም ይለሉ

  06/08 /2017 ተቃዋሚው እርስ-በርሱ ተነጋግሮ አያውቅም። የጋራ አጀንዳም የለውም። ነገ ደረስኩ – ከነገ ወዲያ ደረስኩ እያሉ መፎከር ብቻ ነው ያለው። ኢትዮጵያ ያለው ህዝብ ማንም ሳያደራጀው ቁጣው በገነፈለበት ወቅት አንድ ነገር ማድረግ ቢቻል ኖሮ ወያኔ ሊወድቅ ይችል ነበር። ግን በውጭ ያለው ከማጨብጨብ እና በኢሳት በኩል መረጃ ከማስተላለፍ በስተቀር ምንም ያደረገው ነገር የለም። ይህ ውድቀታችን ነው። […]

Oldest Homo sapiens bones ever found shake foundations of the human story

Oldest Homo sapiens bones ever found shake foundations of the human story Idea that modern humans evolved in East Africa 200,000 years ago challenged by extraordinary discovery of 300,000-year-old remains in Moroccan mine Play Video Reconstruction shows earliest known Homo sapiens skull Idea that modern humans evolved in East Africa 200,000 years ago challenged by […]

Israel brings over 70 new olim from Ethiopia

Falash Mura members arrive in Israel Photo: International Christian Agency Israel brings over 70 new olim from Ethiopia The Falash Mura members were brought to Israel from Ethiopia due to a government decision, with some saying they have not seen their family in 25 years; Israel promised to bring over 9,000 Falash Mura members. Omri […]

In Ethiopia, Authorities’ Reshuffling of the Oromo Language Alphabet Touches a Nerve

Posted 7 June 2017 19:44 GMT   Screenshot from animation shared by Girma Gemeda on his Facebook page. Authorities in Oromia, Ethiopia’s largest state, have infuriated language experts and Oromo nationalists with their decision to re-arrange the order of the alphabet of the region’s language, Afan Oromo. In multilingual and multiethnic Ethiopia, orthographic choices are complex […]

የሰቆቃ ልጆች ክፍል – 3 -“ጭቁኖች ለምን ጨቋኝ ይሆናሉ?”

June 7, 2017  ከስዩም ተሾመ ኤድዋርድ ሰይድ (Edward Said) የተባለው ምሁር፣ የደቡብ አፍሪካ ነጮች ትላንት የሆነውን፣ ዛሬ እየሆነ ያለውንና ነገ የሚሆነውን፣ እያንዳንዱ ታሪካዊ ክስተት የራሱ የሆነ አሳማኝ ምክንያት አለው። ከቦታ፣ ግዜና ምክንያት አንፃር ድርጊቱ ስለተፈፀመበት ሁኔታ ይበልጥ ባወቅን ቁጥር ድርጊቱን ከመፈፀም በቀር ሌላ ምርጫና አማራጭ እንዳልነበረ እንረዳለን። ለምሳሌ፣ እንደ አይሁዶች ከናዚ ጭፍጨፋ የምትሸሽበት ሀገር፥ የሚሸሽግ […]

የጎንደር ሕብረት ለኢትዮጵያ አንድነት የአመራር ጉባኤ አካሄደ

June 6, 2017 22:17 የጎንደር ሕብረት ለኢትዮጵያ አንድነት የተመሰረተበትን ዓላማ ከወቅታዊ የኢትዮጵያ የፖለቲካ ሁኔታ ጋር ለማራመድ፤ ባለፈው ዓመት ካከሄደው የአባላት ኮንግረስ በኋላ ስላከናወናቸው ተግባራት ለመገምገም፤ መጪውን አንድ ዓመት ሊያከናውን ስለሚገባው ተግባራት እቅድ ለማውጣት ለሶሥት ቀናቶች በሰሜን አሜሪካ ችካጎ ከተማ ጉባኤ አካሂዷል። [ሙሉውን  በፒ.ዲ.ኤፍ ለማንበብ ይህንን ይጫኑ]